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Ihsan's POV
At home

"As'salamualaikum, Maami I'm back" I yelled as I entered the house

"Sannu toh" she replied from where she was seated,i threw my bag pack at the one sitter and headed to kitchen to see what is for lunch,i opened the cooler and saw spaghetti and meatballs making my stomach to grumble

I quickly dished the food in a plate and scurried to the living room where Maami was watching investigation discovery,her favorite channel

"Ya makarantan? (How was school?)" Maami asked still focused on what she is watching

"Alhamdulilah it was fun" I replied taking another bite of my spaghetti

"The open day is tomorrow right" Maami asked turning her attention to me and I nodded,no words were exchanged again

I stood up and left for my room to get some rest, I didn't bother asking about dada because I know he is in the office, he usually comes back around 9

I took a shower and wore a baggy T-shirt and a bum short, I bounced on my bed and bought out my iPhone 15 pro max

I clicked on the WhatsApp icon after i on my data making messages to flood in like a river

I replied few of them and exited the group, I click on Instagram and it opened,replied a few messages,sent some reels and I continued scrolling through my Instagram feed, then i  come across a post from Firdausi,my classmate. The post is a photo of fridausi with her boyfriend, and they're both smiling and looking happy. I smiled as i look at the photo, but then a pang of jealousy hits me

It's not like I don't have a boyfriend because no one asked me out or anything like that on the contrary I'm the one breaking hearts left and right, I chuckled remembering a guy that almost cried

I continued scrolling through the app and I stumble across a post from Sarah. Sarah is traveling in Europe, and the photos look amazing

Uhum Yan karya an samu wani sugar daddy din kenan (she found another sugar) I chuckled and shook my head

Gaskiya I need to do gulma,i liked the photo before calling Amal

"Keh kin ga abun da Sarah tayi posting? (Did you see what sarah posted?)" I asked the moment she picked the call

"Ehh na gani faaa wallahi zan kira ki kenan ummi ta dawo (yes I saw it oo I was about to call you but ummi came back)" Amal replied gingerly,if there is one thing I love about Amal is that she can gossip for Africa!

"Ta samu sabon (she found a new) sugardaddy! That's why she hasn't been coming to school kenan" I said sitting down on my bed

"Eh,wai yaron minister ne uhm wallahi koh kyau ma bai da shi yanda Kika san busashen kifi (yes,its the son of a minister uhm I swear he is not even handsome at all, he looks like a dried fish)" Amal said making me burst into a fit of laughter

"Kai Amal ba ki da mutuncin ban gane bu shashen kipee ba (Amal you are not kind)" I laughed harder

"Uhm you didn't see him that's why, I will send you his picture" she said trying to convince me

"Toh may Allah guide her to the right path, but wai har her family will allow her to go to another country with a man!" I exclaimed in awe

"Uhm keh ai juya iyyayen ta ke yi kaman waina (she use to toy you with her parents)" Amal said

"Um mu dai namu kallo ne(our own is to watch), bye babe my future husband is calling me" Amal added, I bid her goodbye and ended the call

I sighed bored after the call I think I'm going to enroll myself in an after school activity,this is literally the disadvantage if being the only child.I have no one to prank except Maami but the type of lectures I will get ehnn,dama dai Dada is around ne

I sighed again changing my position on the bed and soon enough I fell asleep.....


"Innalilahi" I shouted rubbing my butt,i turned and saw Maami at the foot of the bed with her hand on her waist

"Kin yi sallah! Kinsan karfe nawa ne kuwa (did you pray! Do you what time it is)" Maami glared at me making me look at the alarm clock close to my bed, it read 5:27pm

"Subhanallah" I shouted and got off my bed, I rushed to bathroom to perform ablution, if there is one thing that Maami hates it's praying late and also not doing your azkars

I spread my prayer mat and prayed,a after I was done I folded it,did my azkars and headed downstairs with my phone

"Yauwa you are done,we are going to have guests later, can you help me cook" Maami smiled tiredly, clearly she has been working all day

"I will do the cooking Maami Just rest kin ji" I hugged her and she patted my head, Maami is not as fun of Dada but I still love her so much

"Oh and it's hanan's family that are coming over,her dad,her mom,her and her little brother then her cousin.Will you able to cook that much food alone?" She asked worriedly and I nodded my head with a smile

"Okay then,but let maids assist you" Maami added and i mumbled an okay

I dialed hanan's number as I headed to kitchen,she picked up on the first ring

"Wato you are coming for dinner and you didn't bother calling to me" I said putting on my other iPod in my ear

"No it's not like that bestie I've been meaning to call you but kinsan halin mama,she has been giving the list of the do's and don'ts for when my cousin comes.I'm hear wearing one stupid green atampa that is threatening to kill me with its stupid high neck" Hanan vented making laugh at her hatred of traditional wears

"Sorry ehn" I said passing a bunch of potatoes to jamila,our made so that she would peel them for the mashed potatoes I'm making

"I'm here cooking for you and your family,if you like don't bake anything and come kin ji, I will show you shege" I threatened washing the rice I put in a bowl for the fried rice I'm going to prepare

"Ahh zam ci dadi kenan (we will delicious food) don't worry I will bake cupcakes and cookies" She replied making me smile,she took baking classes while i took cooking classes.No cap her cookies are to die for but I will never tell her that

"Great, so gist me" I asked bringing out fish,beef,cow leg,chicken and minced meat

"Okay so...."


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