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•|Please tap the little star at the bottom of your screen before offing your data|• Ramadan Kareem🍉🌙

Ihsan's POV

After taking a quick shower and wrapping my self in a fluffy white towel I walked to my closet to pick up what to wear

I don't want to give him the idea that I dressed up for him so I decided to pick out what will look homey yet beautiful

I picked up my milk jumpsuit that was made with silk and has spaghetti thin straps then I picked up a white body hug to wear before putting on the jumpsuit

I picked up my milk jumpsuit that was made with silk and has spaghetti thin straps then I picked up a white body hug to wear before putting on the jumpsuit

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(A/N this is what I'm talking about but imagine a white body hug closing her exposed chest and arm)

I quickly got dressed and put my hair in a low messy bun, I sat down on my vanity table and proceeded to dab a bit of powder on my face, I also added Kohl to my eyes and the lastly I put on some lipgloss

I picked up a milk baby hijab that will go with my outfit but I stopped mid-way thinking that he will be suspicious if I wear a baby hijab, so I returned to my closet and grabbed a milk Jersey hijab

I lazy wrapped it around my head leaving a few of my hair strands to frame my face.Satsified with my looks I picked up my phone and snapped about a million pictures! I picked six out of the ones I snapped and posted it on my social media accounts making sure to exclude Abba from viewing it, cause I don't want him to see me just yet, I want to render him speechless!

Not less than five seconds my phone has already started pinging with people replying and liking my pictures, some have already screenshot it and reposted it making me laugh

Amal;''oh my god!! This kind beauty!! Is it for abba?"

Amal's message popped up on my screen making me smile and reply to her

Me;"yessssss gurlieeeeee what do you think??😂😭💃😌" I tapped the send button and exited the chat and to my utter surprise Jamal reposted my pic!!!!

It caption 'Black is beautiful🖤😇' making me smile and text him

Me;"awwn thank you! 💃😂" 

Amal's reply popped up on my screen again

Amal;"yeah boo you look take away and also be ready because we are about to enter your area!😽😽"  I quickly replied back with an okay before running downstairs where I saw Maami and dadaa still talking making me smile

"Awn who is this beauty" Maami said making me smile and do some poses like I'm on a photoshoot

"You guys should snap pictures" dadaa suggested making me shake my head because I know how much Maami hates snapping pictures but to utter astonishment she agreed making my lips to part in disbelief

We stood in front of the mirror in Maami's parlour and snapped a few, then dadaa joined us

Maami's slim figure and fair skin made me look like an ugly duckling, whenever people see us together they think we are sisters which makes maami laugh at people's lack of sense, she once said and I quote 'Can't they I'm finer than you'

My phone ringed cutting off our little photoshoot

"Send me the pictures, I'm going to frame them" dadaa said and I nodded my head before answering the call

"Hello sadiya" I said sitting down on Maami's center table but the glare I received from her was enough to make me slid down

"Hey we at the your gate, open up before that your gate man do fuck up for you" sadiya whispered the last part making me immediately stand up and head to outside

I slid my feet into my crocs before sprinting to the gate where I saw our gate man trying to open the gate

"Malam garba tsaya!! (Stop)" I shouted making him stop mid way

"Karamar hajiya akwai masala ne?? (Is there any problem??)" The man asked with a confused face

"A'a zan bude musu jai ka huta (I will open the gate for them go and rest)" I replied walking to him

"A'a ba komai zan- (no it's nothing serious I will-") " i didn't let him finish before cutting him off

"Just go" I said with an expressionless face and he nodded, I sighed and wiped my clammy hands on my dress before opening the gate

Abba's POV

The moment she stepped out I was blinded by her beauty, I couldn't help but stare at her beautiful smooth dark skin that looks like the silky jumper she us wearing.Not even an acne scar was on her face what type of skincare does she use cause I'd love to invest my money on her

I heard a cough making me jolt out of my reverie, I coughed embarrassed as I scratched my head nervously

I should probably talk to her right? Ya Allah why I'm I feeling so nervous!! I cleared my throat and turned my attention to her

"Ya kike ihsan (how are you ihsan)" I asked my voice sounding calm yet deep

"Fine, ya ka ke? (How are you?)" Ihsan's sweet melodious voice answered me making me shudder in pleasure! Aastagfirullah, I need to marry her before something bad happens, shaking my head I replied to her

"Lafiya (fine) kin yi kyau Maa shaa Allah (you look beautiful)" I complimented assessing her again, I smirk triumphantly in mind as I imagine how my friends will react if they see a beauty like her

"Thanks" she smiled making my heart skip a beat, I placed my hand unknowingly and I heard Hanan and Amal snickering not so quietly while ihsan blushed as she looked down at her fingers

Just then I noticed a few strands of hair trying to get into her eyes, I brushed them away with my fingers and tucked it behind her ear looking straight into her eyes

She didn't look away neither did I, I just wanted to say 'lets forget about the world it's only you and me today' but I refrained my self from doing so before she thinks I'm a creep

"I'm tired of standing" sadiya grumbled clearly not enjoying this

Ihsan quickly averted her gaze and we cleared our throats at the same time

"You should probably go" she said the same time I uttered "I should probably go"

She nodded her head still avoiding my gaze, she mumbled a bye before she scurried back into their house with her friends hot on her heels, well except Hanan who had a taunting smile on her face

"Someone is whipped!" She teased before following her friends

I shook my head and entered my car, I had places to be, I just planed on saying hi to Ihsan but seeing her looking that dazzling and stunning made me forget about the things I've got to do! If this is what she wears at home imagine how she will look if she dresses up; the little devil in me whispered making me clench my steering wheel

I closed my eyes and took deep breaths before finally droving off

As'salamualaikum hi😭 even I my self I'm ashamed of myself! I'm so sorry for the late update... wallahi I've been so busy with school,hospital,ramadan and all! But in shaa Allah I'm back, cause I'm going to finish writing my exams tomorrow in shaa Allah and I promise in shaa Allah, I will update tomorrow to make it up to you guys☹️

Any thoughts on the chapter??
What do you think about Abba now that you have seen his point of view??

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