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Authors POV
Grandeur Academy
20 minutes later

It's been 20 minutes since Ihsan texted Abba but he hasn't replied yet.Suddenly a ping was heard making a glimmer of hope to shimmer in her

"Sorry that's my phone" sadiya chuckled nervously as she bought her phone out of her pocket

Ihsan and the other girls sighed and rolled there eyes in disappointment

"Why are we sitting here nervously! Let's go and interact with people" Hanan suggested standing up

"Nah let's just wait 5 more minutes,besides parents have already starting coming" Ihsan declined laying her head on Amal's lap who was sitting on the desk

"Why is this so dreading.... waiting for a guy's text likes driving me insane, I can relate ihs-" Amal started but a ping from her phone cut her halfway, her smile tuned up side down into a frown and tears started to well up in her eyes

"I can't believe her" Amal shook her head angrily

"Amal what happen" Sadiya asked putting her hand on Amal's shoulder

"She said she would come, she promised me" By now tears has already began streaming down Amal's cheeks

"Shhhhhh" Ihsan hugged her friend trying to calm her down, they all know what this is about

"She told me that from now on I'm going to be her top priority"Amal hiccuped wiping her tears with the tissue Hanan passed her

"I'm sorry Amal, I know she is your mom and all but you gotta stop getting your hopes high every time she says you are going to be her top priority! This is the fifth time your mom has done it" Sadiya whisper-yelled trying not to be heard by others

"I just can't stop getting my hopes up, everyday I pray and hope that she would change and be a caring mother that doesn't think about work all the time"Amal replied somberly

"In shaa Allah she will come around kinji (you hear)" Hanan patted Amal's shoulder lovingly

''Don't worry you've got us" ihsan said gesturing the circle they made

"This call for a group hug"Amal said with a teary smile as she spread out her arms for her friends to hug her

A ping finally from ihsan's phone made them break the hug

"Sadi please come and escort to the rest room,my eyes are already red" Amal chuckled walking out with sadiya

Ihsan picked up her phone in anticipation of Abba's message, it read "look up" so she did and to her greatest surprise there he was standing in all his glory, she nudged Hanan and signalled her to look up

"Ahh ya Abba you have arrived welcome" Hanan greeted engulfing him in a hug

"Thanks lil sis" he replied, all of the sudden ihsan's hands started sweating,her heart was threatening to burst out of her chest, she could hear her heartbeat in her ears,her stomach was turning in knots,her eyes closed to relish the sight-

''Ihsan are you just gonna sit there aren't you gonna say hi to ya Abba?'' Hanan asked reviving ihsan from the comatose state she went in after seeing her Demi-god of a cousin

"Oh.. um..hi'' Ihsan greeted after she slapped her forehead gently in a sophisticated manner so as not to make Abba think she is crazy

"Alhamdulilah" he replied sitting opposite to her,seeing this Hanan took it as her que to quietly walk out and give the two some space

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