Newf Kids on the Rock

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Cody POV

We were still in 1st class and Heather was wandering around the ducts spying on Noah's team and DJ trying to make an alliance with the latter. Unluckily, that's where I'd hidden my 9th and last toothbrush so Sierra wouldn't use it, and of course Heather stumbled across it and Sierra went straight for my toothbrush. I wonder if it's better when she cries after all...

Noah POV

We were still in economy class with the Victory team, which had won only one challenge and had only one member left... it's neither a team nor a Victory now. We had the idea of asking DJ to form an alliance with us, but Owen didn't know how. "It's like asking a girl date, only she's a guy" I explained, "Oh? Uh... hey DJ, hey! Uh... you want to go for hot dogs with my buddy Noah? He said your legs are nice!" says Owen, "Yeah... because that's exaclty what I told him to say" I say sarcastically. The only man I'll ever ask out is Cody, not DJ. Uh... the only person I'd ask date for hot dogs is Cody, not DJ. Cody's legs aren't even that pretty, like the rest of his body, which doesn't charm me at all... Alejandro then said that we should wait before proposing an alliance and Tyler got upset because Lindsay was eliminated because of DJ's victory. The colossus explained that he'd lose the next challenge and Heather fell at Owen's feet and Alejandro laughed at the situation. She pretended she was checking our outfits when in fact she was offering DJ a wedding ring. We then landed on the water and were lowered down in a calm manner... pushing us out of the plane. Except DJ can't swim. Heather saved his life, offered him a wedding ring and Alejandro pointed out that she should have offered before saving him. Is he ready to blackmail with other people's lives? Do I really have to warn Owen to watch out for this... eel?

Cody POV

Chris then came to meet us by boat and Sierra realized we were in Newfoundland, where Chris is from. At least she doesn't know everything about me. Chris then gave us directions as we were still a long way from our destination. We had to swim to the boat and the team... er... DJ had a motor to help him because 5 vs 5 vs 1 isn't really fair. Courtney wanted to swim in V formation and Heather agreed... Heather agreed with Courtney? What's the catch? Ah... it's okay, I know the answer. Heather and Courtney both wanted to swim in the lead and argued.

Noah POV

Alejandro was 1st to the boat, helping me to get on and asking Izzy to cast a net to help Owen. The eel may be deceitful, but he's a good motivator. I have no interest in warning the others yet. Tyler, Alejandro and Izzy were reeling Owen in and he asked what we should do about DJ but Alejandro said we'd wait. We were all in our boats and Chris explained that the first 2 teams to arrive... if we consider DJ a team, will take part in part 2 of the challenge. We also had to reel in as many fish as possible. We started rowing at full speed and soon took 1st place.

Cody POV

Heather asked us to stop when we'd just started, and went off with DJ to help him and get him to join forces with us. Courtney was her boss again, but Gwen was more convincing.

Noah POV

While Tyler and I rowed, Izzy reeled in the fish. Owen wanted to eat Izzy's catch but Alejandro stopped him as Team Amazon caught up. Also, we had to sing... I hate this show!

Song POV (and mixes again, as the 2 versions are fine... well, only 2 different lines but it counts)

Alejandro: We're heading down to Newfoundland, that rocky eastern shore!

Owen: I'll have the shrimp, mussels, cod, and the lobster thermidor!

Gwen: I can't get a thing to bite, so we better get there first!

Courtney: Row harder, faster, both of you. For the win, work up a thirst! Stroke, stroke, stroke!

Heather: It's a sea shanty, and it's darn catchy! Yes! Go on, DJ, your turn! (DJ silently shakes his head)

Tyler: Izzy, you're a nut-bar, but you sure can catch a fish!

Izzy: Thank you, I'm swimming in joy, this is my Irish partner. And if you want a real one, that's up to you.

Cody and Sierra: Trying our best, Courtney, our arms are getting fried!

Gwen: Courtney, do you see?

Courtney: Really? Turn to starboard.

Heather: It's a sea shanty, and it's darn catchy!

DJ: No, you can't catch me, with the sea shanty!

Noah POV

We arrived after DJ and Heather, but as Heather was not part of the Victory team and the other members of her team were absent, we came 2nd and DJ 1st.

Cody POV

While Courtney and Gwen climbed the rocks, Sierra and I stayed in the boat, but maybe I should have gone with the girls as Sierra got too close to me and I fell into the water.

Noah POV

Chris explained that Team Amazon had to open shells, Heather explained that she couldn't start because she's the only one on her team but Chris didn't care. Our reward for reeling in the most fish is to see Heather suffer, and Alejandro was delighted.

Cody POV

Gwen and Courtney came back down and explained that they had hallucinated when they thought they saw Duncan. Sierra explained that it happens when you have someone on your mind and was recounting something creepy saying that it's already happened to her thinking about me. The explanation seemed to fit Courtney but not Gwen.

Noah POV

Our 2nd challenge was a relay challenge race. Owen and Izzy had to drink apple cider with vinegar, Alejandro and I had to translate a sentence uttered by Chris's cousin with a pronunciation error, and Tyler had to kiss a fish. DJ was supposed to do the whole ordeal alone, but he'd run off, so we got a head start. Izzy and Owen were starting, the redhead seemed to be suffering but the blond had no problem. DJ then arrived and Heather explained that he'd drunk the whole bottle. Chris's cousin said a sentence but we couldn't understand him, so DJ managed to understand and moved up to 1st place. We waited for DJ to start his last game to continue the challenge, and Alejandro came back, getting pushed by the chef. Strange.... Anyway, both he and I had trouble translating the 2nd sentence. I thought he was talking about Owen's butt... because he couldn't talk about Cody's cute butt because he'd never seen... uh wait! That's not what I meant! Anyway, Alejandro managed to translate. Tyler was moving on to the last challenge but was refusing everything like DJ. Heather noticed an Egyptian symbol on DJ's fish and tried to convince him that it would lift his curse, but DJ didn't believe her. Alejandro then persuaded DJ to kiss his fish and the colossus flirted with his fish. This scene was so absurd that I had to use the confessional to say that my little cousins weren't allowed to watch this show. Then the Spaniard and did the same thing with Tyler. We tied and Chris declared a draw. That's when the rest of the Amazon team showed up. Oh no, that means they're going to be at elimination and Cody could get eliminated!

Cody POV

Chris announced that we were the losers, Gwen took responsibility, Heather said she'd vote against her and Chris revealed that it was a non-elimination challenge. Noah's team and DJ will share the winning prize, fish prepared by Heather while we were away.

Noah POV

We were eating and DJ seemed ready to accept the alliance with us, then Alejandro almost ate Owen's sock and was angry with the blond. Well... I finally have to warn him that Alejandro can't be trusted. I'll do it when I can.

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