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Ihsan's POV

"Yoo stalker! Where have you been" Jamal joked as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder making my gaze snap to him from Abba

"I'm not a stalker" I defended punching him in the chest and he winced in pain

"Ouch my heart!" Jamal dramatically said rubbing his chest

"Suck it up and be man" I said sticking my tongue out in a teasing manner making him smile

"Be wary of this goblin sitting opposite to you" Jamal whispered to Abba whom I even forgot was there

"Hey" I shouted hitting him with someone's chemistry textbook

"Don't mind my idiotic friend, Abba meet Jamal, Jamal meet Abba" I introduced them making them shake hands

"Nice to meet you" Abba said with a forced smile, I wonder why though

"Likewise" Jamal nodded his head with a sincere smile that made me want to coo at how cute he looks

I turned my attention to Abba and he opened his mouth to say something but Jamal beat him to it

"Kin kalla marry my husband like bruhhh yayi dadi sosaii!!! (Did you watch marry my husband like bruhhh it's so amazing)" Jamal asked all hyped up

"It's a new k-drama right?" I asked remembering when I saw the new uploaded episode on Netflix

"Yes, they have released episode 6'' Jamal answered, I know you are probably wondering! A boy? Watching k-drama? Well that's Jamal for you, it's not like he is girlish or anything like that! Da fuck he got killer looks! It was peer group influence that made him start watching k-drama, yaya yusra specifically

"Okay, I will start downloading it later in shaa Allah, even though I'm currently watching twinkling watermelon" I said in a bored tone

"Why do you sound like that" Jamal asked raising one of his thick eye brow

"Every one is saying that the k-drama sweet like dieeeeeeeee but I no dey see anything interesting" I shrugged

"Which episode did you stop at" Jamal asked searching my bag for something, chocolates I guess

"If you are looking for chocolates it's in the other zip, and to answer your question I stopped at episode two" I said send a small smile towards Abba, Wallahi I keep forgetting he is here

"Thanks, turns out that today is safa's birthday and she has been nagging me to get her a gift" Jamal rolled his eyes as he picked a bunch of chocolates from my bag, one would think I use to sell them

"And episode 2! Seriously! Don't judge a k-drama by watching just 2 episodes, My cousin walida just watched two episodes of alchemy of souls and she said she isn't going to watch it! She said and I quote 'it won't be interesting'" Jamal exclaimed as he raised his arms to show how big of a deal it is

"No she did not!!" I exclaimed with my mouth slightly open

"Yes she did! I tried convincing her to watch it but she wouldn't budge" Jamal shook his head in disappointment

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