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Author's POV

"Hey babe, What's up?"the audacity to talk asked her nonchalantly, as if he wasn't the one flirting with his junior!

"What's up? Really? You're asking me what's up when you're over here flirting with some other girl?" Hanan asked as she ferociously glare at him

The girl Umar had been talking to looks uncomfortable, and she begins to edge away, sensing the brewing tension. Umar, however, is unapologetic.

"Come on, Hanan, it was just harmless flirting" Umar said trying to calm her down, hanan's eyes flashed with anger

"Harmless flirting? You know what? I'm done with this. You're such a liar. I can't believe I trusted you" Hanan spat angrily

"Oh, come on, don't overreact. It's not like I was cheating on you" Umar rolled his eyes

The nerve of this guy, Hanan thinks, disgusted.

"No, but you were definitely considering it. And I'm not going to stick around for that. We're done, Umar" Hanan declared

The girl who is called Zainab got riled up by Umar’s audacity, jumps to Hanan's defense, she has always been a fan of SIAH! Which is short for Sadiya,Ihsan,Amal and Hanan. The girls have their own fanclub but they didn't even know

"Excuse me, but how dare you treat Hanan like this? What kind of a creep are you? ‘Harmless flirting’? That's just a cowardly excuse for being a lying, cheating jerk" Zainab spat disgustingly

Umar’s smirk melts into a look of irritation. He seems unused to being called out for his behavior

"Who the hell are you to lecture me, huh?" Umar yelled gaining a few peoples attention

Zainab isn't afraid of him nor is she backing down

"I'm someone with basic human decency, which seems to be something you're lacking. If you can't respect Hanan enough to be faithful to her, then you don't deserve her. She's better off without you" Zainab glared harshly at him

Hanan stands tall beside the girl, her arms crossed, a fierce glint in her eyes

"You're right. I am better off without him. In fact, I'd rather be alone than with a guy like you"Hanan strides away from Umar, her heart pounding with a mix of fury and relief. She's glad to have confronted him, even if the truth stings. But as she walks through the crowd, she realizes she's lost track of her friends

Ihsan and Jamal are still enjoying each other's company, chatting and laughing. But Amal and Haneef have disappeared

Hanan thinks about finding her friends, but a part of her just wants to be alone for a while.After a few moments of searching, Hanan decides to step outside for some air. The cool night breeze hits her, and she lets out a shaky breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts

A guy, alone on the patio, notices her. He’s attractive, with an easy smile and a kind face.

"Hey there. Are you okay? Seems like you've had quite a night" The guy asks when he was close enough to her, Hanan scanned his face but for the life she couldn't recognize him

Hanan manages a weak smile, and she nods.

"Yeah, it's been...a lot. But I'm doing okay" She decided to reply,the guy gestures to an empty seat next to him, inviting Hanan to sit down.

"Well, if it helps, I've been enjoying the dance from out here. Much more peaceful than that mosh pit of people" He scrunched his nose

Hanan chuckles, grateful for the lighthearted conversation. She takes the offered seat, still a bit dazed.

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