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Ihsan's POV

"So..." Amal started but was cut by a ping from my phone distracted her

"What the hell ihsan! No phones" Sadiya glared at me angrily as she threw her pillow at me which I merely dodged

"I'm sorry I forgot" I said picking up my phone and putting it on flight mode

"Continue joor" Hanan said scooping more ice cream

"Anyways, rumors are that she is pregnant!" Amal dropped the bombshell rendering the three of us speechless

"I..I...I don't understand that sarah is pregnant" Sadiya stammered

"Ehen na why you are guys even surprised mstwww" Amal hissed gulping down her soda

"But...What about her parents? Do they know?" I asked keeping the cookie I was about to eat on my lap

"Eh wai za'ayi mata aure (yes, they will marry her off)" Amal shrugged taking a big bite of diary milk

"Uhmm I don't even know what to say" Sadiya said opening another can of soda

"Allah shi kyauta" I shook my head in utter disappointment as I recalled all the good times we had together with Sarah before she turned her self into this.....

"Okay so what is the next gist? Hopefully it's funny" Hanan joked making us chuckle a bit

"Well.... The girl's name is ramla she got a scholarship to study in our school and she is in our class" Amal said adjusting her sitting position

"Well that's not really a hot gist" Sadiya said picking up a cupcake and Hanan and I nodded our heads in agreement

"Well that's because that is not the juicy part" Amal replied wiggling her brows

''The girl, ramla said and I quote 'da na shigo makarantan nan dukan mazan sai sun ce su na sona' (the moment I enter that school all the boys are going to say they love me)" Amal said mimicking the girls voice

"Toh paa who is this beauty that is trying to overshadow ihsan" Hanan joked

"Uhm that's not the worst part, when she came for a tour around the school guess what she wore" Amal asked scooping up some ice cream

"What did she wear" I asked curious

"One tight atampa that was sewed into a fitted gown but thats not even the main thing" Amal chuckled making us all wait for the next word she would utter

"Atampan da kun gan shi za ku san kallan na 5k dinan ne(the moment you see that atampa you would know it is 5k), fake" Amal said making us laugh

"That's not all" Amal said putting her hands on her hips

Ya Allah yarinyar nan ta bani hardai da Amal ta sa mata Ido (this girl is in trouble because of the way Amal will be watching her closely)

"Did you see the shoe she was wearing??" Amal asked chuckling

"Let me guess bathroom slippers" Sadiya replied making us laugh

"Ai ke da slippers din bayi tasa da zai fi mata alkhairi, it was one tattered high high heel! Takalmin ma ya fara barewa! Color din shi ya kusa gama yin fading completely! Yanda kuka san an karbo takalmin nan daga bakin kura (it would have been better if she wore bathroom slippers,the shoe has started tearing! The color of the shoe has faded almost completely! It was like it was gotten from a bulls mouth!)" Amal said making us burst into a fit of laughter, my stomach was paining me because of the laughter I had to clutch it tightly to assure that it won't detach itself from the rest of my body

"Innalilahi Allah ya shirya ke Amal! (May Allah guide you Amal)" Sadiya whizzed clutching Amal's shoulder for support

"Amin!" Hanan and I chorused

"So its with that her fake clothes and tattered shoe that she is going to make all the boys of our school fall in love with her" Amal shook her head clearly amused

"Allah shi kyauta, it's like some people just use to go to school gain attention wallahi" Hanan said shaking her head as well

"As in! Instead of you to come and study you are here thinking about boys!" Sadiya exclaimed

"I know right, not even to come and learn but to get boys and the girl got a scholarship for that matter had it been her parents are rich it would have been better" I said clearly disappointed, i just don't get my gender at times wallahi

"Exactly! That was what I said" Amal backed me up

"Ihsan!! Ihsan!! Ihsan!!" I heard Maami yelling my name which made quickly got off the bed and excused my self

I skipped down the stairs hurriedly till I reached dadaa's living room

"Na'am, I'm here" I said entering the spacious living room

"Anty walida is leaving" Maami said looking sad

"Allah sarki anty walida, you just got here faa" I pouted holding her hand

"Don't worry I'm going to come back soon" She replied patting my head and I nodded forcing a smile, whenever she says 'soon' it means in a couple of months

"Yauwa hadiza please what are you rubbing on your skin, this one that you are glowing" Anty walida asked maami which made me squint my eyes as I took a better look at Maami, and yes she was actually glowing

Maami laughed before waving her hand in a dismissing manner

"Or wait, are you pregnant?" Anty walida asked making my grin!! Could it be?

"Maami I'm I having a sibling" I asked all hyped up!! Eiiii ya Allah I hope so! Then this house won't be so boring anymore

"No ihsan" Maami replied bursting my bubble, I can see the pity in her eyes as she said those words

Tears began to well up in my eyes,before I could stop a tear rolled down my cheek, my love for babies is on a whole new level, when I was 8 Maami got pregnant and gave birth to a baby boy, I loved him so much but 5 days after his birth he died, ever since the day I witnessed how it would feel if i had sibling I had been wishing and praying I would get one, but I guess it's just not happening

"Shhhhhh" Maami said pulling me into her embrace as she drew small circles on my back

Maami broke the hug and dragged me to couch

"I wish I had a sibling" I sighed as my gaze turned to anty walida who looked somewhat guilty? But why?

"Who made my baby cry" Dadaa spoke as he entered the living room and sat besides me, when ever I bought up the issue of wanting a sibling dadaa always has this emotion in his eyes that I can't decipher what it is because within a second it would always disappear and now anty walida is looking guilty of something... Could it be I have a secret sibling???

Alhamdulilah I did a double update! Someone clap for me😂😂

Tohhh this is where the novel is going to start getting serious! We have to investigate if ihsan has a secret sibling😂


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