Chapter 22

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Alana's POV

When Xander walks into the living room where we see da...I mean Antonio standing pacing slightly looking rather frustrated. I was too busy looking at him to hear Xander speaking to me, "Love are you there? I think you should give daddy a cuddle, I think he will feel so much better" I think for a moment and nod my head as he was walking over to him anyway and I knew I would be passed over no matter what I did or did not agree to, so I went with the flow. Once we reached Antonio, I can see him staring at me with what looks to be a hopeful look, so I decide to just do it before I change my mine and I hold my hands out to him and without any hesitation he lifts me away from Xander and into his arms. I am not sure why but without thinking I wrap my arms around his neck and cuddled into him.

Despite everything that has happened, I feel save with him, and my emotions are everywhere, I don't know what I really feel, it is like an internal battle, and it makes me tired trying to sort threw my feelings. I can feel him relax as he hugs me back and then begins to talk but it soon interrupted but an unknown female voice shouting for him, and he shouts back which makes me flinch. I feel him rub my back in a soothing manner after saying sorry to me then he speaks back to the unknown lady who I now know from them talking is his mum, there is some back and forth about me and then he says something I dread, "Hey mum why don't you take Alana to the playroom we have some toys in there and we will come gets you in a bit oh and you can stay for dinner yes?" and she replied overly happy if I may say so myself with "Oh of course, I have always wanted a granddaughter" before I am practically ripped out of him arms and into hers.

She smiles down at me as she drags us away from everyone else and I really don't know what my face looks like, but I am sure it's not a very happy one. As she walks down the hall, all she keeps talking about is how she has always wanted a granddaughter and how much she will spoil me. We arrive at a door, and she walks into it. "Look baby girl, look at all these toys" she says to me with so much excitement and the biggest smile on her face, I am pretty sure that if she smiles anymore her face was going to split from the force. I take a look round the toys, and I do see there is loads in here, like why do they need or have all of these, there kids are way too old of toys like this, I think to myself.

She takes us over to a corner that has some beanbags, toys, books and teddies, and proceeds to sit down on the blue beanbag. "Right sweetheart, what should we do first hmm?" she asks me while looking down at me. The face I give her must be making her worried as she looks it. "Love what's wrong? You don't need to be scared of me I'm your grandma, I won't ever hurt you. Why don't I tell you a little about me, will that help you relax a little?" she asked me, I give a small nod thinking it would be better than nothing. She gave me a small smile and proceeded to tell me about her.

"Well, my name is Alice, and I am your daddies mummy..." she continues on for a while and I actually find her interesting. Alice goes on to tell me about her life growing up and how she met her husband, it was a funny story actually. She says she was running away from a dog when she was in high school and bumped into him, it sent them tumbling down the grass hill and they burst out laughing at the situation before she remembered she was getting chased by a dog. He managed to get the dog to back off and they had been friends every since, then their friendship blossomed into love and they were married young and she said they had never looked back. Alice also went onto to telling funny stories about da... Antionio when he was younger.

There was this one time him and his dad were playing, and he ran away, scared to be caught or he was going to get tickled, he ran so fast he fell over his feet and landed in a puddle which was more mud than water, so he was covered. It would have been funny to see, but they way she told it made it feel like I was there watching it. I hadn't realised how long we were there for, but I was laughing a lot, I struggled to catch my breath, and I didn't see Luca come in and sit with us.

"Looks like someone has had a good time with granny" he says picking me up, making me squeal in surprise. "Yeah, little missy here has been laughing at your daddies misfortune, eh baby" Alice says as she tickles me which just sends me into more of a laughing fit. "Well dad sent me threw to say it's dinner time and this little munchkin needs some food in her tum tum" Luca says as he continues to tickle me after Alice stopped. "Stoooooooop" I laugh out "Peeeeesss, Can't breathe ahhhhhh hahahah" I try to speak but he is relentless. "OK,OK" Luca says and he stops and stands up taking me with him. I hold on tight as he walks up threw the halls and to the dining room with Alice walking beside us. I have a massive smile on my face, feeling free and happy, I like this lady she makes me feel normal.

I am still laughing slightly when we enter the dining room where everyone is seated, but I stop when I see a very tall man with a very serious face standing in between two empty seats, he is very scary. I tense up and turn myself into Luca and bury my head in his chest. Who is this guy? "It's okay princess, this is your grampa" Luca says before I head a deep masculine voice, "Hey darlin, I am your grampa Jack, can I hold you?" I take a deep breath and come out of hiding and look up at the man named Jack who has now put a gentle smile on his face which I am glad about because it makes him look less scary. I see he is holding his arms out to me, and I just look between his face and arms a few times before he gestures to me to let him pick me up. I take another breath and slowly release the hold I have on Luca and slowly put my arms out to him.

Jack's smile turns from a gentle smile to a full blown toothy one, he has a contagious smile, it makes me smile back at him. He sits down with Luca on one side of him and Alice on the other with me on his lap. "I think I will just keep this little one here for dinner" he says to his son who I look over at and see him smiling at me and he gives a little wave and for some reason I feel inclined to wave back so I do which only makes him smile wider.

Dinner goes by quickly with Jack and Alice feeding me which I was reluctant about to begin with but found it easier to let them. After dinner we all went to the living room where we spent the rest of the night sitting. Everyone was talking back and forth bout funny or embarrassing stories from when they were younger, and I laughed quite a few times. I was sitting on the floor listening to it all with my teddy beside me. Xander had brought him threw for me which I loved; my teddy was like a safety blanket. I felt myself feeling a little funny after a while, the feeling was not unpleasant, but it was odd. It was like my head was going fuzzy and I stopped thinking about all the worried I had been having and I was content.

That was until I started getting tired. I ended up crawling over to daddy and when I got there I started kicking myself thinking why did I not just walk, I did not understand but then that fuzzy feeling came over me again so the though just went to the back of my mind for another time. "Daddy sweepy" I say while rubbing my eyes, "Oh princess let's not rub our eyes, Love can you make her a bottle before bed?" daddy says as he picks me up and cuddles me close, "Sure love, back in a minute baby girl" mummy says before she heads away.

I stay cuddled into daddy as he rocks us slightly which makes me sleepier and he also picked up my teddy which I dropped on the floor and handed him to me, while we wait for mummy to come back. When mummy comes back, she has a bottle of milk that she hands to daddy who leans me back slightly and offers it to me. I didn't think I was hungry or thirsty until it was offered, and I gladly took. As I drank from the bottle, I could hear quiet talking coming from everyone else in the room and it was soothing to listen to. Between the bottle, the slight rocking, my teddy, and the quiet talking in the room I felt myself being to fall asleep and before long I was out for the count. 

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