Broadway, Baby !

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Noah POV

We were in 1st class and I imagine it must be nice to travel in such conditions... except when an Owen runs you over for the whole trip and nobody reacts to your absence. I'm sure Cody would have noticed! I wonder how he feels about traveling in economy class, since it's his 1st time, by the way. I hope Sierra doesn't do anything to scare him.

Cody POV

Sierra was warming my legs by saying that I'd think of her every time my feet froze. I often think of girls but Sierra is the exception that proves the rule, I never think of her when I'm away from her... at the same time, she's always with me so, technically, I've never thought of her when she's not around. Heather then talked to us thinking we were friends... she talked to me a total of 3 times including that one. Heather talked more to Alejandro than to me, even though he's new and not even on our team. The latter then arrived to share snacks with us, but Heather stopped us because she thinks Alejandro is fake.

Noah POV

We're all in a boat in the hold, Tyler is trying to get his girlfriend to remember who he was and Chris had a life jacket but we didn't, even though there are 13 others.He dropped us in the water and we were in New York City.Our challenge was a race in Central Park.Lindsay and Courtney assumed it was a horse race, but it would be by strollers.Strollers we had to get from the top of the Statue of Liberty to the boats and on to Central Park.

Cody POV

I offered to climb 1st but Courtney refused, Gwen argued with her and Heather asked Sierra's opinion.Am I invisible in this team?Gwen climbed 1st followed by Courtney and Heather.I was the 4th to go up but maybe I should have waited for Sierra to go up before me because she... um... it's not worth talking about but let's just say I would have preferred it if Noah had done what Sierra did.Did I think about Gwen this time? Yes, I suppose you did. I climbed up to Tyler and Noah's level. Tyler then spoke about the view of the monument and I fell headfirst into the bull's-eye. That'll teach me to be a pervert... plus, Noah saw that. I'm sure he's laughing right now.

Noah POV

I'd have to go and save him, but it's complicated enough to climb the rope and I won't be able to hold on with one hand. So let's hope Cody pulls through.I can't imagine my life without him... I... I... I love him!He's one of the best friends I've ever had... he's the 1st!I don't want to lose him!So yes, I love him as a friend. My very 1st friend! Luckily, Sierra saved him by grabbing him by the legs with her teeth. I don't like Sierra, but I owe her a thank-you for saving the person dearest to my heart. Woah... I'm feeling a pretty damn close friendship with Cody. I hope I don't turn into Katie and Sadie.

Cody POV

I put on a bandage in the cockpit and Chef said that the death I almost died would have been a good one. Admittedly, it's not untrue, but... it's not as good as you'd think. And anyway, I won't die before declaring my feelings to Noah!Uh... before having a relationship with Gwen...hum hum... yeah...Noah and I are just friends and that's it.

Noah POV

How could I have been so worried? Cody and I are just friends and that's it.

Noah and Cody POV

And that's just as well.

Noah POV

His blue eyes...

Cody POV

His black eyes...

Noah POV

His brown hair...

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