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Authors's POV
28h February,2023

"---calling for immediate ceasefire.In other news today marks the 17th birthday of Ihsan Ahmad Faruq daughter of business mogul and one of the three richest man alive Ahmad Faruq"

"Yes Mike, this is the fifth birthday she is having here in Nigeria and we all know how extravagant those parties were,it is no secret that the business mogul dotes on his princess.The higher her age the more extravagant and sophisticated these parties are.Lets go live on the scene with Julia" The co-anchor replied to her colleague as they turned there attention to the screen

"I'm here at Kaduna where the party being held and I must say the number of cars that keep pulling up are just increasing.I spotted the vice of the US,the minister of health,the minister of education,the president of Nigeria himself and other big names" Julia said

"Wow that must be a lot to take in, have you had a glimpse of the birthday girl?" Mike asked

"Oh yes I did get to have a glimpse of her, she is wearing a white princess  gown that was sewn with silk and lace we found out that the dress costs 2.6 billion dollar and was designed by the famous korean designer Hong hae-in who only designs limited edition twice a year"

6 billion dollar and was designed by the famous korean designer Hong hae-in who only designs limited edition twice a year"

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The gown

The hall was a grand affair, a testament to opulence and excess. Crystal chandeliers cast sparkling light across the polished marble floors, reflecting off the gilded walls and the sumptuous draperies that hung from every window. The sound of soft music wafted through the air, accompanied by the gentle clinking of champagne flutes and the laughter of the wealthy elite and the buzz of conversation was almost deafening. In every corner, there were groups of the city's most powerful and influential people, dressed in their finest attire, mingling and networking as if their lives depended on it. The sound of soft music wafted through the air, accompanied by the gentle clinking of champagne flutes, and the air was thick with the scent of exotic perfumes, as well as the faint smell of expensive colognes that clung to the wealthy elite

As Ihsan and her family surveyed the hall, they took in the grandeur with a sense of pride. The extravagant affair was a testament to their status and wealth, and they were eager to show off their opulent lifestyle to the city’s most influential people

The lavish party, thrown by Ihsan and her parents, was the talk of the town. The city’s elite had come in droves, eager to network and mingle with those who had the power to shape their futures

Amidst the crowd, Ihsan spotted Ya Abba, her newest arch-nemesis.The two locked eyes across the room, and Ihsan’s blood ran cold. She could sense the tension between them, even amidst the splendor of the party.

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