Chapter 20

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Alana's POV

I am sitting in the living room at home, it is pitch black and I can hardly see a thing. The next thing I know the room is spinning and my mother is standing over me screaming in my face.

"What the fuck are you doing Alana? You disgust me, you are no daughter of mine" my mother shouts in my face. "How could you let this happen huh? You are so pathetic, I should have aborted you the moment I knew I was pregnant, honestly a waste of space" she says then slaps me across the face. "Mum no, please, It is not my fault, I didn't ask for this" I say crying my eyes out, begging her to listen to me. "It does not matter, you should not be so weak, you should have fought harder, you should have been stronger, you were supposed to be my good girl but now you are nothing but a disappointment, I hope you die" she says as she begins to beat me black and blue. "Mum no please stop, please" I scream out in pain, begging my own mother to stop and help me instead of beating me but nothing, she will not listen, it is almost like she is becoming more violent with every hit she makes.

I wake up screaming and crying my eyes out. It was just a dream. Does my mum know I am gone? Has she reported me missing? Does she care? Does she think I am pathetic or a disappointment for being taken? Does she blame me? Should I have fought harder for my freedom? So many questions are swirling in my head, and it hurts, it hurts so bad. I cry and cry and cry and I can't seem to stop. I feel myself being picked up and I can head talking but there is too much going on for me to focus, all I can focus on is that dream and all the questions going round in my head. I am scared, but I do not know what I am more scared of, is it the fact that my mum may hate me or is it the fact that there is a chance no one knows I was taken.

When I finally stop crying, I feel myself being put down, but I can't go back to sleep, and I can feel myself go numb. I am awake but not here. I don't know how long I am like this for but I know they have tried to get me to sleep then eat which I refused both, not that I was doing it on purpose but I just did not have the strength to move, and I kind of remember being in front of the tv before being passed off to someone else and not long after that I am laid down.

Something in me snaps when I feel my diaper being touched and I scream bloody murder and thrash about as much as I can trying to free myself from this stupid restraint. I then head daddy telling me to stop but I can't now that I have started, I need to fight as much as I can, I need to get home to my mum, he can't do this. I kick out as hard as I can, and I feel myself connect with something, but I don't stop that is when daddy raises his voice and I flinch slightly but still I do not stop. I hear him say something about a punishment, but I am past the point of reasoning at the moment, and I couldn't stop even if I wanted to, I don't know how to stop.

I feel myself being picked up and I thrash as much as possible trying to get out of his grip, but this does nothing as I feel myself being placed over his lap. He says something and before I can register it, I feel a smack on my bum. This happens a few times before I stop screaming and start crying and begging him to stop. I am not sure how many he gives me but by the time he is done I am a crying mess. Daddy tells me he is going to change me into my pj's and he makes quick work of it, I am too tired now to fight him, my fight has evaporated. When he is done, I am picked back up and cuddled close as he walks over to the light and dims it before sitting down again.

He plays some soft music, and in all honesty, I am grateful for it as it acts as a barrier, I am not ready to speak, and I feel like it would be uncomfortable sitting in silence. Daddy rocks us back and forth and it is very soothing, but I know he wants me to sleep but I don't want to, I am scared I will have another dream telling me how much of a disappointment I am and that I should be dead and everything else, but in the end, I can't fight it anymore.

When I wake up, I am grateful that I had not had another nightmare. I sit up and rub my eyes, this is a habit I have always had. As I am rubbing them, I feel my hands being pulled away from my face and I look up to see Xander standing there smiling down at me. I want to smile back but I can't bring myself to do it, I feel emotionless right now, still numb, and I hate it. Next thing I know I am sitting in his lap, and he is asking me questions, but I do not reply. Then he does the funniest thing, he picked up my teddy and starts to talk to it. I have to admit it piques my interest, so I listen in to what he says. He then brings Stitch up to his ear and what ever stitch is saying, it has his full focus, and now I really want to know. He offers me stitch and I hesitate for a moment before taking him and cuddling him close. Stitch is my comfort right now.

We sit for a few before he suggests getting some soup and I nod my head thinking it may be good to have some which he seems overly happy about and this gives me a fright making me drop my teddy. He gets up and begins to make his way out the room but I can't leave without stitch, so I start to squirm and reach out, still not able to find my words but he understands when he turns round and is quick to grab him and pass him over. I hug him close and cuddle close to Xander as he walks out the room and downstairs.

Xander makes his way to a room I have no been in yet and once he opens the door, I can see that it is the kitchen. "Hey chef, can we get some soup brought out?" Xander says to a man standing chopping some vegetables. "Of course, I will bring it out in a few minutes" he says as Xander gives him a nod and walks out and into the dining room. He sits me down in my highchair then pulls a chair closer to me before sitting down on it. Xander starts to speak to me and asks me questions, but I don't reply, I couldn't if I wanted to, my voice is just gone right now. If he is frustrated, he is not showing it and I am kind of glad about this.

The chef comes out with 2 bowls of soup and places them on the table next to Xander, "I made the little one's a little cooler so it should be ok to have more or less straight away" he says before turning and heading back threw the door he come from. Xander pours his soup into a mug, then gets a spoonful from the plastic bowl up to my mouth. I am not really hungry but I let him feed me anyway, I am still too tired argue of fight about it so I let him do it. He fed me and would drink is from the mug at the same time. There was a calmness in the room that I was grateful for, and I began to feel less numb. It did not take us long to finish and just as he was wiping my face, which may I say I still did not like, the front door opened, and a voice boomed threw the house.

"LIVINGROOM NOW" Daddy was home. 

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