Not So Happy Campers - Parts 2

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Cody POV

Chris explained the rules to us in this first challenge. Each in turn, we will have to jump into the water trying to aim for the smallest area because in the largest there were fucking sharks! Is that legal? The team with the most players agreeing to jump will receive an advantage for the remainder. The Killers Bass were the first to start and only DJ and Courtney refused to jump. As Katie and Sadie kept complaining about not being together, Chris accepted that they were on the same team. So our team says goodbye to Katie and hello to Izzy. It's going to be a lot livelier now. When our team's turn came, Heather said she refused to jump so as not to get her hair wet and Lindsay followed her words. A violent argument ensued between LeShawna and Heather. I don't know why but during this argument, Noah was smiling and I still don't know why but I moved forward, not to see the argument more closely but to be next to Noah.

Noah POV

During the argument, I smiled because it was still funny to see that. Also because I was hoping to not hear Katie and Sadie complaining all the time anymore, even if it means Izzy is on our team now... it's going to be pretty damn quiet. I wonder if it's better this way after all. I saw Cody walk over and stop right next to me, I wonder why... but I'm not going to complain. For once I'm not complaining about something. At the end of this argument, LeShawna forcefully threw Heather into the water and everyone on our team jumped except Beth. Only Owen remained for the jump. He's never going to get there.

Cody POV

It's dangerous but I'm sure Owen could do it. And I was right, he jumped and wet us all in the process but apart from Heather who is the only one who doesn't seem that nice, I'm sure no one minds.

Noah POV

I wish he hadn't jumped, I was already wet but at least our team gained the promised advantage. These were carts to transport heavy boxes so that a jacuzzi could be made. The first team to finish will win immunity. Happy with our first little victory, we all sang all the way to our cabins, even me, ashamed when I think of it...

Cody POV

He had such a pretty voice...her! I meant her! Speaking of Gwen! I wasn't thinking about Noah at all...once we got to our cabins, Izzy was trying to open the crates with her teeth and managed with difficulty. I saw Heather and LeShawna making peace. Finally, she might be nice. When our opponents arrived, we were already well advanced and none of us were injured. I say that because Courtney looked like she had something wrong with her eye. We were making good progress and our jacuzzi seemed to be very well built unlike the other one which was collapsing. When we had to fill the jacuzzi, we made a human chain from the lake to the jacuzzi. Noah filled the bucket and passed it to me, I then passed it to Justin who passed it to Gwen who filled the jacuzzi. I don't know why, but I was happy to be the one after Noah. Wait ! He smiles ? I've only seen him smile 3 times since the beginning. I really should talk to him one day.

Noah POV

I was happy to be near Cody... for the challenge, just for the challenge! Besides, speaking of the latter, we won because the Killer Bass jacuzzi did not hold, which means that I will be able to stay with Cody at least 3 more days... uh I mean that our team will stay 3 days minimum. During the meal, I heard the Killer Bass discussing who they were going to eliminate, Duncan suggested DJ or Courtney because neither of them jumped, Courtney nominated Tyler because... no idea. In any case, Lindsay complained about it. It seemed to be between DJ, Courtney and Tyler but Ezekiel opened his mouth and made sexist comments. What a moron this one is. When we were partying in our jacuzzi, I saw that he was the one who got eliminated. But hey, no matter, we were partying and LeShwana, Owen and I were dancing while Trent, Lindsay, Cody, Heather and Justin were enjoying our jacuzzi, Gwen was just watching. I'm sure Cody was looking at Gwen so much that he's in love.

Cody POV

I could have watched Gwen but... Noah's dance was so cute that I could only watch him at the same time as Owen and LeShawna. Wait, no it was LeShawna who danced first, Noah and Owen just joined her. Why do I only think about him? I like Gwen, not Noah!

A/n The next chapter will focus less on the challenge and more on NoCo. There you go, the cliffhanger is done

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