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Author's POV

"Who made my baby cry" Dadaa spoke as he entered the living room and sat besides me, when ever I bought up the issue of wanting a sibling dadaa always has this emotion in his eyes that I can't decipher what it is because within a second it would always disappear and now anty walida is looking guilty of something... Could it be I have a secret sibling???

In the living room....

"No one, just wishing I had a sibling" ihsan replied looking at her dad and not much to her surprise something did flash in his eyes! Just what are you hiding dadaa;ihsan quietly thought

"I will get you a cat! Then it will keep you company" dadaa said trying to cheer her up, but ihsan just hummed and excused herself making the two siblings to share knowing looks

"Hadiza could you please make me one of your famous kunun aya and sandwich?"
Anty walida said which made maami nod her head slowly in understanding, this is her way of saying we need some privacy

Maami stood up and went to kitchen, she decided to make the sandwiches for everyone, but her mind was still in the living room

"Don't you think it's time we tell ihsan about her-" Anty walida started but was immediately caught off by dadaa's glare

"Look she can't know, no one can know" Dadaa said with finality in his voice making his twin sister to sigh

"What about you hadiza?? She deserves to know that you have a second w--"

"Walida!!!!'' Dadaa thundered furiously looking at his sister like she has just crossed the line

"I'm sorry but that's just my opinion" Anty walida replied shrugging off his attitude towards her

"Look at me, you see all these?? The houses,the cars,the money and all,do you want it to be taken away? You know we were nothing and no one without this money and power we barely had food to eat!! And you are talking about telling the truth?? If you want to live like we did back then just tell me,with a snap of my fingers i can take them all away" Dadaa threatened in a low menacing voice that was dripping with venom making his sister to shiver as though ice cubes were  gliding down her spine

Anty walida shook her head quickly letting her greed take control of her

"Good, now I don't want to ever hear you saying we should tell anyone anything, no one should know, only you, me and her uncle.We are taking this secret to over graves do you understand??" Dadaa said patting anty walida's hands, but when she heard him mentioning that they are taking the secrets to their graves she quickly shook her head indicating NO and swiftly removed her hand from his grip as if she just touched hot coal

"What will happen to her if we die? She's going to be alone" Anty walida said with eyes full of pity while dadaa's eyed remained as stoic as ever

"Life goes on, she shouldn't expect me to be always catering for her needs" Dadaa said leaning back on the couch as he closed his eyes, the whole living that was filled with love and happiness had already dissipated into thin air and an invincible cloud of darkness and gloominess was surrounding them, Sadiya who wanted to bring another pack of soda immediately turned and left the moment she felt the aura coming from the living room, goosebumps and a cold shiver down her spine was what welcomed her when she entered the living room

Anty walida noticing that she he has made up his mind decided to let go of the issue

"When are you going to visit her? You always go every 4 years and next year will mark another 4 years" She said also slumping down to the couch

Dadaa scoffed before replying "You know you are unbelievable right? You can't remember anyone's birthday or anniversary but you can remember everything when it's related to her" he glared at his sister disapprovingly

''She is like a daughter to me, a daughter I never had" She defended glaring back

"Whatever, why are you asking when I'm going?? Have you decided to stop living with her every six months once a year??" Dadaa asked almost excitedly

"No, I'm going back to morroco on Friday. The reason why I asked why you are going is because she asked if you could come to her-"

"No" Dadaa said without waiting for her to finish, she sighed and shook her head at her stubborn twin

"Okay then, here" Anty walida said passing him a photo of a girl, dadaa eyed the photo warily before saying "What I'm I going to do with that...." And turning his gaze back to the TV

"Just take it!" Anty walida said handing him the photo, his eyes furrowed in annoyance but didn't say anything else and focused his gaze on the TV again, she sighed before standing up, leaving her brother to ponder over his decisions

"Hadiza can I get that to go please" Anty walida smiled and Maami nodded and started packing the wordlessly almost immediately

"So I heard Ihsan's open day happened a while ago, how is her performance?" Anty walida asked trying to start a conversation

"Splendid as usual" Maami answered putting the food container in a little basket

"Hum Maa shaa Allah" She replied silently drumming her fingers on the kitchen counter as she thinks of more convo starter

"What is it you guys are hiding from me"Maami asked tired of the silence making anty walida to freeze and look at maami as if she was caught stealing the most expensive gemstone on earth

"Anty walida!!!!!!!!!" Ihsan's loud voice saved anty walida from answering the question, for the first she was elated to hear Ihsan's voice

"Na'am lafiya?" Anty walida turned her attention to her niece and her friends

"Dadaa just told us that you are leaving and you are going back to morroco on Friday, won't you stay for my birthday" Ihsan asked with a slight pout, anty walida pulled her cheeks gently in a loving manner before replying

"Sadly I can't make it habibty but don't worry I will get an expensive present, probably a designer bag or jewelry that is the only one in the world" She said patting Ihsan's head, while the girl grins

"So cool" Her three friends chorused excited for their friend

"Here, Allah kiyaye hanya (safe journey)" Maami said handing the basket to anty walida, when she was anty walida collected she left without waiting for a reply

"That was....." Ihsan stared at her mother's retreating figure

"Weird" ''Amal completed also staring at Maami's back

"Don't worry she is just a little down that I'm leaving" Anty walida lied waving her hand gesturing that it's not a big deal

"Okay, let's walk you out" Ihsan replied, and together with her friends they bade her aunt bye-bye

Hi Besties!! How are you guys doing?? Ya Ramadan??

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