Chapter 7

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Alana's POV

After our drinks being brought over which was quite a while ago, everyone more or less sat in silence with the odd word being passed between the three men whereas I just sat quietly it's like everything I want to say I'm either too scared to say it or it's stuck in my throat so I decided silence was the best option, however its been something like two hours maybe and I am getting sore in this seat, I really need to stretch my legs but I can't get up to walk about exactly can I? I started to move around in my seat trying to get a little more comfortable but with no luck so I decided to proceed to my final option and ask doofis next to me if I can get out but how do I ask? Every time I talk, I want it to come out strong, but it always seems to come up almost like a whisper and I hate it with a passion. Ill just wait until I can muster the courage to ask, I think.

Antonio's POV

We have been on this flight for two and a half hours and it's been quiet except the odd exchange of words when I need some info from the guys. Alana has been quiet, so quiet you would think she was asleep but with regular glances her way you would see that it's not the case, however that all changes when I see her shifting slightly in her seat a few times before looking all stroppy and it has me wondering what's wrong. "Are you okay baby?" I ask since she was clearly uncomfortable. "Yes" was the only reply I got so I decided to leave it be thinking she will talk to me when she is ready if there really is something wrong.

After about ten minutes of her staying silent while still moving from time to time she finally glances my way a few times before turning away again almost like she is debating with herself on whether or not to talk to me, I can see the battle in her eyes, she is trying to be stubborn but all it's doing is making her look like a cute little kid and I just want to chuckle at her but refrain from doing so out loud. Finally, +her battle is over and the need to ask me what ever it was she wants to ask clearly wins when she finally speaks to me. "Um, Mister" she says looking at me then dropping her eyes to her hands on her lap, I don't like her calling me mister and I will make it clear who I am to her and the only name she is aloud to call me. "It's daddy sweetheart", "I-I can't, no, I won't call you that, just because you have taken me does not mean anything you are not my dad" she says and there is a little bit of a bit to that reply which I ignore, she will learn soon enough. "You need to forget your old life; you have a new one now and you will just have to learn the rules and deal with it love" I say going back to the last of those stupid emails I must get through. Instead of replying to that she decides to ask her question, I know this is all new and may feel odd to begin with, but she will come to love her new family and she will be calling me daddy in no time.

"Can I get out please?" she asks going back into her shell and bringing her quiet voice back out which a part of me likes as it shows how timid she really is but the other part of me hates it because I don't want her to fear us, fear me. "Ask me properly and I will think about it" I tell her pushing for her to call me daddy because it's the only way I will respond to her, and I want her to realise that. She sits in silence again for a few minutes before I hear her sigh which brings a smile to my face. "Can I please get out d-da-daddy?", I smile and reply immediately "Of course you can love" I reply while setting my laptop to the side then reaching over and taking her straps of before lifting her out and onto her feet. She stumbles slightly but is quick to catch herself but now she's on her feet she almost looks lost at what to do next. I sit back down and just watch her closely and I notice that Tony had brough his nose out of his phone and is doing the same with a smile on his face. I decide to break the ice "you can look around if you like" I say before getting my laptop back out and going back to my emails, I'm not actually looking at them, I just don't want her feeling uncomfortable with my eyes on her and it works since she moves to the back of the jet. I glance over at Tony with a hidden look he knows all to well, that look that says keep an eye out, so her gets up and moves from the chair over to the sofa where he can see her.

I leave her be for ten minutes before I decide to get up and check what she is up to. I look at Tony and he nods over to the back room and that's where I head. When I go through, I am met with a diaper on the bed not used and my little girl huddled up in the corner head on her knees. "What's going on her little miss?" I ask trying to keep the humour out my voice. Alana snaps her head up at me and looks scared. I don't like that look on her face, it makes me feel something inside and I don't know what that feeling is, but I don't like it one bit. She says nothing just looks at me with her doe like eyes as wide as saucers. I let out a sigh "come here love let's get you back into your diaper then we will go see about getting something to munch on, how about that?" I say in a way that it's me letting her know it is going to happen wither she likes it or not but trying to make light of it as well, but she doesn't budge from her spot. I can see her eyes start to water and decide to make my way over to her.

Once I get to her, I bend down, pick her up and walk over to the bed placing her down on it before proceeding to put the diaper back on which she did not appreciate and to show her dislike but trying to wiggle away from me. "Lay still Alana, or I will restrain you again and we both know I can do this with one hand," and she does she stops but lets the tears go. "It's okay love, this will be over with before you know it, see all done, come on let's go see what munchies there is on this flight, maybe get some chocolate how does that sound?"

I get a small nod from Alana as she rubs her eyes. I pick her up and make my way back threw to the front of the jet. Alana has relaxed into my arms with her head on my shoulder and hands holding onto my shirt which surprised me slightly as this morning she was pushing away from me, but I think she is getting tired. I sit down with her still in my arms and motion for the flight attending to come over asking if there was any chocolate on board and with a nod of the head she left and came back with a small bag of chocolate buttons. I thanked her and opened them up for Alana. "Here you go love, all for you" I say as I poured them onto the tray in front of us and turned on the little tv in front and changed it to a Disney movie one called Brave.

Alana and I sat watching the movie and after a while she had fallen asleep in my arms but I couldn't bring myself to put her back in her seat so I grabbed the blanket from her seat and wrapped it over us and relaxed back letting my eyes close for a while. 

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