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Author's POV
Somewhere in another country.......

A young lady who looks about the age of 18 was seated on a chair tapping her feet on the floor rapidly as she chewed her lips nervously waiting for her ummi to return, she glanced up at the clock for the 30th time and it still read 10:42pm

She sighed out of frustration and stood up from where she was sitting, she started pacing to and fro as she bit her fingers, she was practically peeling off the skin of her fingers because she has already eaten up all her nails, she glanced up at the wall again and it read 10:43

"What da fuck!! Why is time moving so freaking slow!" The girl shouted as she flung her arms up in annoyance, her brown eyes were squinted in annoyance which made her long eye lashes to brush her cheeks lightly, she flared her long thin nose in annoyance as she sat back down on the chair with a huff escaping her pink lips

Finally! Her eyes perked up at the sound of the door opening, she sprinted to where the lady was and engulfed her in a bone crushing hug

"Ummiiiii!!!! I missed you so much" The said after breaking the hug

"I missed you too mexy" Ummi replied as she patted the girl's head, who was famously nicknamed by her friends 'Mexy'

''Come come have a sit" Mexy said dragging ummi to the couch, the woman laughed before saying

"I guess people do change, this is also my house for your information you don't need to tell me the sit" Mexy pouted at what her ummi said as she collected the bag from the woman's hand

"Okay oo, if you say so, then I should just sit down here and not bring you water right" Mexy teased as she sat next to ummi

"Haba Ummi's baby, it's me fa?? Your one and only" Ummi said trying to sweet talk the girl beside her

"Yeah yeah, stay here let me go and get you some refreshments" Mexy smiled as she headed to the kitchen

Ummi sighed sadly as she thought about how to break the bad news to her beloved, she'd probably spend days being depressed before she returns to her cheerful state.Ummi silently cursed the man that is going to make her break mexy's heart for the millionth time probably

"What are you thinking about ummi?" Mexy asked as she kept a tray which contains a plate samosa and a cup of kunun zaqii

"Nothing serious, just work" Ummi said dismissing the talk as she grabbed the cup that was filled with the kunun zaqii and majestically sipped it

"So ummi, did he agree" Mexy finally asked the question that had been bugging her, she wanted to ask that question the moment ummi stepped in to living room but refrained from doing so,so as not to appear inconsiderate

Mexy silently prayed within her and crossed her index finger and ring finger, fervently praying to Lord that the man said yes

Ummi sighed sadly as she muttered "This never gets old" but none the less answered the girls question

"I'm sorry I tried convincing him but he didn't agree" Ummi said as she took ahold of the girls trembling hand and soon enough her sobs filled the room

"Why why? Why does he love th--"

"Shhhh he also loves you kinji? Don't worry even if he doesn't come that day I will make sure he comes this month" Ummi consoled patting mexy's back

"It's going to be my 18th bir--thday-- I'm going to--becom-e an adult yet he doesn't even bother to show up" The girl wailed as she clutched her hands on her ummi's every expensive abaya

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