Chapter 31

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Luca's POV

It is currently 7am and I have been lying awake for the past hour, just thinking. Thinking about how our lives were before that little girl came into our family. It was hard and depressing, but she has brought so much joy to everyone, it is a completely new atmosphere. I decide to get up since it seems more sleep is out of the picture. I was going to head downstairs but decided to check on Alana before doing so. I walked down the hall and stood outside her nursery before quietly opening the door. I walked into the room and over to the crib to see her sleeping. "You have no clue how much you mean to me little one" I whisper as I brush a little bit of hair from her face.

I mentally curse at myself when I see her moving and she begins to open her eyes before looking up at me, "Sorry little one I did not mean to wake you" I say apologetically, she just stares up at me before reaching up, "Do you want me to bring you downstairs with me?" I don't get a reply she just gives me grabby hands, "Ok let's go" I pick her up but decide it is best to give her change if she needs it before heading down. I lay her on the changing table, and I decide I may as well just get her dressed since she is up. I grab some clothes that are set beside the table and get her dressed for the day. Once done I pick her up, grab her blanket and teddy then proceed to make our way downstairs.

Once we reach the living room, I set her down on the sofa, place her blanket on her and pass her teddy to her. "Are you hungry baby?" she shakes her head, clearly not very talkative this morning. "What about some milky?" now that gets a positive reaction "Ok you stay here, and I will go get you a bottle" I place the tv on and put her favourite Disney movie on and head through to the kitchen where I can see the staff beginning to get breakfast ready. "Would you like something sir" the chef asked me "Can I please get a coffee, and do you know what my mum does for Alana's bottle?" "Yes, would you like me to make one for her?" "Yes please, I will be back for it in a second" I walk back out to the living room just to make sure Alana is okay. I see her lying down with the ear of her teddy in her mouth making me smile, I walk over to the dining table and grab the paci that was left there before taking it over to her. "Right little one, let's swap stitch's ear for your paci" I say ask I take it out of her mouth causing her to wine but she is quick to latch on to the paci.

Walking back to the kitchen I grab my coffee and Alana's bottle, saying a thank you before heading back to the living room. I place the cup and bottle down on the side unit before picking her up wanting to cuddle while we watch and once we were comfortable, I passed her bottle over and started to drink my coffee. I would glance down at her every now and then and I noticed she has not touched much of her bottle so once I had finished my coffee, I picked her bottle up and brough it to her mouth. She latched on and drunk it while I held it for her which I found a little odd as she normally drinks it herself, this made me think she was maybe just too tired, but I was happy enough to hold it for her.

We sat there for a good 2 hours before I heard a rush of feet stomping down the stairs, and they did not sound happy at all, to the point I was really concerned something bad had happened. I see my dad and he looks worried and angry "Luca, your sister is gone" Oh I see, they slept in and think she has disappeared, I look at my dad "come here dad" "Luca I have no time we need to find Alana" "Dad just come here and stop worrying" He stomps over coming to the front of the sofa seeing her cuddled into my side sucking her paci, wrapped in her blanket with her teddy. I could see his relief as I heard my mum come down looking panicked too, "She is here love Luca had her" he says as he picks her up, "You gave us a scare princess" he says holding her close.

"I am sorry dad I did not realise that brining her here would cause this reaction" "No it's fine, it's just we are so use to having her close and getting her up in the mornings that when we realised we slept in and went to check on her and she was not there we did not think that anyone would have gotten her up and that maybe she got out" I totally understand where he is coming from, after looking a child, and the fact that although Alana seems happy she is still not fully settled yet and there is a chance she will change her mind and try to run, not that she would get far, we won't allow it, and the security would catch her, but I have hope that this won't happen.

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