Not Quite Famous

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Cody POV (at the same time, he's the only one left for NoCo)

In the morning, I was still pissed at Noah. Me? A pathetic straight flirt? I'm going to prove him wrong! I'm dating with Gwen today and too bad for Noah and his super-pretty brown eyes, silky hair, hilarious sense of humor and perfect physique that could get him on a show like... "Generation Top Model" or some such name... yeah, I love Gwen and not Noah. When I arrived at the place where Chris would be explaining our challenge, I saw that Trent had reserved a seat for Gwen and he sat down in a cool way. Gwen and Trent are pretty close, so if I act like Trent, maybe Gwen will like me? I try to sit like the guitarist but I fall between the 2 benches. It's not the fall that's important, it's how you catch it. The challenge will be a talent contest...which must be legal, too bad for Duncan and good for all of us. My talent? I'd have to say chess. I managed to beat my father at chess even though he's a chess teacher. He took a year off, then came back and won. However, it's not very impressive, so I don't think I'll take part. When it came time for the auditions to decide who would represent us, Heather decided that she would be the one to choose our representatives. Gwen complained, but since Trent agreed, she agreed too. Owen was the 1st to go through pre-selection and while he drank a whole bottle of soda, I listened to Trent and Gwen talk. The latter won't be taking part in the talent show but hopes Trent will because she's heard him play guitar and sing. So she likes musicians? Interesting. Maybe when the season's over or later, I can become a musician too. Or even better! The girls love boy bands, maybe I'll be in a group called "Total Drama Brothers" where I'll be with other contestants from this show. It would be unlikely, but not impossible. Once Owen had finished drinking, he ended up burping the whole alphabet. Unbelievable! All the boys on our team were impressed, but Heather didn't want the talent. Too bad. Heather was next and presented a dance number. Pretty good! Even LeShawna applauded. Lindsay and Beth voted for Heather to be one of our representatives. Izzy presented her rattlesnake dance for her pre-selection and seemed to hypnotize Owen, but her number was nothing more so she wasn't selected. Beth was next and presented a majorette number, which wasn't bad until she threw her sticks and missed the landing, causing a fire. Fortunately, Justin manages to reach the fire and show off his physique. Super talent, it's our last representative! Well, that's all I know, I only found out afterwards, because the whole time I was trying to flirt with Gwen, she kept pushing me away. I smelled her hair because it smelled so good, but she told me I had to try the shampoo. Wait... it's super creepy what I did when I think back on it. Would I really be a pathetic straight flirt? No, it was a moment of madness, nothing more. On the way back to our dorm, I held the door for Gwen like a true gentleman. It's less creepy that way. Heather joked that 1st couples form and Gwen responded sarcastically as Noah would have. Oh... I miss... uh no! I mean... Gwen is very funny. I tried to watch her as she changed into her bathing suit and opened the door on my nose. That was super creepy too, when I think about it. But doesn't that make me a pathetic straight flirt? Does it? Why can't I stop thinking about that sentence Noah said to me before he was eliminated? I don't get it. I was also going swimming a while later with Owen but we splashed Gwen... she took it badly and Trent told us we weren't cool and Owen added to it but didn't seem to understand why Trent was mad at us. I miss Noah's sense of humor because I'm sure he would have responded in some way... sarcastic and would have made me laugh again. Justin was the 1st to pass and scored 6/9. Not bad... even if we still didn't know what his talent was apart from his looks. In any case, it's safe to say that he won't be fired because he got an average score. DJ was next and did a ribbon dance, which was incredibly pretty until he got his feet caught in the ribbon, making his mark 2/9. We had the advantage, great. Trent was next to sing a love song. Gwen seemed to identify with it but... she'll end up with me I'm sure. Trent's score was 5/9, almost as good as Justin's. Bridgette presented her act, did a handstand but ended up throwing up all over the place, slipped on her own vomit and got a mark of 2/9. We're off to a good start as DJs. Heather was next but changed her number while reading. Reading Gwen's diary? Not cool, but maybe I'll know who she likes. Heather got to the part where Gwen says all the girls in the camp must be in love with him, at least anything with a brain. That's me, all right! Further reading reveals that Gwen has a crush on someone who can play the guitar.. "Wait a minute! I don't know how to play," I remarked. I looked at Trent with his guitar. Is Gwen in love with Trent? Never mind, I'll try my luck next time. Gwen runs off once Heather's show is over. She gets a grade of... well, she didn't actually get a grade. Harold was next and did a beatbox number, scored 9/9 and won his team. Not fair at all! We scored 5.5/9 and the Killers Bass scored 4.3/9 (approx.). I guess Heather had scored 0/9 and brought our average down to 3.6/9 (approx.). So our team came to the elimination ceremony and Heather would probably be the one eliminated. Chris took it in turns to call us for our marshmallows, and in the end, it was down to Heather and Justin. It was Justin who was eliminated? Justin? What? Why? No one ever will be.

A/n Seriously, I don't understand how there wasn't a tie in this vote. Either Chris decided to eliminate Justin because Heather brought drama, or someone didn't vote against Heather. Looking on the Internet, I saw 2 possibilities. Either Justin voted against Trent out of pure jealousy that Trent was in the spotlight, or Cody voted for Beth because... because (that's according to the wiki site in my language). Given that in the next episode, Cody won't have too much interaction apart from pissing himself, the next episode won't appear in the fanfic. And if I put every episode where we see Cody or Noah, this fanfic will never end (it already contains 2 other parts)...

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