Can't Help Falling in Louvre

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Noah POV

Cody and I were traveling together for the 1st time in economy class... well y also our teams, which is a bit of a shame. Tyler complained about being away from Lindsay and Owen comforted him, "Um... yeah! I know exactly what you mean. When I'm away from Izzy for too long, I get really..." he began, "Happy? Because your girlfriend is a real nutcase and I'm not talking small peanuts, this girl is a nutcase the size of a Brazil nut" I interrupted "Hey! Where's Izzy anyway?" asked Owen, "I saw her go into the cockpit to talk to the chief" said Alejandro.

Noah and Cody POV

Wait, what did he say? All of a sudden, the plane was shaking and going crazy.

Cody POV

Heather provoked Alejandro by saying he couldn't control his team, and Heather replied that our team wouldn't be distracted by boys. Except Sierra was crying while eating ice cream. Then Alejandro told me the coast was clear and I came out of hiding. I was so worried about what Sierra might do to me that I was forced to do my confessionals hiding behind Alejandro, but he seemed annoyed by this. 

Noah POV

Izzy then took over the speakers to tell us that we were going to see what happens when a plane does a summer song. The chef took over the controls but asked us to hold on to something heavy and solid...

Noah and Cody POV

Owen! We all clung to Owen. The plane then crashed into the Seine and we were standing in front of the Louvre.

Noah POV

Chris was giving us a very, very brief introduction to France because of our landing. Lindsay was happy to be in the city of love and was looking for Tyler, but she seemed surprised because her boyfriend was different in her head. Alejandro summed it up by saying that everything was different in the blonde's head. Chris then explained the rules. Each team would have to reconstruct a given status. The Victroy duo had to reconstruct Rodin's Thinker, our team had to do Milo's Venus and the Amazon team had David's Status. We had to find the status pieces because Chef had broken them up and scattered them around the Louvre. Alejandro then remarked that the Thinker is not on display in the Louvree and that David's statute is not in France. Chris explained that they were forgeries, but the chef didn't seem to agree. And the final twist, we'll be chased by a yeti, a bear with a chainsaw and a baby seal that DJ had shot during the Yukon challenge. We started the challenge and got chased by the yeti.

Cody POV

We started the challenge and got chased by the bear. What did I do to the bears to get into so much trouble with them?

Noah POV

I had an idea to keep the yeti away, I used the same stratagem as with my dog by throwing him an invisible ball and it worked.

Cody POV

As we started to pick up our pieces, Sierra saw a status picture of 2 people kissing, cried and the bear came back. The bear seemed to have a problem with his chainsaw and Sierra was still sad. Heather asked me to comfort Sierra, and I tried, but she wouldn't listen. My team left me with her, telling me I had to help her stop crying, her tears saddened the bear and we were able to get away.

Noah POV

One of our rooms was behind lasers, Tyler wanted to go but bumped into the pole. Alejandro asked me to go because his shoulders were too broad and Owen was too big - not what he said, but it was implied. I agreed because the yeti was coming back and I did the hopeless invisible ball trick again... however, it works on Izzy. I analyzed the situation before passing and noticed that the lasers were electric.

Cody POV

I explained to Sierra why I voted against her, but she ignored me. Chris came to remind us that we had a challenge, and I tried to explain the situation to him, but he wasn't listening to me either. Why am I invisible to everyone but Noah? Oh... is it because... because we're friends? Anyway, Chris asked us to sing, I tried to slip through the net but Sierra agreed to sing. Well, here goes.

Song POV (and again, without any mixes, because they're almost identical versions and the different lines are better in your version).

Sierra: I love Paris in the springtime!
Je t'aime Paris in the fall!

Cody: That's great, Sierra! Keep going!

Sierra: It's the city of love in the summer!
But now, it's just a bummer! 'Cause...
Cody broke my heart and chewed it up and spit it out and then, stepped on it and threw it down a sewer and called it names and then laughed!
Oui, my friends! You must never trust a boy!
Oui, my friends! They will treat you like a toy!
Oui, my friends! They will-!
Break your heart and chew it up and spit it out and step on it and throw it down a sewer and call it names, and then laugh!

Cody: Wait up, Sierra!

Owen: Oui, my friend! You are going to make it through!

Noah: Um, non, my friend. That thing just burned off my shoe.

Sierra: Oui, my friends! All I did was love him true!

Heather: Cody! What are you doing?

Cody: I'm trying!

Sierra: Oui, my friends! Now, I'm stuck telling you...
If you fall in love with a boy on TV, and then audition to get on his show, and then audition again, and finally get on his show, and be nice to him and do nothing but kiss-up, you will still-
Oui, end up in Paris!
Oui, feeling disparaisse!
And the boy won't even take you outside-eee!

Heather: All she wants to do is go outside?! Do it, Cody!

Cody POV

Was I supposed to guess how she wanted to go out with me? So I took her out.

Noah POV

Team Amazon and ours had all the pieces together, but we had the good idea of mixing up our statuses. Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Where's Cody? He seems to be with Sierra! I guess he's trying to cheer up that stalker... he escaped the fight between our 2 teams because Heather accused us of sabotaging their challenge when it was clearly them who did it. They have Heather and Courtney on their team, an antagonist from each season, so of course they sabotage(A/n I'm sorry, but I can imagine Noah thinking that). We were starting to assemble the Venus, Owen was scratching himself with one of the pieces, Tyler was giving me totally unclear instructions and Alejandro and Izzy were doing nothing.

Cody POV

I'd taken Sierra to dinner "at the Eiffel Tower" and she'd prepared all her favorite dishes... my dishes, but since she's stealing them from me, that counts! I opened a bottle, the cork landed on Sierra and she pushed the bottle away from me, saying it wasn't good enough. I despaired of returning the situation to the way it was and the stage was set.

Noah POV

We almost finished our status, but Alejandro pointed out that I'd added too many members. So we started again and finished 2nd, Team Amazon 1st and Team Loser... er Victory sorry, last. DJ was happy because he wanted to vote himself but Chris explained that it would be a challenge that would see one of the Victory duo eliminated. The challenge was a fashion show, Lindsay chose Tyler as her model and DJ chose Gwen. He clearly wants to lose. One of the members of each team was going to be on the jury with Chris to decide. 

Cody POV

I was sick of hearing Sierra cry so I explained to her that I wanted her to be scary again because I hated seeing her cry. And anyway, we can't escape all the eliminations, there'll be a time when she'll be eliminated and I'll be able to flirt with Noah again! Spend some time with Noah! It's Gwen I'm flirting with... not Noah! Besides, I've never flirted with Noah and he's never flirted with me... well... I think. As for the challenge, DJ won and Lindsay was eliminated.

A/n Not many more episodes to go, soon the end of this fanfiction... ah no actually, I don't know how many parts there will be in part 2 and I don't have any idea yet how to organize part 3 (yeah, I have more ideas for part 3 than for part 2 even though, logically, it's part 2 that comes before part 3).

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