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"Arewa" means "beautiful" or "graceful". It's a popular name among the Hausa people, particularly in Nigeria and other parts of West Africa. The name Arewa evokes elegance, refinement, and loveliness.
The sun-drenched living room was abuzz with excitement as Ihsan's aunties and friends gathered around the colorful kayan lefe tray. The air was filled with oohs and aahs as they delicately unwrapped the gifts, admiring the thoughtful selections.

Hanan, pulled out her phone and started recording a video. "I have to send this to Ihsan, she'll love it!" she exclaimed, panning the camera across the array of gifts. Amal, Sadiya, and Khadija cheered her on, eagerly pointing out their favorite items

The girls had aged a bit, gaining weight and being rounder and thicker at the right places. Sadiya became chubbier than she was and it complimented her perfectly

Hanan's eyes sparkled as she gazed at the array of gifts. "I can't wait to show Ihsan all of this! She's going to be thrilled"

Amal nodded, "Yes, and we need to tell her about the car key, this girl has too many cars at her age wallahi"

Sadiya and Khadija chimed in, "And the jewelry! Oh my god, it's stunning."

Anty Fatima smiled (sadiya's mom), "That groom of hers has great taste. Ihsan is one lucky girl"

"She has always been lucky" someone scoffed, but that was the least of their worries

As they continued to admire the gifts, Hanan pulled out her phone. "I'm going to call her now. I can't wait to hear her reaction"

The room fell silent as Hanan dialed Ihsan's number. As they waited for her to answer, the excitement was palpable. But little did they know, Ihsan's nerves were starting to get the better of her...

Hanan's face lit up as Ihsan answered the call. "Hey, girlfriend or should I say future cousin-inlaw! Guess what? My handsome cousin has sent the most amazing gifts with the help of yours truly, mee! Fifteen boxes, and a car key for a BMW!"

Ihsan's voice was hesitant, "That's...wow, that's amazing. But, Hanan, I'm getting a little nervous. What if something goes wrong today?"

Hanan removes the phone from handsfree and walked to a quieter place

Hanan's tone turned reassuring, "Ihsan, don't worry! Everything will be perfect. Ya Abba loves you so much, and we're all here to support you. You're going to be stunning, and the ceremony will be beautiful."

But Ihsan's anxiety only grew, "What if I trip, or I forget how to breath? What if—"

Hanan interrupted, "Ihsan, stop worrying! You've got this. Just breathe, and remember how much Ya Abba adores you. We'll be there with you every step of the way.It has always been the four of us and you know that we have your back......always"

Hanan offering words of encouragement really lifted her mood for a bit. But despite her efforts, Ihsan's nerves continued to fray, her mind racing with worst-case scenarios

4 days to the D-day

The backyard was filled with laughter, soft music and excitement as Ihsan's friends gathered around her,some were eating,dancing,snapping pictures

The space was adorned with balloons and streamers in soft pastel colors, matching the delicate hues of the bride-to-be's favorite flowers. A beautifully decorated cake sat on a nearby table, surrounded by an array of sweet treats and refreshing drinks.

As the girls chatted and giggled, they took turns showering Ihsan with gifts and words of encouragement. Amal presented her with a stunning silver bracelet, while Hanan gave her a beautiful silk hijab. Khadija and Sadiya teamed up to gift her a gorgeous perfume set

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