Jamaica Me Sweat

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Noah POV

We were with DJ in 1st class and Tyler was enjoying it, I laughed at him because I love being sarcastic, Owen was eating his cucumbers and I had to explain to him that they were cosmetic and not fruit. Then Izzy tapped Owen in the same spot as usual.

Cody POV

We were alone in economy class, Heather was complaining about Alejandro welcoming DJ, Courtney was motivating us to win the challenge so we could go back to 1st class and Gwen was complaining about our travel conditions. Couldn't Noah have lost so I could spend time with him?

Noah POV

Owen told me he wanted to break up with Izzy and I encouraged her because his girlfriend is crazy like we've never seen but Owen still seemed to like the redhead. He then ate my cucumber. Chris came in 1st class and Alejandro asked for DJ to join our team but our dear host refused. Alejandro asked for a team change but Chris refused again. DJ reassured Alejandro that the merger was close and that they could still work together. Then the plane went down for the 5000th time since the start of the show. Izzy and Owen parachuted, except that Owen didn't have a parachute and a plane fell on them. And 2 casualties for our team, 2!

Cody POV

Chris blamed Chef for missing the 2 airports and Chef blamed Chris for spending the entire season's budget. Which means we're stuck in Jamaica? Oh... does that mean I'm stuck in Jamaica with Noah? It's not so bad after all. Courtney was helping Owen and Izzy out from under the plane but they had to be taken to the emergency room. I might have to ask to join Noah's team to even things out, but Sierra would follow me and that would create chaos. Noah then asked why we were out of budget and Chris replied that planes are expensive and emergency funds were used to fuel the plane. So we're definitely stuck here! We were on top of a cliff and Chris was dressed in a traditional Jamaican outfit... a woman's traditional outfit according to DJ. How does he know that?

Noah POV

Chris explained that we'd have to jump off high waterfalls to find a gold chain. DJ prepared himself to avoid drowning like in Newfoundland. I guessed there were sharks in the water, but Chris pointed out that there were also Alejandro in the water... er electric eels, sorry... same thing. We were also going to play in relays but with Owen and Izzy injured, we were going to have to work harder. I pushed Tyler to do all the dives and his athletic ego pushed him to agree. That's what I told Cody, it's easy to manipulate fools.

Cody POV

I was 1st to dive for my team, Tyler for Noah's team and DJ for the team... er... for himself. I landed right in the middle of the sharks hitting me and I could see Tyler was looking for the chain and DJ couldn't dive because of his life jacket. I came up with nothing and Tyler with an eel, but he thought it was the chain, so he electrocuted himself. I then passed the baton to Heather but she was distracted by Alejandro and missed her jump.

Noah POV

Is it just me, or are the eel's manipulations getting more and more terrible? Domamge that Owen was injured, as soon as Alejandro had jumped, I could have warned Owen to watch out for Alejandro. Tyler came back but jumped straight in without passing the relay and wound up a wheel thinking it was the chain. Sierra passed for Team Amazon and splashed us all... I knew she was a big slacker but I didn't think she had the weight to do the same thing Owen did in the very 1st challenge of this stupid show. Tyler jumped again, wound a clock and thought it was the network again. I hate stand-up comedy...

Cody POV

Gwen was in 4th place for our team and managed to get up the chain but got electrocuted by the eels. Alejandro took over for Noah's team and saved Gwen but took the prize that Heather took back afterwards.

Noah POV

Why didn't the eel take the chain back from Heather? Oh... he's in love with Heather. And obviously, they're too proud to admit their feelings. There's nothing worse than that! If you love someone and they love you back, you have to declare your feelings and admit them to yourself. You'd have to be really stupid not to understand that. Stupid or blind. If Cody loved me, I'd have declared my love for him a long time ago, but he's in love with Gwen. Uh... wait a minute! I'd never declare my feelings to Cody because I don't feel anything for him. Then, Chris was starting the commercial, I made fun of his look and he pushed me into the water.

Cody POV

The perk we won was a helmet for the challenge. Our challenge was to pass by 3 times to do a bobsleigh run, but we had to do it with a longboard and 2 per team. Well... we lost Gwen to the eels in the previous challenge, Owen and Izzy are still injured and DJ is the only one on his "team"... we're going to end the show at 1 at this rate. Heather prioritized Sierra and me... she's friends with Sierra and Courtney and hates herself but decides to let me team up with this crazy woman?

Noah POV

Heather, Courtney and I stayed at the bottom and Chris wanted one of his assistants to fill the pool for a free vacation. Owen came back healed and says he can participate in the challenge. Well... I guess I'll have to team up with him. It's always better than with the eel or with Tyler, who would be able to hurt himself just by getting on the longboard. While Cody was doing his bit, Owen explained that Izzy had been requisitioned by the army because she'd become too smart. And here I thought Izzy would be put in a psychiatric asylum with Sierra instead of a military base...

Cody POV

We were the 1st to go through and landed on the edge of the empty pool. Good thing we had helmets. Our time was 47.36 seconds. Alejandro and Tyler did 58.49 seconds while DJ and his fish did 45.01 seconds and in style. Chris continued to use his megaphone for round 2 while we were all downstairs and he was breaking our ears.

Noah POV

I went up with Owen for the challenge, but perhaps I should have found an excuse not to take it... Heather and Courtney were arguing, bumped violently into each other and did a time of 56.28 seconds. Owen and I were next, but Owen's weight was blocking us, and he had to pull in his stomach for us to get through. We may not have hit the wall, but we fell instead of flying and scored 55.16 seconds, while DJ and Irene clocked 44.37 seconds.

Cody POV

Those who went through for the 1st round had to replay for the 3rd, so I had to go down again with Sierra and we made a score of 53.41 seconds, making our total time 2 minutes and 37 seconds (A/n My life being exciting, I also calculate their real score. So Team Amazon has a score of 2 minutes, 37 seconds and 05 hundredths). Alejandro and Tyler had a score of 41.09 and a total score of 2 minutes and 35 seconds (A/n or rather, 2 minutes, 34 seconds and 74 hundredths. Obviously, their scores are rounded off so that the producers don't have to rack their brains too much). As for DJ, he didn't finish the course and was therefore eliminated from the adventure.

Noah POV

Our team won and we were celebrating. DJ was eliminated and Izzy for medical reasons. It's technically more of a defeat than a victory, as we've lost a member of our team and Team Amazon is still in full strength. And now that Team Victory has lost for the last time, we won't be able to escape the other eliminations. I've got to warn my team about the danger posed by Alejandro.

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