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Ihsan's POV

Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!

I thought my knees would had given out any time soon, his touch, aastagfirullah is it suppose to be this good! It feels so good yet so wrong

I touched my cheek again,it was as though his hand was still on my face! Arghhhh

"Calm down this one that you look like you are about to faint from joy any time soon" Hanan teased making us chuckle

"Argh I think I want to get married" I said in serious tone as I  bit my lips thinking of how to convince maami and dadaa to allow to get married but my concentration was broken by my friends laughter

"What's funny" I said raising a brow

"You? Get married? To Abba? A guy you met last week?" Sadiya asked making them laugh again

"So love is this crazy" sadiya mumbled making Hanan and Amal to laugh again

"Guys I'm being serious stop it" I replied with a blank expression to make them take me seriously

"Lol, abeg let's go and greet maami and dadaa" Amal said changing the topic

We entered Maami's living room but it was empty so we entered dadaa's living room with a salam, lo and behold there they are but a with a celebrity guest

"Twin din dadaa" We chorused as we ran to hug my dad's twin sister, anty walida but commonly known as 'twin din dadaa'

We engulfed her in a bone crushing hug and she hugged us back

"Okay okay that's enough don't break my sister" dadaa said making us chuckle and break the hug

"Ina wuni" Maami greeted anty walida making anty walida to glare at her

"Zo nan (come here)" anty walida ordered and maami obeyed

"Na gode hadiza da wulakanci da kika yi min, ne za ki ce ma ina wuni! (Thank you hadiza for the disrespect, I'm the one that you will say good afternoon to right)" Anty walida said making maami chuckle and pull her into a bone crushing hug

"Haba mana uhkti it's not like that, you know you are my favorite sister" Maami mumbled making twin din dadaa to smile, ever since I was child i have always admired their relationship, they are like best friends

Hanan,Amal and sadiya greeted them making the elders to smile warmly

"Oyoyo my favorite come" twin din dadaa said making Amal to grin and embrace my aunt, in my family, among all my friends, Amal is their favorite because of what she has been through, pity or not, and if you love someone of course you would pity them! But to my family they just love her, Amal is like my sister in this family

There was once a time she stayed with us for 3 months and can you imagine that her mom just called her twice!! When Amal was leaving that time my parents tried to stop her from leaving, she was like a second daughter to them.With heavy hearts they let Amal leave

"What are you thinking about" Hanan nudged my shoulder bringing me back to reality, I smiled shaking my head, a gesture meaning nothing important

Hanan nodded and turned her attention to twin din dadaa and Amal who was laying down on her lap

"Ahh twin din dadaa, I'm your niece fahhh not this girl" I said pouting as I eyed Amal playfully who poked her tongue out

"Twin din dadaa don't listen to her you love me more koh" Amal said with a sweet smile on her face

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