Greece's Pieces

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Cody POV (y a pas le choix)

We were in 1st class and Courtney and Gwen were talking while Sierra and I were resting. Chris was calling to tell us our destination and the challenge and I saw that Noah was gone. Noah's what? But why him? He caught the killer with Owen, should have won the challenge and was the most useful member for his team. I didn't even get to kiss him goodbye... see him to say goodbye... well then, you have to admit that since today's challenge was the Olympics, he probably would have dodged all the challenges and gotten eliminated. Chris thought the Olympics were created in Rome, but when we told him it was in Greece, he threw one of the trainees overboard. We set sail for Greece and Alejandro announced that his men's team would win against a team without men. Hey! I'm not a girl! If I was a girl, I'd have hit on Noah long ago... not that I need to be a girl for that, mind you. Uh... wait! What am I saying? It must be sadness that my friend's gone. We were in front of the acropolis, Chris was giving us some information on Greece, Owen thought we had to strip and Chris tells him it's only for our culture and tells us that nudity will be required if there's a tiebreaker. Too bad Noah isn't here, I'd have done anything for a tiebreaker... Focus Cody, stop thinking of your friend in such a perverse way. Chris explained that the challenges were going to be 1 vs 1 because Team Amazon had no men... well, where's my respect for him? Did he get eliminated at the same time as Noah? The 1st challenge was a treasure hunt, with Gwen and Duncan volunteering but refusing when they saw that the other wanted to take part. Strange... Duncan then complained and Chris told him that he had to sing instead of talking, otherwise the boss would hit him with a towel. Their treasure hunt consists of removing a medal from a bear's neck... er... I have my doubts about the legality of this and I'm not sure it's a real Olympic event. At least I'm not the one having problems with bears... for once. Meanwhile, Chris presented us with our 2nd challenge: wrestling. Courtney volunteered, but I wanted to volunteer too, to prove that I'm a man. Courtney then laughed, Sierra got mad and wanted to take on the brunette. For the team of... oh... he's gone... I can't say Noah's team anymore... their real team name is too long... our opponents chose Tyler and Owen to face us. I lunged at Owen but bounced off his belly and flew to land on the bear... for once it was me attacking a bear and not the other way around. I quickly came back but Courtney had gone wild and was calling me a pipsqueak, Sierra got mad, attacked Courtney, I tried to stop them, I got hit, they lost the fight and our opponents won 2 medals because we did a 2 on 2... a 3 on 2 but I was useless. After Gwen and Duncan's song, Gwen gave us our 1st medal. The last challenge was a hurdle race with Heather and Alejandro taking part. Sierra wanted me to take part because she knew I'd won a hurdle race in 2nd grade. Noah's gone, who's going to defend me against this crazy woman? Alejandro was showing off and Heather was able to pass him and win the race. We're at 2 medals apiece, which means we'll have to do the tiebreaker. The challenge was to fly with wings to get the medal at the very top... it's not an Olympic event either. I faced Tyler, but before the gun went off, the jock announced that he'd seen Gwen and Duncan kissing. I was stunned by this news because I thought I'd be flirting with Gwen since Noah was eliminated... well, I never flirt with Noah but... uh... how can I put this? When I heard Duncan laughing at me, I saw red and punched him, knocking him out. Courtney and Sierra wanted me to lose, so I understood the plan, tried to join in the challenge and won. We were back in 1st class, Sierra congratulating me on hitting Duncan and Heather consoling Courtney who was crying.

A/n At least Noah's elimination makes for very short chapters. Maybe I can finish tomorrow and put up the intro and 1st chapter of part 2 as well.

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