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Ihsan's POV

Bam! I heard a small thud in my sleep but I shook it off as I continued dreaming

"Wai baza ki tashi daga barcin nan ba (you won't wake up from that sleep ahbi),your alarm has been ringing since"Maami shouted frustratingly

"Kai Dan Allah ni nagaji maami (I'm tired Maami), just give me ten more minutes" I mumbled covering myself further with the duvet

"You have been saying that for the past 20 minutes! This is my third time coming to wake you up after adjusting your alarm clock" Maami yanked the duvet off me making me get goosebumps from the sudden change of temperature

"Urgh, fine naji! I'm awake now, happy?" I asked rubbing my eyes lazily

"You are lucky your dad is home if not, the kind of beating you go chop this morning ehn" Maami said sending me one of her famous glares before leaving my room

I searched for my phone and I saw it on the ground making me curse loudly about my bad sleeping habits, maami once said and I quote "outside you will be showing off, irin big girl din nan but when you sleep you look like a pig,most of the time half of your body is on the floor while the other half is on your bed"

I shook my head in shame and disappointment as I recalled what she said, I sighed picking up my phone from the floor.I pressed the power button of my phone making my eyes to widened in shock and this time it isn't about how late I am to school, Abba freaking texted me!!

I clicked on the WhatsApp icon and read the message loudly

"Hi, it's Abba.Hanan's cousin, the one that you helped to bring in the cupcakes and cookies" I laughed loudly at his introduction, does he think i forgot about him

I texted back "hey, I remember you" before keeping my phone on the side drawer and rushing to the bathroom to get ready for school

After showering and dressing up in my school uniform I decided to put on a little bit of make up,Abba is attending to hanan's open day so why not? I shrugged bringing out my powder,kohl,lip gloss,eye pencil and mascara

I did what I needed to do in ten minutes and picked my cute bag pack and my keys

I headed downstairs where I saw my lovely parents chatting as they ate their breakfast

"Good morning dada naa" I side hugged him

"Morning baby" he hugged me back, if you are probably wondering, I don't hug maami, I will receive a slap to the face if I ever try that

"Ina kwana maami (good morning)" I greeted her putting pancakes in my little launch box,its not actually a lunch box but I made it a lunch box so that when ever I'm later,that is like all the time lol, I will pack my food in it and eat it when I arrive at school

I drizzled chocolate on it and picked a few strawberries and blueberries before waving them bye

I roared the engine of my mini Cooper back to life and started driving to school

My phone pinged making turn for a quick second to take a look at it and I saw it was a number, I knew exactly who it was don't ask me how, it's like I have already memorised his number!

I drove slowly to the next traffic light so that when I reach there it will be red and to my luck it worked!

I quickly picked up my phone to reply what he texted

"Oh yeah....How are you?"  I smiled before texting him back

"Fine, how are you? I'm actually driving rn so I won't be able to reply to your next message" I tapped the send button, I raised my head and saw the light has turned green

I reached school in about 12 minutes and parked my car

"Good morning ma" I greeted our biology teacher

"Ms.Ahmad you are always fashionably late, are you also going to be late on your wedding day'' Mrs.Samira joked making me chuckle and shake my head

"Of course not, I would be the first person there, you are invited in advance by the way" I played along making her laugh

"Run along before your crazy group of friends say I'm holding you hostage" she chuckled pointing over at Amal,Hanan and Sadiya who were all standing a few feets away from us

I nodded my head and went to where they were standing

"Awn is the make up for Abba" Amal teased making me smile and nod my head, they all squealed making some of the students to turn and look at us

"You know your in-law is right here right" Hanan said in bossy voice and i mock saluted her

"So did he text you" Sadiya asked making me raise my brow at Hanan

"Well I couldn't wait any longer! You were taking so long to arrive and the gist was literally eating me alive" Hanan hurriedly defended as self making me laugh

"Okay then and yes he texted me!" I replied as we walk to our class

"Really!" Hanan shouted the same Amal shouted "When"

"Calm down, i woke up and saw his message" I replied handing them my phone

"Has ya Abba always been this bad when texting a girl or is it just you" Hanan wondered as she sat down on my desk

I bought out my pancakes and started munching on them too starving to even care about what they were saying about Abba

"Look he texted you back" Amal said shoving my phone at my face

I collected it and read it aloud for the girls to hear

"I hope you have arrived at school safely, aren't you too young to drive?" I rolled my eyes as I read the last the part

"Awn he cares about your safety" Amal cooed

"No he doesn't, he is just worried because he thinks she is a child" sadiya shrugged wiping her glasses

"What do you think Hanan" I asked his cousin

"Well, if I'm correct he is just shocked that's it, he wasn't allowed to drive till he reached 18 so he probably thinks you are a spoiled brat" Hanan concluded stuffing her face with strawberries

"Hum what should I do then?" I asked worriedly

"Calm down, you guys are over thinking things right now" Amal said being the expert she is when it comes to boys, she has dated a lot of them!!!

"He is just worried that's it, just reply with I don't have a driver's license yet but I was taught by the best" Amal suggested and I typed down what she said

I looked at all of them and they nodded their heads approvingly

I tapped the send button and kept the phone...........

It's Friday and I've updated
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