Picnic at Hanging Dork

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Cody POV

We were still in 1st class for the 3rd time in a row, Sierra and Courtney still had it in for Gwen and the previous challenge didn't help matters (A/n I didn't put it in because there was nothing with Cody so we'll move straight on to this chapter). As for me, I wasn't mad at Gwen any more, I was mad at Duncan. If Gwen's happy, that's good. But I hate Duncan because it's clear he's not going to make Gwen happy until the end. To tell the truth, I was a little happy about this situation because Gwen was talking to me! She wanted me to team up with her and convince Heather to join us in eliminating Courtney. I wanted it to be Sierra, but Gwen wouldn't listen to me about it... if only Noah had been on my team, we could have eliminated Sierra a long time ago. Unfortunately, he got eliminated and we weren't even on the same team. Oh... I miss him... it's been days now. I've never felt this way about anyone... such a close relationship... such a close friendship. Then I promised Gwen I'd convince Heather to help us, we'd win every challenge until Duncan was eliminated, then we'd vote Courtney and then Sierra. Patience always pays off in the end. We'd arrived at our destination, and as usual, we didn't wait until we'd landed to jump. Our 1st challenge was a marathon on the back of an emu, with death lurking around the corner. Okay... next time I take part in something like this, I'll take the best life insurance I can get. The challenge began and Sierra launched me onto an emu. I started to move forward with my emu and couldn't resist the temptation to shoot Duncan. We'd been going for over a day and I was a long way from Sierra, but Duncan was catching up and looked like he was going to hit me, so I slammed on the brakes, turned around and dodged the punk who'd been hit by a kangaroo. For a delinquent, he often gets slaughtered by physically weaker people...Harold's not my friend for nothing. We had finally arrived with Courtney and Heather, Alejandro was 1st and Duncan got dropped off by the kangaroo who hit him again. Courtney and I laughed about it. Then Gwen and Sierra arrived, so we gained the advantage for the challenge and could start before our opponents as Owen hadn't arrived yet. We had to bungee jump, reel in a sheep, shear it with a clipper we won and find our logo. Courtney was getting away from us, so we asked Heather to help us get rid of the brunette, and she quickly agreed to help us. Courtney jumped in 1st but didn't reel anything in, Gwen was 2nd and reeled in a cactus, I was 3rd in my team and managed to reel in a sheep that wanted to bite me. When it came to shearing it, we had to sing! Oh... well, we're not going to sing because I managed to slip through the net several times. We'd finished shearing the sheep, but there was no logo, so Sierra jumped in, but forgot to strap herself in. Well... if she dies, I'll have no more problems with her, but it's not very nice to wish for that. Heather was the last to jump and had reassembled a sheep, but there was still no logo, so she jumped again. I took the opportunity to console Gwen because she could see that Duncan was jealous of Courtney and Alejandro's rapprochement. That's more like a love triangle! Let me get this straight: Gwen loves Duncan, Duncan loves Gwen but still loves Courtney, Courtney loves Alejandro, Alejandro loves Courtney, Heather loves Alejandro, I love Noah... I mean Gwen and Sierra loves me. All we need now is Chris, Chef and Owen to make a mess. I promised Gwen I'd help her eliminate Courtney. I wanted to jump because our opponent had a sheep, but Duncan threw me a dingo and totally stunned me. So we went to vote, I tried to vote against Courtney but the dingo totally stunned me and I voted against Sierra, creating a tie. Unfortunately, Gwen lost the tiebreaker and was eliminated. I lost my friend Gwen and above all, Noah, my love. The other way around! I meant the other way around, Noah as a friend and Gwen as my love. Well... I think? But what do you mean, "I think?" it's not "I think" because I'm sure.

A/n It was more Gwen x Cody (I don't know the ship's name, sorry) than NoCo but don't worry, the last chapter will make Cody understand something (and not to give too much hope, maybe it won't be what you think... or maybe it will). And yes, if we take Cody's point of view, the love "triangle" is a mess because he still doesn't realize the manipulation done on all sides of this "triangle".

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