The Am-AH-Zon-Race

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Noah POV

I slept until a mouse fell in my mouth and woke me up. Will I be able to sleep without something happening to me on this show?

Cody POV

We were in 1st class and our destination was announced. We were going to the Amazon. Gwen joked about our team name and destination, saying it would bring us luck. Sierra explained to her that teams who say that always lose, and Chris added another layer by saying exactly the same thing. Chris explained that we had to climb to the top of a mountain to find a golden treasure. As we had to go through the jungle, I wanted to know if I had my medication. Chris replied that he was obliged by law to do so, so he gave the antivenom to one of our team, as I'm not likely to prick myself if I have an allergy attack. Well... Noah's not on my team, so... let's hope it's Gwen. When she saw that Sierra was desperate for the antivenom and that I was making very cute eyes at her, she agreed to volunteer. Sierra then listed all my allergies and Chris gave Gwen the antivenom. Phew... we made it through the disaster. Chris then told us that a native tribe called the Zings-Zings were here and that we should beware of them as they must never meet humans.

Noah POV

Afterwards, Chris gave us our walking time. 18 hours. We had to sleep at night because it was dangerous otherwise, but we wouldn't have a tent. At least we'd have walkie-talkies in case of emergency. The team... well, the Victory duo took a left and Tyler decided to follow his sweetheart so we took that route too.

Cody POV

Sierra gave the idea of going to the left, because that way, if you're wrong, everyone's wrong. I had to agree with her and, of course, Sierra was doing her Sierra. Heather asked Gwen for her opinion and she decided we'd go right. I then explained to Gwen how to do the sting but she decided I had to do it on my own. I was then abducted by... an insect which knocked me against a tree and I fell into Sierra's arms. Er... I prefer the insect after all!

Noah POV

We arrived at a zipline without a t-bar and Tyler was making a fool of himself by renaming the object every ridiculous name he could think of. Then Alejandro cheered us on. He went 1st with his belt and Owen went 2nd barehanded. He fell into the piranha-infested water.

Cody POV

We were moving forward and I saw the Zings-Zings, I tried to tell the girls to run away but we got captured. Gwen asked for help on the walkie-talkie, but there was no battery.

Noah POV

Tyler went over with his pants but burned and fell into the water. "He's got good vertical jump" said I, "For a guy leaping out of water, yes" replied Chris. Izzy and I were last and she had a plan... I'm afraid. She took me in her bag and I don't know what happened since I couldn't see.

Cody POV

We were tied to a tree. I thought of using the batteries in my flashlight, but I couldn't. I couldn't reach her, Sierra wanted to but she was too far away, only Gwen was left who was closest. Oh yes! It's not Noah, of course, but it's something. Wait, why am I thinking about him? Ah yes... if he'd put my X-ray glasses on them, he wouldn't have taken them off in disgust and joked about... uh... let's skip that detail! That detail Sierra wanted to see, but I'd never give her my glasses! Noah, on the other hand... wait! That's not what I meant! Anyway, Gwen was still looking, but she stung herself with my antivenom and got a big shot of adrenalin. That hurt! Courtney then took my lamp from my other pocket... oops... that was a nice blunder I made.

Noah POV

We were making good progress when Alejandro found a place to camp. Owen was exhausted and asked for nachos. "Eh, sure, all we're missing is: chips, beef, tomatoes, cheese salsa..." I began to tease, "Slow down guys, I'm eating a list." interrupted Izzy. Are you serious?

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