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✖️✖️This is all fiction ladies and gentlemen none of these is real so please haram police don't come and catch me✖️✖️



Author's POV

Hanan is rocking a sleek black dress with a sequined silver bodice, her hair pinned up with a rhinestone-studded comb then a veil lazy wrapped around her head, and high heels that give her an air of power and prestige

Amal is wearing a striking red dress that hugs her curves, with dangling earrings and a bold crimson lipstick, giving the vibe that she is the fiery, confident one of the bunch

Ihsan however, her beauty radiates throughout the room as she enters, heads turning to catch a glimpse of the enchanting vision before them. A midnight blue veil drapes over her dark hair, casting a mysterious shadow that only adds to her allure. The dress clings to her curves like a second skin, its light color only accentuating her dark skin and striking features. She's the picture of grace and elegance, and everyone knows it

While Sadiya has chosen a bright floral dress, its vibrant colors contrasting beautifully with her dark hair that was framing her face while her veil also lazily wrapped around her head. Her makeup is subtle, but her bright smile shines through. She's the optimistic, happy-go-lucky one.

The school was decorated in shades of red and pink, with heart-shaped decorations adorning the walls and glittery streamers cascading from the ceiling. Balloons of every size and color bob gently in the air, creating a festive atmosphere

The four friends arrive with their dates in tow, Ihsan and Amal leading the pack. They've coordinated their outfits perfectly, and they make quite an entrance as they saunter into the gymnasium

The gymnasium is filled with a throng of students, each dressed to the nines for this special occasion. But when Ihsan, Amal, Sadiya and Hanan sweep through the doorway, all eyes turn their way. The sounds of conversation and music seem to fade into the background as the four friends strut into the room, a hush of awe spreading throughout the crowd.

With elegance and poise, they make their way to the center of the dance floor, their dates in tow. The couples shimmer and sparkle, a glittering vision of youth and beauty,the music plays softly in the background as Jamal and Ihsan glide across the dance floor, lost in their own little world. Jamal looks down at Ihsan, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

"You're stunning tonight, Ihsan. The stars have nothing on your beauty." Jamal complimented

Ihsan rolls her eyes playfully, trying to brush off his compliment

"Flattery won't get you far, Jamal. Besides, I'm just wearing a pretty dress and some makeup. It's not like I'm actually a celestial being or something" ihsan said trying hard not to smile at the compliment

Jamal laughs, his arm tight around Ihsan's waist.

"Ah, but you are. You're a star in a sea of mere mortals. Your beauty is as rare as a diamond in the rough, your laugh as sweet as the melody of a nightingale's song. You make my heart race in ways I've never known" Jamal whispered with a grin plastered on his handsome face

Ihsan can't help but blush at his words, trying to conceal her smile behind her hand.

"I can't tell if you're serious or not, but you're certainly good at this whole 'flattery' thing" Ihsan replied with a goofy smile

"Oh, I'm very serious. You are the most beautiful girl at this dance, and I'm lucky to have you as my date. And if you ever doubt it, just remember this,the entire universe couldn't create a more perfect being than you" Jamal continued making  ihsan roll her eyes and blush at the same time

"Alright, alright, enough with the poetry, you'll make my head spin." She teases, but her words are laced with affection

"You're not too bad yourself, Jay" she added

"Not bad, huh?"Jamal smiles at Ihsan, his gaze never wavering

"So, what's your favorite thing about Valentine's Day?" Jamal asked after few seconds of silence

"My favorite thing?" She ponders for a moment, biting her lip in thought "I don't really favorite a favorite thing..But I do love watch sappy romance and eating chocolate on val so I guess it's my favorite thing to do, What about you?" She asked back

"Hmm, my favorite thing about Valentine's Day is definitely getting to be here with you. And let's not forget the chocolate—that's a pretty solid perk too" He replied without any hesitation

"Aha"! Ihsan playfully swats Jamal's arm, their lighthearted banter growing more and more spirited with each teasing comment.

"Hey, are you calling me a chocolate addict?" Ihsan asked feigning seriousness

"I wouldn't dare, my lady. But I'm pretty sure I saw you eyeing that chocolate fountain back there." He grins, mischievously.

"Well, maybe I was, but at least I don't try to flirt my way into people's hearts using cheesy poetry" She defended herself

"Ooh, harsh! But I guess you're right. Oya come let's go" Jamal said as he dragged to the chocolate fountain without waiting for her reply

Across the dance floor, Hanan's night takes a very different turn. She’s been enjoying the evening, dancing and chatting with her friends, but as she looks over at the refreshment table, her heart sinks. There's Umar, her boyfriend or date which ever one you prefer to use, clearly flirting with another girl. The laughter, the way he leans in, everything about it screams betrayal.

Hanan feels as if someone has poured ice water down her back.

"Excuse me for a minute," she murmurs to her friends. She stalks towards Umar, rage brewing inside her.Hanan reaches Umar, and he turns to face her, a guilty expression flickering across his face before he pastes on a fake smile.

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