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Cody POV

The day after the challenge, the whole team recovered well from their sleepless night... well, sleepless nights. Only Gwen was exhausted, as she was literally and figuratively the last one up. For the Killers Bass, however, it's a different story. They're all tired. When Chris asked them why, Courtney explained that Harold had been snoring all night, keeping them awake. By the way, I just noticed that Eva was no longer with them, so she's been eliminated. When Gwen arrived in the cafeteria, our team gave her a triumph. Only Lindsay couldn't understand why she was being congratulated.

Noah POV

Once Gwen's welcome was over, we continued with our breakfast. Correction, we were trying because it was still filthy. Most importantly, I devoured Cody with my eyes. Yesterday was magical and I'm starting to develop real feelings for him... but just friendship where we gave in to temptation 1 and only 1 time. Heather would call the other team and everyone would turn around except Gwen, who was still asleep, and me, who was still watching Cody. Courtney tried to throw her breakfast in Heather's face, but it was Gwen who was hit. Chris was calling for the next challenge. Dodgeball. Wait a minute, wait a minute. Dodgeball? "Woah, another intellectual challenge," I said sarcastically, making Owen smile. He's not as dumb as I thought. "For sure, it's going to be complicated," replies Lindsay. She, on the other hand, is as dumb as ever. Chris was explaining that, since we were outnumbered, 2 of us would have to sit on the bench for 2 innings. So, if I've understood correctly, I can opt out of the challenge and no one will reproach me because I have to? What's more, I'll be able to continue with my book? "Okay, I'll sacrifice myself. That way, I'll see how intellectuals play the babable." I left the others to deal with the 1st round and stayed on the bench with Gwen.

Cody POV

I was one of the first 5 players to participate. I started by trying to hit Tyler but missed, he tried to counter-attack but hit Sadie, drawing Courtney's ire. Harold tried to hit one of us but threw the ball too high, so that it fell at the foot of LeShawna, who didn't miss. Katie managed to hit Lindsay, who was distracted but comforted by Tyler. Heather unintentionally threw a ball at the latter. Courtney tried to eliminate Heather but Owen stopped the ball, so it was Courtney who was taken out. Gwen passed onto the pitch but was hit by a ball thrown by DJ. DJ and Katie then threw their balls at LeShawna, who was hit by one of the two balls. This meant that I was the last of my team. I used aerodynamics to eliminate them from this round, and I succeeded. So the 1st heat was won by our team. Everyone congratulated me except Gwen who was too tired and Noah who was too absorbed in his reading. At least he'll be taking part in the next round.

Noah POV

I heard Heather telling me to join in the next round but I hadn't finished my reading and I was still lazy so I told them to carry on as he was doing fine without me.

Cody POV

When I heard why Noah wasn't continuing to participate, I smiled. He always thinks of our team first. I was staying with him for this round and I admit I was looking at his book, hoping we could bond like this. The round ended and everyone was cheering for our team except Noah. Again! Well, now he seems more passionate about his reading than about me, it's starting to get on my nerves. By us, not by me! He was always sarcastic with his encouragement, which was starting to get on my nerves too. I still didn't take part in the next round and stayed next to Noah. Anyway, one more win and our team wins, so he won't be eliminated. But with Duncan's awakening, our opponents became very strong.

Noah POV

When I saw our team lose this round, even though the Killers Bass hadn't lost a single member, I had to intervene. "Come on, guys, we've got to go now". But LeShawna and Izzy weren't happy with my encouragement for some reason that escapes me. I'm criticized for not cheering on my teammates, and now I'm criticized for cheering on them. Following this defeat, Heather wondered where Lindsay had gone. Another contestant not taking part in the challenge? Maybe I won't be eliminated, especially given Heather's character towards her "allies". When Heather returned with Lindsay, our team almost lost another round. "Sports aren't my forte. Sorry," I said, explaining why I wasn't taking part. Heather was still criticizing my behavior and that's when we tied.

Cody POV

Noah was cheering us on before the start of the last heat. It was a very close heat. When I was out, I'd sit next to Noah. Maybe if I stayed with him, he'd remember that we're a team and that he has to move before he gets eliminated. After a while, he received a bullet after another sarcastic remark, which led to mockery. Poor guy... but he's asking for it. I see that Gwen is about to be taken out and I'm sacrificing myself for her. Maybe she'll be attracted to it and since Noah's such a show-off, I'd better forget about him. That left Owen against Harold. Owen's very good and Harold's very bad. Yippee, we won!

Noah POV

I heard my team being happy then shocked, I saw a bit and Harold dodged all the bullets? Never mind, Owen will get him next time. When the game resumed, Owen managed to hit Harold but unfortunately, Harold stopped the ball, which meant our team lost! Chris asked, "So, Beavers, what happened? Oh, you've got to hand it to them. They were awful," I replied, Gwen retorted, "Oh, shut up, Noah," and Heather added, "You know what? For once I agree with her." All the girls seemed to resent me and left with Cody, who also seemed to resent me. "Oh, the girls..." I said to Trent, Justin and Owen, who also seemed to be angry with me, "What?" I asked, "Say, I feel we've lost a bit of team spirit with this defeat.  At the ceremony we were explaining how the elimination would work, but I was confident. Heather is a pest and Lindsay left during the challenge so maybe Heather and Beth will vote her out. Plus, Izzy, Cody and Owen seemed to like me so I guess Lindsay will get out with 6 votes against her. Chris called on the players to receive their marshmallows. "Owen, Gwen, Cody, Trent, Heather, Beth, Justin, LeShawna, Izzy and the last of the marshmallows will go to... Lindsay!", "No, is this some kind of joke?" I said. "Okay, suit yourself. I wish you luck, because you've just parted with the only person who had a brain," I explained until LeShawna threw all the marshmallows at me. "Maybe someone needs to learn to speak with a little respect, kid," she said and Beth, Gwen, Owen and Heather laughed at me at the same time. "Nonsense! I'm not staying here any longer," I said.

Cody POV

I caught up with Noah before he made it aboard the loser boat. "Noah" I called to him, "Cody?" he replied, "I'm sorry for your elimination but...", "You voted against me? But, I thought you liked me!", "Yes, I do but you acted like a pretentious ass, that's why everyone voted you in! Besides, being by your side all the time without being able to show my feelings is very complicated.", "Anyway, you love Gwen, not me, so what does it matter, you traitor?", "Traitor? You refused to dating with me just as a strategy, you don't give a damn about anything and you're only interested in the book and the money. I came to try and smooth things over for later, but in the end, forget it. I don't want to see you anymore", "Good, me neither, pathetic straight flirt", he said as he climbed aboard and left for good. Good riddance, I'll be quieter!

Noah POV

What a kid he was, how could I have had a crush on him? I looked back on the good times I spent with him to keep at least one good memory, but I hated him. When the boat arrived, I arrived in a paradisiacal place called Playa Des  Loosers. Oh well, I'm glad to be eliminated and I hope Cody stays long enough to suffer. Cody and my team of idiots.

A/n Okay, I feel like I wrote this chapter really badly. For the TDI episodes, I'm now only going to write the episodes where Cody hits on Gwen and a few episodes on Playa Des Loosers. And to clarify, I can't understand English very well, so I'm putting the dialogues in my language to make it easier (for me).

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