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Ma Sha Allah this Eid everyone was looking ravishing! I hope y'all enjoyed your Eid,May Allah swt continue to sustain our lives,I pray that we all witness the next Eid in Great health and wealth


And a little bit of advice for the boys; I WILL SLAP YOU IF YOU DON'T STOP CHEATING ON YOUR GIRLFRIEND😤

Ihsan's POV

You guys seriously need to applaud me because i woke up early today.Its currently 6:58am and I'm out of the shower

I went to my closet and picked out my sport wears cause today is Friday. I'm in red house by the way, go red! Lol I'm actually not good at sports at all! I suck at sports, all I do is wear the sport wears and roam around the school yard where the sport activities take place, I'm a sleeping member but at least I use to be the Queen of red house when it's time for inter-house sports

I put on a white T-shirt then I put on the sleeveless red house top that stops at my hip,its a bit baggy, I picked a black leggings,wore it then picked up the sport shorts that stops in the middle of my thigh

I checked the time and it read 7:05, I skipped down the stairs where I met daada looking at some documents

"Good morning daddy" I greeted placing a kiss on his cheek

"Good morning baby, you woke up early now that's a first" He replied keeping the documents aside

I chuckled before nodding my head''I couldn't go back to sleep after subhi" I explained picking up an apple from the fruit basket, I used the edge of my T-shirt and wiped the apple before taking a bite

"You are so lazy" Daada said pinching my nose while i giggled

"It's has already been washed by Maami I'm sure, where is she?" I asked raising my brow

"She is feeling a bit sick" he replied turning off the TV

"Oh Allah sarki" Maami doesn't usually get sick but when she does its like she's not going to make alive

"Don't worry it's just a slight headache, now let's go to your room" Daada said standing up

"My room?" I asked furrowing my brows

"Yes your room silly, look at your hair, I'm going to make it for you" He answered untangled a few hair strands

"Awn, when was the last time you made my hair" I asked as we head to my room, which was renovated turned out that was my other birthday gift from dadaa, before the room was painted purple and black with few skulls and broken hearts, it was obviously my idea when I was 15 now the background color is ash, there were paintings of roses and bullets in red and pink color,I like it no scratch that love it!, the bed was also changed. In fact everything was changed

We reached the room and I sat on the vanity stool, daada open the drawer and brought out my stretcher

"Dadaaaaaaaaaaa you are going to straighten my hair? I like it wavy" I pouted

"Your mother said you are no longer following our traditions that you are acting like an American, so if you don't want her to start forcing you to braid your hair you better straighten it out"  Dadaa explained after plugging in the stretcher

"Fine" I give up

"Maa shaa Allah, look at length of your. It's looks longer than before and less fuller" Dadaa complimented combing my hair carefully making me grin

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