Sweden Sour

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Cody POV

I was still depressed about the departure of the 2 people who meant the most to me and had no taste for anything, I just sighed. Alejandro continued to hit on Courtney and Heather tried to get the Latino interested in her but Sierra ruined her plans. We'd landed in Switzerland and had no jackets. Courtney wanted Duncan to apologize about Gwen and I kept sighing, thinking about her. The loss of the 2 most important people in the chain of events was taking its toll on me. Chris announced that the jackets had been delivered and would arrive in 6 weeks. Our 1st challenge was to assemble pieces of wood without knowing what to do. Sierra was talking to me, but she was the last person I wanted to hear from, so I sighed again. Then I had an idea of what to do. We had finished 1st our construction which was Gwen's head. Heather got mad, attacked me, Sierra defended me, they were fighting and... music. That's a no! I won't sing so depressed. I took the opportunity to make Gwen's face on the snow and Sierra looked jealous. While our adventurers were trying to get their boat into the water, the girls had the idea of scalping Gwen's head to make a boat, and it worked. Our weight and Owen's cracking ice got us into the water super-fast. We were sailing but I was still seasick, Sierra was telling me a scary story and I threw up because of... I can't decide whether it was Sierra or my seasickness... let's say it was both. Our opponents had a head start and the challenge was explained to us, Heather and Courtney were arguing because neither of them wanted the other to be the captain. Sierra made me captain and the girls agreed. So I drove the "boat". We saw our opponents turn around and the battle began. Our 1st cannonball fell wide, our opponents' hit Gwen's head, I fired the next shot and managed to hit the boat, making Owen lose his hat. We all wanted to fire the last shot, but our opponents were quicker, and Sierra sacrificed herself so that I wouldn't get the ball and chain. If I didn't take the ball and chain, I was saved by another. Still, it was nice of her, so I thanked her. Our last shot went wide, but our opponents' shots were badly hit, destroying their masts. We were able to get past them. We were about to win but I felt Owen coming and he destroyed our boarding. Sierra warned Heather that we wanted to eliminate Courtney... yes, even me, to thank the stalker for saving me. However, it wasn't an elimination challenge. During the night, I thought about what had happened today... today and the other days too. I thought about my feelings for Gwen. It's clearly not mutual and never will be, but I realized that my behavior towards her was approaching a simp, that I was almost like Sierra when she was with me. I know that Sierra feels a kind of admiration for me and has a serious case of celebrity adoration syndrome. I knew Gwen before we became famous so I don't have that syndrome but... I think again of Noah's line, insulting me as a pathetic straight flirt. He's right, I always go too far to pick up girls but I don't feel anything if I get rejected. Another sentence Noah said to me makes me think, we're young and we don't know our orientation yet. I feel like I'm playing a role when I'm flirting with Gwen, but when I'm with Noah... I feel so good. I think I finally understand! I'm not in love with Gwen, I feel admiration for her and that's all. As for my sexuality, I don't really know. That's what he meant when he said we should wait. So I'll wait and explore my orientation. I know I'm not straight, but I can't be sure I'm gay. I'll have to work on my orientation. It'll take as long as it takes, but I'll find out if I like boys or not. One day I'll thank Noah for opening my eyes.

A/n What? I'm not going to make them date now when there's only Cody. The other episodes of TDWT don't include anything about Cody being gay or straight, so it's time to finish Part 1. But first, I've got to do the conclusion.

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