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Ihsan woke up due to the loud ringing noise coming from the phone line that was installed in her room 2 weeks ago.Groggily, she reaches over to the nightstand and picks up the receiver, hoping the caller will be brief, as the clock displays an ungodly hour of 10:47 AM

Ihsan rubs the sleep from her eyes, trying to shake off the haze. ''Hello?'' she answers, her voice husky with sleep. The security man's voice crackles through the line, ''Good morning, karamar Hajiya. You have a visitor. He's been waiting in the lobby. He said it's urgent''

Ihsan's mind races, wondering who could be visiting at such an ungodly hour.Its just 10am and it was the weekend so of course it's an ungodly hour,she usually wakes up around 1

"Who is it?'' she asks, her curiosity piqued

"He says his name is Abba" The security man replied

"Okay let him in, I would be down in a few seconds" She ordered before cutting the call

Her heart skipped a beat as her thoughts drift back to yesterday's encounter, when ya Abba revealed his true feelings. She remembers the way his eyes locked onto hers, the sincerity in his voice, and the flutter in her chest as she realized her own feelings mirrored his. It was a moment of pure connection, and she knew their relationship had shifted. Now, as she waits for him to arrive, she wonders what could have brought him,has something changed? Did something happen to him? Did his feelings towards me change? Her mind races with possibilities as she hears the knock on the door, and she can't help but smile as she makes her way to open it

"As she descends the stairs, her eyes meet Ya Abba's, and she feels a flutter in her chest. He looks dashing, standing in the foyer, his eyes shining with a warm light. His dark hair is mussed, and his smile is soft, but his presence radiates confidence and charm. He's dressed in a simple white shirt with a black tie and dark pants, and she can't help but notice how handsome he looks.

''As-salamu alaykum, ya Abba" She greeted fidgeting with her knee-length hijab

''Wa alaykum as-salam, Ihsan'' He replied,they exchange a tender glance, and Ihsan's heart races with excitement, wondering what bought him here so early in the morning

''What brings you here so early in the morning, Ya Abba?' Ihsan asks, her curiosity piqued. But instead of answering her question, Ya Abba asks one of his own, ''Are your parents home, Ihsan?'' His eyes dart around the foyer, as if searching for an answer

Ihsan nods, "Yes, they're upstairs. And they're already awake, actually. They're in the living room upstairs, having breakfast'' Ya Abba's expression turns determined, and he nods once, as if preparing himself for something

''Please tell them that I'm here'' he says, his voice firm but polite with a cute smile donning his face

"Tohpaa" ihsan thought but non the less nodded and went upstairs after gesturing for him to take a seat

Ihsan hurries back upstairs and reaches the living room,she muttered a small taslim which they replied

"Ya Abba is here'' she announces, dadaa's face lights up with a warm smile, and he sets his tea aside. 'Ah, wonderful!' he exclaims, his eyes shining with delight. Maami looks up from her book, a hint of surprise giving way to a welcoming expression

"Baby toh ce mi shi ya shigo mana (tell him to come in)"

Dadaa says, gesturing to the stairs. Ihsan nods and heads back downstairs, wondering what's behind her daada's enthusiastic reaction

"Mu je (let's go)"

Ihsan descends the stairs, a curious glance at Ya Abba, who follows her up the stairs with a calm, measured pace. As they reach the living room, Ya Abba squats down in respect and greets them

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