Slap Slap Revolution

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Noah POV

We were in economy class and LeShawna reassured DJ that he wasn't cursed. Afterwards, Owen pointed out that we hadn't been eliminated in 6 episodes, while Victory Team... well, let's just say it should change its name. Alejandro pointed out that we lost the last challenge, but Owen said he felt stronger and was more afraid of flying. He untied himself and did some dance steps until we went through an area of turbulence, the hole in the hull reopened and Owen missed going overboard again. He's the one who's cursed! LeShawna pushed a crate to plug the hole and Owen's phobia returned.

Cody POV

I couldn't find any shoes with padlocks, but I did find a foolproof security system. When one of the bells rang, I woke up thinking Sierra was still massaging my feet, but fortunately she wasn't. Later, I woke up to find that I was no longer sucking my thumb but that of... Sierra's. I quickly brushed my tongue to get rid of it! I can't wait to get rid of this freak!

Noah POV

I noticed we were close to the mountains and Chris asked us to get into the cargo ship. Once we'd done that, a hatch opened and we all fell into the snow.

Cody POV

Chris came flying in and explained that we were in an avalanche zone and had to avoid talking too loudly. Of course, Lindsay screamed because she hadn't understood. And on top of that, we also had to sing. Well...

Song POV

Noah: You shut up! I want that money no matter what.

Owen: Try, I will, but I still got to fart. (loudly) No, toot!

Heather and Noah: Shhhh!

Heather: Toot on, but you're still out of luck. You suck the lemon chuck.

Gwen: Wait till we throw you out, what a rout!

Courtney: I'll dance when Chris pushes you out of the plane.

Alejandro: When you're yourself, no problem, I know you're stronger than anything, anything, anything.

LeShawna: Losing myself in your eyes, it's wonderful, suddenly victory is in the air. Sorry Harold.

Lindsay: Wait, something's itching in my brain! Someone's back in the game! My former flame! And Tyler's your name! You're Tyler just the same! Oh, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler, Tyler back you came.

Tyler: You remember me? Ha! She remembers me! YEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!

Noah POV

Tyler's scream triggered an avalanche and we all fell off the mountain. We were climbing back up when Owen smelled food and came up first. We saw a pile of raw sausage. Our challenge will be to chop up the sausage to make a sled and ski down a slope.

Cody POV

Chris explained that the cleavers were manual and explained our advantage of the reward obtained in New York. An advantage that Heather threw away from the plane! So we're all on an equal footing. Chris then explained that one member of the losing team would have to wear a Bavarian costume during the 2nd challenge. The starting signal was given. Courtney sent the sausage pile to Heather who had to put it in the grinder and she complained that it was dangerous. We were all pissed off at her so she had no choice.

Noah POV

Alejandro prevented Izzy from falling into the cleaver as she had gone into... herself mode, in fact. Tyler was chopping the sausage, Owen was tamping and I had to make sure Izzy didn't go near the chopper again.

Total Drama Noco POVWhere stories live. Discover now