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Ihsan's POV

I just got out of the shower after making various types of dishes that is fit for a king.I sighed sitting down in the facing mg vanity table,guess who is looking fresh? Ihsan Ahmad Abdullah,the only daughter of Ahmad Abdullah and Hadiza,the back beauty as some refer me to

I snapped out of my thoughts and hurriedly rubbed cream on my body and walked to my walk in closet that is filled to brim  with designer clothes,jewelries,shoes and bags. Even my traditional wears are very expensive, the materials are expensive so as the fee of the person to who will sow it

I picked a white and light blue lace that was styled into bubu. I proceeded to rub some powder on my face and add Kohl to my eyes,I was packing my hair in a low bun when I heard a car horn signifying that the guests are here.I hurriedly tied my head gear in Ture ka ga tsiya style and opened my jewelry box to pick what to wear. I just wanted a simple yet classy look so I just picked diamond studs and a silver chain to go around my neck

I grabbed my Vinci flats and went down stairs where I heard the guest exchanging pleasantries

As I came down the stairs, I saw a guy, probably hanan's cousin. He was tall and lean, with a strong, muscular build. But what struck me most were his eyes. They were deep and dark, and I felt like they were gazing into my soul. He seemed to be studying me, taking in every detail. I couldn't look away, and time seemed to stand sill.His eyebrows were thick and dark, and they framed his eyes perfectly. His eyelashes were long and lush, giving his eyes a soulful, almost hypnotic quality. His cheekbones were high and well-defined, and they gave his face a regal, aristocratic look. His skin was smooth and clear, with a healthy glow. And his jawline was strong and angular, tapering to a small, but well-defined chin.As my eyes took in the sight of the man before me, I couldn't help but feel that he was almost otherworldly. He was fair, with features that seemed almost sculpted by the gods. His black hair and eyes were framed by long lashes that even I was feeling insecure about mine, and his beard was perfectly trimmed, his nose however, Maa shaa Allah it was as straight as carrot!

I heard hanan's cough making me to break our eye contact and greet them, Alhamdulilah if Maami and dada had noticed the two of us I'm sure shikenan na bani da suruto especially wurin Maami (that's the end of me Maami will disturb me)

"Ina wuni" I greeted hanan's dad and mom

"Lafiya qalau ihsan" mama replied with a beautiful smile donning her face

"Kai hadiza anya we won't exchange daughters, ji yanda ta dau wanka ba kaman Hanan ba (look at how she dressed unlike Hanan)" Mama said making us laugh while Hanan scowled

"Um toh shikenan dama I like being with Maami and dada (okay then)" Hanan said giving Maami a side hug

"Oh ihsan you haven't met Abba, hanan's cousin'' baba said after all of us were seated on the couch, making my face heat up, I'm sure he thinks I'm a weirdo especially after the way I finished eye rapping him

With great difficulty i turned and said "ina wuni" phewww thank god I didn't stammer

"Lafiya" he replied with a smile making dagger Pierce my heart, Ya Allah he so handsome!!

"Let's go to dinning room dinner is ready" Maami said leading to way

"Girlllllll your cousin is so handsome" I squealed dragging Hanan to the corner

"I know right arghhh! I can't wait to show him off tomorrow at the open day" Hanan proudly said making me chuckle

"Awnnn you know the girls of our class I'm sure they are gonna steal him, kin san halin su da sun ga hot guy suke rudai wa (you know them the moment they see a fine guy they will lose their sanity)" I replied glaring at the wall in front of me, just the thought of girls swooning over him makes my blood boil

"Oh my god! Ihsan are you jealous" Hanan said as she clutched to her stomach laughing

"I don't know whats funny, don't they know to lower their gazes ne'' i hissed angrily

"You did you lower your gaze ne?" Hanan whizzed trying to catch her breath

"Um let's go" I said dragging her hand to the dinning room

"Oh you finally decided to show up, I was really having a difficult time to maintain my cool cause the food looks ravishing" Dada said making me give him a side hug

"I know right, I cooked it" I said dishing him the food as Hanan also dishes her family

I sat down on the chair close to ihsan making me face Abba,he sent me a friendly smile and I wasted no time reciprocating it

''Did you bake the cupcakes and cookies?" I asked gingerly and she nodded because her was mouth full

"It's in the car, ya Abba can you and ihsan please get it from the car, wallahi I'm sorry but I can't stop eating this you know me and food" Hanan said discreetly sending me a wink making nod my head in appreciative manner

"Ah no need, I will tell the husna our maid to go him with it mama" Maami said bursting my bubble, I wanted to shout and pull my hair

"No Maami!" Hanan loudly interjected making them look at her like she has gone crazy

She nervously chuckled before adding
"What I meant to say is that, I've got something that i want only ihsan to get for me, it's a secret" she said slowly trying to convince our parents

"Okay" Mama said bringing an end to the discussion

I fist bumped Hanan under the table and followed Abba out,my heart is dancing in joy!

"Um hi" I waved with a smile and if I'm correct i look cute right now, because I have been practicing how to smile around him, call me crazy I don't care

"Hey" he replied with a beautiful smile that is making my insides melt

"I'm ihsan, I know you know that just wanted to reintroduce myself" I scratched my arm nervously

"I'm Abba, I know you just wanted to reintroduce myself" he smiled goofily as picked up the box of cupcakes from the backseat

"So you are the famous ihsan, Hanan likes talking about you" he added placing the box of cupcakes on the trunk

"I hope they were all good things" I joked, but deep down I hoped Hanan didn't tell him about all the stupid and crazy  things we have done, if not he will think I'm not serious!

"Yeah, but she did no justice when describing you" he flirted wait is he flirting!

I chuckled picking up the cookies "Oh yeah? Why is that" I asked heading to the door

"Because you are prettier than what she described and prettier than what I imagined" he whispered in husky voice that made him look more sexier than he already is,is he trying to kill me?!! He handed the box of cupcakes to the maid and I handed mine to the other maid because I almost dropped it,I bit my lips to suppress the groan that was threatening to escape my lips and stopped myself from licking my lips so that I won't look like a pervet, I can't believe he said i was pretty!! I was mentally dancing shaku shaku

"I need to take this go ahead" he said flashing me his phone that was vibrating because of an incoming call


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