Haute Camp-ture

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Noah POV

Apparently, we're in a special episode where we get to see how we live. Woah, how fun. I was next to Katie and Sadie at the bar having a drink when the 2 idiots were raving about Justin. Sadie falls head over heels soaking my t-shirt. I don't know if I've said it before, but I hate everyone here... except Cody... especially Cody, sorry... well, no, but... I mean that.... At least, idiot #458 on this show (yeah, there aren't 458 of us but there are some who take up 350 spots all by themselves... um hum Lindsay). Then Sadie was bitten, "Oh, a shark?" asked Katie, "Sharks don't swim in the choloric water of a banana pool!" I pointed out, and Sadie was trying to find out who bit her, and the culprit soon came forward. A clue to her identity: she's been eliminated twice, has red hair, is crazy and still wants me to dating with Cody. Of course it's Izzy. She explained her act by saying she wanted to sink her teeth into something.

Cody POV

When I saw that the camera was filming me, I was having a barbecue. I explained that it was only when my bandages were removed that I could see how great this place was. Trent then pointed out that I was sunburned, but I reassured him and explained that I was trying a new look to attract girls. Well yeah, Noah's still not interested in me when clearly we're not coming back into the competition so too bad for him.

Noah POV

When Ezekiel... well, Zeke as he likes to be called, finishes his interview, we hear Izzy say "Oh look! Someone's lost his bathing suit", "Er... I think it's yours, Izzy", Katie pointed out, "Oh dear!" said Izzy as she did a handstand underwater to put her bathing suit back on. Which asylum did she escape from? Later, I explained that I didn't understand why I was the 3rd eliminated, but I understood that I probably wasn't manipulative enough like Heather or dangerous enough, and understood that the others criticized me for not having team spirit, when clearly, I did. What? I'm not in denial! I'm not in denial! Dodgeball is far too weak an activity for my intellectual capacities. We still heard Courtney complaining about being unfairly eliminated and we all explained that she would have been voted off another episode. Then I explained that I didn't get anything out of the experience and Izzy comes out of the water to say "he kissed a guy". How dare she bring that up again! Well, denial's the best weapon, so... "I didn't", "Yes, you did", "Didn't," "did", "did not", "did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did, did" (A/n I lost the account, sorry), "uh, I can break this tie, he totally did", Trent interrupted. "I have no comment," I said, crossing my arms. Hey, an accident doesn't count as a kiss. Even if the kiss was for the most beautiful boy... what am I saying? The most beautiful person I've ever seen! Wait a minute. Wait a minute. What am I saying here? Anyway, my thoughts were interrupted by a completely mad Lindsay. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh! I got a letter from my sister that said there's a picture of me in star stalker magazine" she said, letting out an "EEEEEH" as Katie and Sadie applauded. "Eeee, congratulations you're on top! Now get ready to come back down honey" I said sarcastically, then Lindsay said she wanted to change to try and catch the cover. Seriously? Then Trent explained how much he loved Gwen. At least he's not one of those people who takes way too long to declare their love when it's clearly mutual.  Frankly, you'd have to be stupid not to date someone when there's clearly something going on. Next, Trent says he hopes Gwen isn't too mad at him because of the kiss he and Heather exchanged and Izzy doesn't try to comfort him. Following this, Izzy says she has to go to the bathroom and ends up breathing a sigh of relief. Yurk! Is she for real? "Bah what, there's chlorine to disinfect." she says as she dives back under the water. While we were being asked what we thought of the 5 remaining candidates, Izzy first wanted to barbecue me, then explained that Heather was a psychopath. The pot calling the kettle black! Then Courtney explained that she wanted Duncan to win, provoking mockery from everyone, even me, and not in a sarcastic way... for once. Later, I heard Courtney complain again about being here, "You're here, you lost get over it" I said before she threw her glass at me, knocking me over. Then Trent was defending Gwen... obviously.

Cody POV

When night came, we all sat by the pool, except Katie and Sadie who were swimming. Trent pointed out that I'd burned today, but I pretended everything was fine. I'm currently suffering from sunburn. Then DJ asked us all who we wanted to vote for to win if we could. Katie and Sadie wanted to vote for each other but Courtney explained that you have to be in the final 5. I said I'd vote for Gwen and happily Noah isn't in the final 5 because that would have complicated the choice... not that I'd have voted for him but... well er... well... what can I say? Hum.... Then I heard Lindsay say "But she rejected you on international tv for someone cooler, hunker and more stylish", "Thanks for pointing that out Lindsay, Gwen is my dream girl. I'm just not her dream guy but as long as she's happy, hey I'm happy" I say. "That's really cool dude" says Trent, patting me on the back. Wait a minute? I'm not Gwen's type, but Noah seems to like me... well, he doesn't show it too much, but... should I... should I try to talk to him about this again? No... so that he'll tell me again that it's dangerous for the show when he'll never take part in it again? No, I'll never declare my love for him.

Noah POV

Chris then appeared to tell us that we were going to have to vote for the next player to leave the adventure and Lindsay didn't want to do it. Then she asks a rabbit if he's Tyler... she forgot her brain at birth, it's not possible otherwise. Chris asked Katie and Sadie to vote 1st because they share 1 brain for 2... he's not wrong. The girls voted for LeShawna to come, Courtney explained that if they like LeShawna, they shouldn't vote against her but say the first name counts as a vote. So Harold and Courtney argued and fell out, drawing a scoff from me. Lindsay then said she wouldn't vote for LeShawna, DJ scolded her for her vote, Lindsay thought DJ wanted to vote against her and had to explain that you have to stay for someone who is in the final 5 like LeShawna. Izzy tried to calm things down but also said LeShawna's first name, a parrot also voted, Trent tried to take away the parrot's vote by explaining that he didn't know LeShawna and the parrot then said LeShawna's name again. LeShawna was therefore unanimously eliminated with 9 votes against her. Best elimination... that'll teach her to throw marshmallows in my face.

Cody POV
Worst elimination, she deserved to win.

A/n I never noticed how little we saw of Cody in this episode. Anyway, the next episode will either be the TDI finale or the special episode. But in the finale, we only see Noah and Cody at the beginning and end of the last challenge so it won't be very interesting to write.

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