
60 20 4

Authors POV
Grandeur Academy
Maths Class

The classroom is large and spacious, with a whiteboard at the front. There are desks arranged in rows, with a handful of students at each desk. The teacher is standing at the front of the class, trying to teach the lesson, but she's finding it difficult to be heard over the noise of the students. Ihsan is sitting in one of the desks, looking focused and determined to learn. Jamal is sitting a few rows back from Ihsan, and he's getting restless and bored with the lesson. He starts tapping his pencil on his desk, making a quiet but irritating noise. Then, he starts whispering to the person next to him. At first, the teacher doesn't notice, but as Jamal gets louder, she starts to become aware of the noise in the classroom. Ihsan is starting to get distracted by the noise, but she's still trying to focus on the lesson, Jamal starts whispering to Ihsan directly, asking her if she wants to hang out later. Ihsan ignores him at first, but as he gets louder and more insistent, she finally turns to him and tells him to be quiet. But Jamal won't be deterred. He keeps asking her to hang out later, and he starts making jokes and disrupting the class even more. The teacher is getting more and more frustrated, and she tries to quiet the class down and it worked for a minute or two
"Hey, Ihsan. What do you call a cow with no legs?" Jamal whispered gaining ihsan's and hanan's attention

"I don't know, Jamal. What do you call a cow with no legs?" Ihsan asked with a raised brow

"Ground beef!" Jamal laughed making sadiya and amal to laugh at his joke but non the less still continued to be writing there notes

"Haha, very funny, Jamal. Now, can you please be quiet? The teacher is trying to teach." Ihsan replied trying to hide smile

"Okay, okay. I'll behave. But you know you love my jokes." Jamal teased sending her a tooty grin that Ihsan couldn't help but reciprocate he is just too cute!

"I do, but not when we're supposed to be paying attention in class." She scolded and turned her attention back to the board

"Hey, Ihsan. What do you call a bear with no teeth?" Usman,that was sitting in front her turned and asked

"Oh not you too usman" Ihsan slapped her face irritatingly, she really loves her friends but sometimes they are just too much

"Oh come on let him say his since you let Jamal say his" khadija who was adjacent to ihsan said

"Ai dama you will say that since he is your boyfriend" Amal teased making us chuckle lowly and how red her face became

"I don't know, Usman. What do you call a bear with no teeth?" Ihsan asked looking at him as she kept her pen 

"A gummy bear!" Usman said making everyone in the group starts laughing, and the teacher looks over at them.

"What's so funny, class? I was trying to teach you all about laws of indices" Mr.Ola as annoyed

"Sorry, sir.We'll pay attention now." Ihsan said ignoring the urge to laugh about what Jamal was saying while the others chuckle lowly at Jamal's joke

"Yeah, we promise!"Jamal shouted looking all serious as he carried his pen and started scribbling some nonsense

But as soon as the teacher turns his back, Jamal starts making silly faces at Ihsan, and she can't help but laugh.

"Stop it, Jamal! You're going to get us in trouble!" Ihsan's whisper-yelled trying her best to feign seriousness

Usman and Khadija are also laughing, and the teacher turns around again.

"Class, I've had enough of your stupidity! I'm putting you all in detention after school!" He shouted pointing at all of us except sadiya

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