Chapter 1

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Alana's POV

3 Day's. 3 days I have spent travelling in the godforsaken van along with 2 other girls. They were both foreign spoken I was thinking maybe Portuguese, but I could be wrong languages was never my strong point. The girls were here before I was taken and added to the pile. They are both stunning and a lot bigger than I am. Sadly I have a condition that kills off all my enzymes that help me age and grow so at this point and for the last 10 years I have looked and will continue to look like my 2-year-old self.

Finally, after a while I somehow managed to get some of my energy back and started to kick at the walls of the van and pull on the chains that attach from the wrists to a pole on the wall that all 3 of us happen to be attached to. With enough force I was able to get the pipe to break since it was loose anyway and in doing so we were all set free, but the knuckle head up front clearly heard the noise and pulled over opening the latch from the front into the back of the van but I was prepared and full of adrenaline now so I braced myself and when that door opened I swung with the pipe and knocked him out.

"RUN" I screamed to the girls who wasted no time running past me and out the front where I followed suite.

Once out the girls wasted no time in running and not looking back where as I made a bit mistake, I stopped to see where we were and anything that could help me but nothing was close by all I could see was forestry so when I finally decided on which way to go I hadn't noticed that knuckle head had come to and just as I went to run he grabbed me. Now I clearly didn't hit him hard enough I wasn't even standing there for that long so clearly; I just dazed him but at least there is 2 less victims for him to be kidnapping.

"Let go you big knuckle head" I screamed as he hauled me back inside the van which let's face it wasn't hard with my hight and weight being so little. As I struggle with him, he easily overpowers me and restrains me with him legs while grabbing something from the glove compartment before feeling a stink on my neck hearing him say "hush baby, we are almost there and I will see you when you wake,". That's all I hear before darkness takes over.

My head was killing me. I don't think I have ever experienced a headache like this in my life before now and hope to never feel it again. I blinked my eyes open where I could finally see where I was and lucky me, I was still in this stupid van chained back up to a pipe but this one had deadbolts securing it and there was no way I was getting out of it this time round. As I came round more, I began to feel all the aches and pains in my body especially in my neck where knucklehead jabbed me with a needle and id be surprised if there wasn't a bruise there from the needle. With every passing minute I could feel myself getting tired and the feeling of wanting to close my eyes became all to appealing that was until I heard knucklehead talking to someone making his way to the back door and then I heard it a strong, I take no shit, masculine voice.

"You dragged me all the way out here for this just hurry up and open the fucking door." His voice alone made me shiver and the worst-case scenarios began to run threw my head about what was going to happen to me.

"Yes sir, right this way. I did have 3 young girls but this one here decided to try and break free and in return managed to set the other 2 loose but she is the smallest and rather cute if I do say do. She had a condition that stopped her growth so she will forever be small, delicate, easy to carry about and basically a baby for the rest of her life if you so see fit to keep her treated like a baby. She came from a neglectful background where her father died in a gang beat down and her mother is a druggy who works in a local whore house and is never home so she will not even miss this little one probably hasn't even noticed she is gone yet" Knuckle head said as the doors at the back of the van opened.

OH NO, I do not like the sound of where this is going. I sat up more and tried to scoot back as far as I could away from these 2 creeps looking down at me. Knuckle head just smiled at me looking like he hit the jackpot but what concerned me was the way this new guy was looking at me. I couldn't place the look on his face, but his aura screamed dangerous and that had me shying away even more that I would have liked. To him I most likely looked like a scared child bit I didn't want to come across that way I wanted him to see how much this was wrong and that I was not to be played with.

After staring down at me for longer than necessary he finally spoke. "If you are trying to make a career out of selling people you may want to find a better way of doing so. Unchain her NOW!" by the end I was flinching at his tone. Knucklehead bent down and unchained my wrists before stepping back and letting the other one bend down and before I realised what was happening, he had hoisted me up into his arms and began making his way outside.

"PUT ME DOWN" I all but screamed in a moment of panic before feeling a stinging pain on my thigh. "Now baby that is not how we speak to adults is it and we certainly DO NOT shout or scream at them either are we clear" he says in my ear almost in a threatening way. He scared me more that I want to admit even to myself I had no idea what to say and for some reason I became speechless and just stared at him while pushing on his chest to lean as far back from him as I could. Once he seen I wasn't going to reply he brough his other hand round my back and pulled me closet making an unintentional whimper pass my lips. "Hush now I don't want you to fall from pushing against me" he says in a calmer more relaxing voice before turning round to knucklehead to speak in a language I couldn't understand.

While they spoke back and forth, I decided to zone out and look at my surroundings to see if there was an escape route for me if I was able to get out of this guy's arms that is. As I looked around, I seen a posh looking black car pull up to where we stood, and 2 other tall bulky guys got out and stood there like statues that was until one of them noticed me and pulled his sunglasses off and smiled to me. It wasn't a gentle smile more like a cocky one like they knew something I didn't and were happy about it. This made me wonder what was going to happen now but before I could over think it the guys started to talk English again.

"Right little one lets go home we have a long journey ahead of us, Lionel thank you I guess but don't make a habit of this it's not your strong point for sure." He says before turning round making his way to the posh car that just pulled up.

"Home? What do you mean, No I'm not going let me go, I want to go home not with you, LET ME GO" I was getting myself into a panic now and I couldn't stop. I started to thrash around and could feel a panic attack coming on. I heard him say something in another language again and not long after I felt myself relax and my eyelids begin to close, and I heard him speak again clearly to me. "Sleep now little one, I will see you when you wake." And that was it I was out like a light. 

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