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"Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday....." I watched as my friends and neighbours sang cheerful while i stood in front of the two tiered cake that was decorated with flowers.You might be wondering why I just said 'friends and neighbours' instead of 'friends and family' well to quench your curiosity I don't have a 'family'

Well that is except ummi and that wicked man that wants nothing to do me.I clenched my fists in anger and snapped out of my thoughts just as they finished singing

"Blow the candle and don't forget to make a wish" Huda, my best friend shouted. I closed my eyes and wished deep within me that a miracle would appear and that he would accept me and love me

I blew the candle and immediately I was engulfed in a bone crushing by my overly excited bestie

"Eiiii I can't believe you are 18! We are now adults" She spoke in her usual high pitched voice

"Yeah, allow me to cut the cake first Huda" I pushed her back a little bit and cut a slice of the cake then headed to Ummi's room with the slice on my right hand.I knocked the door a few times before i heard her mumbling "come in"

She already knows how I knock so there was no need to ask who it was,I said my Salam and entered the spacious room.I spotted her on the prayer mat with a smile on her face as her eyes landed on me, I wasted no time reciprocating it

"Happy birthday Sabrina" I smiled sadly, I haven't heard that name in a very very long time.He was the only one that used to call me that

"Thanks Ummi" I passed her the plate and she thanked me

"I've got a birthday present for you" She smiled

"Oh ummi, you have done so much for me! You threw a birthday party, got me a cake and bought me this designer cloth and watch" I said as i point at my outfit which is a silky smooth midnight blue colored fitted gown that was loose from the knee, it has flared sleeves that were adorned with stones

"Well you will love this more" she exclaimed bringing out her phone

I sat there and traced my henna stained hand

"As'salamualaikum" The moment I heard that voice my head snapped up so fast that I thought my neck would break

Lo and behold,there he was the pain of my existence.How is it possible to love and hate someone at the same time?

"Sabrina, how have you been" He asked and I resisted the urge to roll my eyes if it wasn't a video call and ummi was sitting next to me i would have done exactly that!

"I'm fine as you can see" I couldn't help myself from being sarcastic,from the corner of my eyes I saw Ummi shaking her head

"That's good.Happy birthday Sabrina" Urgh can he stop calling my real name!!

"My name is mexy not Sabrina" I glared angrily

"SABRINA don't test my patience" He glared back making sure to pronounced the name letter by letter

"Okay okay I didn't call so that you guys would fight" Ummi interjected making me huff in annoyance as I turned away from the screen

"I have guests to attend to, thank you for sparing some minutes out of your busy schedule just for me.I really appreciate it" And truthfully speaking I really did appreciate it, I stood up and headed downstairs where my friends were

Don't get ahead of yourself mexy, he is a bad person and the worst husband ever!

A few days later
Ihsan's POV

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