The Big Sleep

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Noah POV 

On the day of the 2nd challenge, Chris woke us up suddenly early in the morning. Argh, if it wasn't for Cody, I'd be long gone... uh the price... the price, not Cody. Moreover, he tried to touch Eva's MP3 player but the latter almost bit her, easily frightening him. Poor guy... well uh I say that because... um... getting bitten by a pit bull must not be very pleasant, not that I'm worried about him. Chris explained to us that our challenge consisted of a race. Woah, what originality then. We've never seen a challenge like this. Some people complained that there was no breakfast but we had no choice but to run. Everyone was running except Katie, Sadie, Gwen, Heather and Harold. I'm not athletic but for some reason I wanted to show off and show that I could run. So I ran past Heather happily. I hope he saw me... that they saw me... I'm talking about those who say that those who read books can't run. I wasn't thinking about Cody at all. Damn...running is tiring.

Cody POV

When we arrived, we were all exhausted. All that was left was Owen, Noah, Leshawna and Harold to wait. I could have talked to Gwen at that moment but... I was feeling tired and what's more, I was thinking about Noah. When was it going to arrive? Wait, why am I thinking about him? Oh, here it comes to Owen. He looks passed out, Owen asking for space! Poor Noah, I hope he is well. LeShawna was next and Harold was last. Courtney pointed out to him that because of him, his team lost. "Wait, if they lost, that means we won," Gwen remarked. What intelligence, that's why I love Noah... Gwen! I meant Gwen! Hearing the news of our victory, Noah woke up feeling great. I'm reassured... well that we don't have one less teammate obviously... not that that's what interests me but... well... anyway....

Noah POV

When I heard we had won, I woke up. We're all happy, I was going to be able to stay another 3 days with Cody... I mean stay another 3 days so I can win the money, I don't care about this idiot with gorgeous brown hair, a  music lover's voice and his gap between its teeth has no effect on me other than making my heart beat. Wait, what am I saying? Ah yes, money. But Chris tells us that that wasn't our challenge. To hell with Chris! The challenge was to eat the most. Owen is on our team, we will definitely win, thank you Chris. When the result came, Chris told us that that wasn't the challenge. To hell with Chris! Again. What will he do to us now?

Cody POV

Chris explained to us that our challenge was to stay awake as long as possible. Gwen understood that Chris's strategy was to exhaust us before the start of the test to make the task more difficult. At the risk of repeating myself, he is really too intelligent... she... she not he! Come on Cody, pull yourself together and forget about Noah! Not that I was thinking about him.... Anyway, as soon as the challenge starts we are all tired. Owen tried to stay awake as long as possible but he fell asleep quickly, no one can blame him

Noah POV

What an idiot! Falling asleep so quickly is pathetic. Well, we lost our advantage of being 11 against 10. At least I'm sitting next to Cody, maybe we could talk a little.

Cody POV

I heard Trent and Gwen flirting together and strangely, I didn't really feel jealous. Plus, Trent is pretty cool so maybe he can make Gwen happy. But I would still try to date him... her... Damn, I don't know why I only say "him" when thinking of Noah... Gwen, not Noah. I saw Lindsay doing a headstand thinking that if the blood rushes to her head, she won't fall asleep. Beth accompanied her immediately once the pretty blonde explained her strategy. What a great strategy.

Noah POV

This strategy has as much chance of working as the number of neurons these two have combined. Fortunately, Heather asks them to come and move away so that no one can hear them. Weird... Heather seems to not get along with LeShawna and Gwen, I think she will try to ally herself with Lindsay and Beth. The alliances in this game are dangerous, if it is noticed, they will be eliminated. That's why I don't declare my love for Cody, too dangerous for the game... uh I mean I don't get attached to anyone in this game because it's too dangerous. Several hours passed and Chris decided to make things even harder by reading us stories. Ugh, what a stupid idea.

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