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Authors POV

"Thank you so much for the visit I really appreciate it, next time I will be the one to come with my family" Dada said shaking Baba's hand with an appreciative smile

"I will be looking forward to it" baba replied taping dada's shoulder one last time before putting his hand back where it belonged

"And you Young mister......" Dada started blabbering something about Abba, across the parking lot Ihsan and Hanan were whispering to each other about Abba

"He asked for your number dazu da samu fito (when we were about to come outside)" Hanan said dancing a bit making ihsan jump in delight and clap like a child

"Dagaske! Dan Allah kar ki gaya min wasa kike yi (really! Please don't tell me you are joking)" ihsan said with a straight face,She knows how mischievous Hanan can be

"Ke wallahi dagaske na ke(I swear to god I'm serious), I'm not pulling your legs" Hanan replied with a smile

"Ohh I can't wait for him to call me! I pray his voice is the last I hear" ihsan said crossing her fingers as she sent a smile to Abba who had been staring at her since she jumped

He thanked Allah for not making her realise that he has been starting at her like a creep, he smiled back and shifted his gaze back to his uncle

"Awn see love" Hanan cooed

"I forgot to tell you, at yesterday's assembly, the principal said za'ayi kallan abun Val din nan da Ake yi ko wani year (they will do that Val thing that they use to do every year)" Ihsan said typing something on her phone

"Really! Oh my god I can't wait! Khadija ta ce baza a yi this year ba, shegiya Allah ya kai mu gobe lafiya za ta sani (ya Allah let us reach tomorrow fine she will know)" Hanan replied as she tapped her feet on the ground furiously

"Ha'ahn calm down abeg, ni banga amfanin abun nan ba wallahi (I don't see the use of that thing I swear)" Ihsan shrugged thinking about how to dodge going to the event

"I know you probably crunching numbers in your head about how to dodge going but you must go by fire by force, since SS1 you didn't go oo" Hanan said folding her hands

"Argh abeg I don't want to Dan Allah, you know what happened last year" ihsan rolled her eyes

"It won't happen this year I assure you" Hanan patted her friend's arm lovingly

"Kin San ni I don't like any drama and attention ne at all, one of the guys almost stabbed another guy with a fork" ihsan exclaimed raising her hands up to show her friend how big of a deal it was

"Just ask Jamal to be your val this time since he is your male bestie and he would want to protect you" Hanan suggested

"Umm ne dai I just don't want to go, kawai saboda ni a kashe yaron mutane?! (Just because of they should kill someones child?!)'' ihsan whisper-yelled annoyed

"Jeez okay chill" Hanan said calming her friend down

"Hanan you are sleeping here right" Mama shouted so the she could be heard

"No I'm coming" Hanan yelled back fixing her veil

"Oh before I go Amal sent me a picture of Sarah's sugar daddy,she said she couldn't reach you" Hanan said bringing out her phone from her purse

"Oh yeah, I left my phone in my room" Ihsan replied collecting hanan's iPhone 14

"Damn! He looked like he has been beaten by an ugly stick" ihsan laughed

"I know right! But still Astagfirullah" Hanan replied collecting her phone

"Yeah yeah astagfirullah, May Allah guide her to right path kawaii" Ihsan shook her pitifully

"Amin, see you tomorrow, mah go before mama convinces baba to leave without me" Hanan chuckled hugging ihsan

"Bye b" Ihsan hugged her back rubbing her back a bit before letting her go

"Take care, you would gist me and the group tomorrow about your call with ya abba" Hanan whispered making ihsan smile

They waved them bye and went back inside

"You have school tomorrow you better go and sleep because if you don't wake up early ehn...." Maami warned holding her ear in a warning manner

"But I wanted us to play monopoly" Dada smiled making Maami roll her eyes and shake  her head in disbelief

"Oh ni dai hadiza ba'a so na a gidan nan (you guys don't love me in this house)" Maami dramatically said as she placed her hand on her forehead, making the father and daughter duo to laugh at her

"Haba Hadiza naaaa of course we love you" Dada said wrapping his arms around Maami who was trying her best not to blush

"Awwn Maami are you blushing" Ihsan teased

"Mara kunya baza ki bar nan ba (shameless girl will you leave this place)" Maami glared at ihsan

Um shikenan ita Maami ba'a iya wasa da ita mstw; Ihsan thought as she dragged her feet upstairs to her room with a protruded mouth

As she entered her room she heard her phone ping, she ran to her bed where she heard her phone pinged

She picked up her iPhone 15 pro max  hoping it was Abba that texted her but it wasn't, it was dada instead, she rolled her eyes at how desperate she became and tapped on the message,it read

You know your Maami if I had stood up for you she would have gotten jealous thats why I kept quiet😉”

She smiled before replying with a thumbs up,she headed to her bathroom to take a shower,after that she brushed her teeth and performed ablution

She knocked and on Maami's door and when she received the permission to enter she did

"Allah ya she mu lafiya sai da safe (good night)" Ihsan said

"Amin" Maami replied dismissing her

On her way downstairs she saw dada coming up

"Ah my princess I was just about to go and wish you goodnight" Dada said with a smile as they walked back to ihsan's room

"Dada you don't have to" ihsan smiled as she let her father tuck her in

"Of course I have to" Dada said patting her head lovingly

"Goodnight and sweet dreams mi amor'' Dada kissed her head

"Goodnight daddy" ihsan replied with a grin, she watched him dim the lights before leaving the room

She sighed happily,Abba long forgotten as she thanked her creator for giving her an amazing dad and soon enough she feel asleep

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