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Hey guys! I'm back and with a big bang in shaa Allah! I just remembered that I have so many plans and twists for this book! So there is no time to waste time.On another note, I was thinking about writing a Bonus Chapter for 'Mafia's Mistress'  when we reach 10k reads but shaa I'm still not sure, I'd think about it. I won't say y'all should comment if you want it or not because I know you won't. So let's dive back into the story.LIKE I ALWAYS SAY DON'T FORGET TO VOTE.🤳

Ihsan's POV

The party was already in full swing, with people dancing their hearts out and loud music booming through the speakers.The neighbors that came to complain about the loud music ended up joining the party because of how inviting and fun it looked

"Kinsan mu matsalan mu da munga fine guy shi kenan mun folla (you know our problem is that the moment we spot a fine guy that's all we will fall in love)" Khadijah said after Amal told her what happened between Ya Abba and I

"Ai shi ne uhm Allah shi kyauta kawaii(That's right), dama ai ance(it is said that) handsome guys are janjerous(dangerous)" I replied laughing

"Allah ya shiya ki, keh koh dan alaman heartbreak babu a tare da ke (May Allah help you, there is no sign of you going through heartbreak)" Khadija smacked my arm while me and the girls laughed

"Keh dai barii that is what I said'' Hanan said shaking her head

"Ha'ahn toh do you want her to kill herself ne?" Amal the love of my life of course was fast to defend me

"Ahtorrhhh keh ma gaya musu daii (better tell them)" I said giving her a high-five

"Lemme go and get something to drink" I said standing up, they all nodded their heads and continued chatting

I made my way to kitchen after a few minutes of pushing different bodies I finally reached the kitchen, pouring the red punch into a red plastic cup.I swept my gaze around the kitchen trying to spot Jamal for the umpteenth time,I still think that he is going to show up and be like 'Suprise!It was all a prank' I caught a glimpse of someone instead

I rolled my eyes and sipped my drink as I counted in my head








"Ihsan" His voice echoed through the not so quiet area

"Ya Abba" I replied turning my attention to him "Who invited you? Cause I'm sure you I didn't" I glared at him before keeping the plastic cup on the counter.I just had three sips not even gulps mstwww persin can no longer enjoy his drink again

"It's not what you think Ihsan-"

"Oh really? What is it that I am thinking? Please do tell me" I said crossing my arms over my chest

"You are probably thinking that it was my phone-'' Lol

"So it's not your phone koh?" I chuckled

"Yes I mean no! that's not what I mean, it is my phone and my sim but ihsan look at me please" He pleaded, I just couldn't ignore his plead

"Fahad come in" he yelled not averting his gaze from, the door open and i turned my attention to the guy that just entered, he must be the Fahad, oya na

Wait like aren't I suppose to be angry and seething with rage because this motherfucker betrayed me?

So why is it that I want hear his explanation so bad!

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