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The same day
Author's POV

On the private jet to Abuja, Ihsan was joined by her closest friends, Sadiya, Hanan, Amal, Usman and Khadija and their other classmates.Everyone was in high spirits, eager to start the next leg of the birthday extravaganza!

Ihsan, her face flushed with excitement, turned to her friends. "I can't believe dadaa got me a purple Lamborghini filled with dollars! He’s so extra"

"Girl, he’s not just extra, he’s next level!" Khadija chimed in, raising her hand for a high five. "And I’m here for it!"

"What do you think Abuja has in store for you?" Usman asked, a mischievous glint in his eye "More cars, more money, more jewels?"

"Oh, stop it! There isn't any gift in Abuja" Ihsan laughed, swatting at him playfully

"You're just jealous because you can't have my birthday" Ihsan teased sipping her ice tea

"You know, now that you mention it," Ihsan said, looking around the cabin with a puzzled expression, "where is Jamal? I didn't see him at the party"

Sadiya and Amal exchanged glances, a hint of uncertainty in their eyes

"I thought he was supposed to be coming with us," Amal said, scratching her head

"Maybe he missed the flight?" Khadija asked raising a brow

"Or maybe he's just running late," Hanan suggested, although her tone was uncertain

"You know how Jamal is, always showing up fashionably late" Hanan shrugged slumping back to her chair

"Oh now that you mention it, he did tell me about that business trip to Dubai," Usman said, his brow furrowing

"Oh yeah....He said he was gonna be gone for a couple of weeks.What a bummer,well, it's not like I can't enjoy the trip if he's not here," Ihsan said, shrugging even though her herself knows thats a big fat lie! She misses him so much

"We should just relax and enjoy the ride. Who knows, we might be able to get some real gossip without him around" Amal joked

Ihsan's POV

I pressed my phone's button for the umpteenth time this day hoping to at least get a notification from Jamal but I got nada.This is so unlike him, he is usually the first person to wish me but it's 5:31pm and not a single text from him

I sighed glancing around at my friends and classmates as they dance and chat away happily on the plane

We haven't reached Abuja yet so of course we will party on the plane! Even though it's gonna be for a few minutes, but today Jamal isn't here, I don't think anyone can cheer me up.I decided to take a short nap

"Birthday girl don't sleep ooo stand up let's partyyyyyyyy" Taufiq shouted as he started dragging me out of my seat, I've already changed out of the princess gown dadaa bought me to a white shirt and sweatpants

"I'm not really in the mood" I said trying to get out of his grip

"Boooooooooo!" I looked around and saw them boo-ing at me! Da fuck

"Lover girl is sick because Jamal no dey" Dawood shouted making them laugh while I felt mortified

Who are they calling lover girl?

I'm not lovesick

And I'm definitely not in love with Jamal

But of course I love him, he is has been my best friend since kindergarten

So it's natural I feel hurt and sad and lonely if he doesn't even text me on my birthday

Did something happen him? What?

Ya Allah

"I'm missing him yes,but I'm not in love with him.Its just weird that he hasn't texted me yet" I confessed sighing

"Loosen up and forget about him joor" Khadija said linking our arms together and dragging me to the make shift 'dance floor'

I rolled my eyes in annoyance, but the moment heard  Ruger's voice through the speaker singing 'Girlfriend' I sobered up

I didn't know when I unleashed the dancer in me

You know what fuck this! Woo

Swaying my hips in different ways and singing the song loudly I couldn't help myself, Ruger is like a drug that I love abusing!!

"Ehhhh go birthday girl" My classmates shouted making me discard the small veil that has been itching to be removed

"Oya baby girl bend down bend down bend down" Hanan said as making me bend lower than I've never done in my life

"Shegiya in dai twerking ne kin iya (if it is twerking you are an expert)" Amal said copying my moves while I laughed

"Haba ihsan so this is the bad girl you have been hiding all along" Aslam smirked making them burst into laughter

"You never see anything bruh" Hanan said tapping his shoulder lightly

The music stopped making us all turn our attention to the DJ, it's actually one of my classmates I can't recall his name

"Haba DJ ya ka kashe mana beat ba kaga ihsan na bada assignment bane (how can you off it can't you see that ihsan is giving us an assignment)" Amal glared making me chuckle

"Well I guess we can do that later at the party because we are landing so everyone back to your seats" He explained packing his DJ-ing materials

Some hissed at him,some glared,some rolled their eyes,some mumbled a few a things

While I just went back to my respective seat and pressed the power  button of my phone to see if Jamal left any text or missed calls but NONE

Sighing I turned my attention to the window, I can see the run way. I can't believe I was so blinded by love that I wanted to celebrate my birthday here because of Abba, uhum toh Allah da ya kyauta

"Keh we have landed let's gooo" Sadiya said dragging me out of my seat, the amount of times I've been dragged today can not be counted! But shaaaa on the bright side I met- wait guys I didn't tell you about the guy maami introduced me to right?

Hehe! The guy fine like dieeeeeeeeeee Maa shaa Allah, his name is Affan but his 28 years old talk about sugar daddy but shaa the guy didn't even look interested in me and even I myself wasn't interested in him so I just nodded my head and smiled when his mom talks to me

Anyways I was dragged away from him and his talkative mother by Tasneem, one of my classmate

"We are here" The chauffeur announced snapping me out of my reverie

I stepped out of the car and my way to the duplex, I know you are probably wondering why a duplex not a mansion right? I just didn't feel like using the mansion this time

We all said our salams quietly entering the 'party venue'

"Okay so there are four rooms and five bathrooms, we will share the rooms equally so girls follow me and boys follow usman.Every one should be ready after Isha ooo ahtorrhhh because that's when the party is starting, it's 6:23 now so y'all better go and freshen up" I said and they all nodded

What's up fiful
How are you guys doing
I seriously don't feel guilty for going MIA but shaaa
Here's your update

I'd never get tired of saying this so vote. Bye for now

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