Super Happy Crazy Fun Time Japan

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Noah POV

We were going through some turbulence and I had to reassure Owen that the plane was an efficient means of transport as long as it wasn't a wreck. Unluckily, it was a wreck and a hole had formed in the wall. LeShawna almost fell, but Alejandro caught him. Owen's belt broke but he's too big to fit through the hole, so he plugged it up. Problem solved. Owen asked for help but that would mean unblocking the hole so he'll stay until we find another solution! Later, Chris called us to our destination. Harold was showing off his science, Chris got mad, Chef cut the door, we were all falling down and had to sing. "Seriously? I mean, seriously?" I said angrily.

Song POV

Courtney: We sing and we fall

Heather: There's even cannonballs

Izzy: Yah!

Alejandro: And our whole lives flash before our eyes.

Owen and Noah: We could have gotten attached.

Tyler and Harold: Instead of crushing each other

Everyone: There's so much to do before we die.

LeShawna: To be millionaires!

Cody : Billards champion!

DJ: Go home and kiss my mommy

Sierra : Marry Cody !

Bridgette: Finding oil!

Lindsay: See my face on the big screen!

Courtney: To be a lawyer!

Gwen : Prom destroyer

Harold : Be a ninja with throwing star !

Alejandro : Lion tamer !

Owen: New food namer!

Tyler : Repairman for the parrallel bars !

Noah: But first we must cease dropping, our goal here would be stopping!

Izzy: Before we smash into the ground from the sky!

DJ: To end up in small pieces!

Harold: Heads merged with our feet-ses!

Leshawna: That would really suck and here's why:

Bridgette: We'd like to keep on living!

Alejandro: So , we hope you're giving:

Sierra: Some wings!

Courtney: A jetpack!

Gwen: A rift in time!

Heather: Parachute?!

Noah: Waterbed!

Tyler: A trampoline!

Izzy: Springy shoes!

Alejandro: Rocket boots!

Lindsay: Flying squirrel!

Leshawna: Bubble bath!

Lindsay: I change to bubbles, too!

DJ: Momma!

Owen: Pizza! No! Chips and chilli sauce!

Everyone: There's still so much to do before we die. Yes, we said. Before we die there's still so much to do, so much to do. Before we die there's so much to do.Yeah !

Owen : Yeah !

Cody POV

We all fell into a giant bowl of rice at the same time... almost all at the same time because I was the last to fall. I must be really super light. We were in front of a giant pinball machine, which is part of a Japanese TV show. "Super human mega pinball smash" will be the 1st challenge in Japan. One member of each team will stand in a pinball machine. DJ is the one chosen for the winning team and will have a panda with him. Panda attacking DJ. The poor guy... Noah refused to play for his team, but Alejandro volunteered and also had a panda. The girls on my team were arguing and I offered to volunteer. Unfortunately, it was Sierra who was to be my panda. Holy s...

Noah POV

Alejandro did very well for our team and gave us 1st place while Team Victory got 2nd and Team Amazon took 3rd place because Sierra only kissed Cody. Oh, you lucky girl! Uh... I'm still not jealous but uh... I just hope Cody didn't like it. We returned to the plane where Chris showed us a promo video for Total Drama Action where the contestants' voices had been altered. Next, our friendly host asked us to do a commercial for Chef's treat called "Total Drama yum yum happy go time candy fish tales"... a name almost as long as our team's name. Since we were 1st in the human pinball, we were 1st and were able to take a monster disguise, a millitary disguise and make a town. Owen was the monster who would destroy the town, and we'd throw him the treats to calm him down.

Cody POV

We were the last to pass and there was nothing left. On top of that, Courtney, Heather and Gwen were fighting until they all went their separate ways. That left Sierra and me. I filmed her while she was doing the commercial, but she was freaking out and I had to reassure her... now I'm the one freaking out about being alone with her. Noah's team came in 1st and their video was really good, except for 2 details: Owen had read his didascalia and Izzy complimented her boyfriend's appearance. Team Victory came in 2nd and it was... original? Finally, our video came on and Chef gave us the win. Sierra said I deserved a hug, but when the others approached me, she pushed them away. I can't even get a hug from Gwen! Maybe this isn't the best time to spend time with her and try to get even closer to Noah... I can't wait to get rid of this crazy fan.

Noah POV

Our team came 2nd and the Victory Team came last. That's good, but... Sierra is way too close to Cody! Why the hell am I not on his team?

A/n Last lines of POV are getting shorter and shorter. And shorter and shorter annotations too.

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