Cody is cured

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Noah POV

It's now been several days since Cody arrived here and he was gradually starting to heal. Meanwhile, Beth, Sadie, Courtney and Harold arrived on the island. 3 days after Harold's elimination, no players arrived. Chris showed up 3 days later to teach us a new trick. "Hi losers, did you miss me?", "No!" we all replied in chorus and Izzy didn't retort with a "Co"... so much the better. "You're not very nice, me who came give good news to 2 of you" said Chris, "I fear the worst with your 'Good news' Chris", I said sarcastically", "That's right, laugh bookworm! Where's Cody?", "At the infirmary for his last care after what you did to him Chris", I said, "Hey! It's not my fault he got attacked by a bear" pleaded Chris. By the time Beth arrived, she'd explained what had happened, but I held Chris responsible. "Anyway, I don't need him for this good news because he's not involved. I'm offering 2 of you the chance to come back into the competition!", said Chris, "And you think that's good news? Not to mention that you said every elimination was final." I say, "Shut up, Noah! This 2nd chance doesn't apply to you. It's Eva and Izzy who can come back", "Oh, I'm going to be able to take my revenge on my traitorous team!" says Eva, "And Izzy's going to be able to keep having fun," chained Izzy. "Hey wait, that's not fair! Harold cheated to get me eliminated, I deserve to come back too!" said Courtney, "Oh, that's right, where is Harold?" asked Chris, "Since I've been here, he's been hiding and doing well" explained Courtney, "Oh, and to answer your question, Eva and Izzy are coming back because we like them on the production side" said Chris with a sly look. "Anyway, girls, time to go." Chris, Izzy and Eva left. Yeah! Izzy's gone, so she can stop bothering me about Cody. "Hi Noah!" said a voice I knew well.

Cody POV

A few minutes earlier

My bandages were finally off and I could walk again. I walked around this sublime villa before going outside. When I was in the state I was in, I couldn't see how pretty this place was, but now I almost wished I'd been attacked by a bear earlier. Plus, I got to see Noah again. He took such good care of me during my convalescence, I didn't think he was capable. I finished my tour and decided to go out to see everyone who had arrived in this place... a place I still don't know the name of, by the way. I saw Noah and couldn't help but greet him, "Hi Noah!", "Co... Cody?" he asked, "Are you okay? I thought you had a few more days off.", "Don't worry about me, like I said in my last confessional, I heal pretty fast.", "I wasn't worried... it's just... I wanted to make sure you didn't fall apart again." he said. "Hey Cody! You say hi to Noah but not to us!" pointed out Tyler, "Oh yes, sorry Tyler. Hi everyone!" said I. That's when I noticed that since my elimination, Beth, Sadie and Courtney had arrived. "Hi, girls! Welcome to... uh... where are we?" asked I, "At Playa des Loosers but I don't belong here. I'm here just because Harold cheated!" said Courtney, "Oh, Harold's here too?" asked I, "Yes, and as soon as I find him, I'm going to make him regret his cheating!", "And you, Sadie, why are you here?", "I accidentally hurt Courtney during the challenge and she got me eliminated", "And you, Beth, did you get rid of the curse?", "But I didn't know you couldn't bring back an object from Bone Island! If I'd known it would cause my elimination, I wouldn't have done anything. But don't worry, Cody, I put the object back on the island". "Say, where are Eva and Izzy?", "They've just left for Camp Wawanakwa, Chris gave them a 2nd chance" replied Noah, "What? But didn't he say that each elimination was final?", "What did you expect after all? We should have known!" said Noah, "Well, I'm off to see that beautiful beach," I said.

Noah POV

Once Cody said that, we all went our separate ways and occupied our day in the usual way. Ezekiel was in the jaccuzi getting a big head, Justin was chilling with Katie and Sadie, Tyler and Cody were playing Frisbee, Beth was tanning and Courtney was looking for Harold. As for me, I went back to the bar to read. Night fell and it was just Cody and me outside. "Say Noah, now that we're both out..." began Cody, "Listen Cody... I.... I..." stammered I. I wanted to date with him but... what if he didn't actually like me? What if he's just exploring his feelings? No, you're only 16, that's when you have the most doubts about your orientation. I'm sure he doesn't like me but I don't want to tell him all this. What am I supposed to do? "What's the matter, Noah?" asks Cody, "Uh... well... uh... actually... you don't want to get too close, Cody!" I say. What an idiot!

Cody POV

"What? But why?", I asked, "Eva and Izzy came back, and if they did, we could come back too, so let's continue our strategy.Which isn't a strategy at all, we're just friends, don't forget that" replied Noah, "Oh... yeah... obviously.Well... I'm off to bed, buddy" I said, leaving with tears in my eyes.

Noah POV

What was I thinking saying that?I hate myself so much right now, but it's the best solution.I don't want to be a test for Cody.But... what if Cody really does love me? I just put him in the friendzone and probably broke his heart. Why the hell can't I deal with his feelings? What about me? Do I like boys or girls? I... I don't know anymore!

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