Chapter 3

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Alana's POV

Man did I feel groggy. Why was I feeling like this? I had woken up, but my body was not as awake as my brain was. Silence was all I heard but then the slight noise of someone typing on a laptop maybe came to my ears. Slowly I was able to get my eyes to begin to open but had to squint them from the light. Someone reached over me and pulled down this black net thing on the window which I have to say helped shield my eyes from to light which I was grateful for but what was going on my brain was not wanting to work right now, who did that arm belong to and where am I?

It was quite apart from the typing, so I just relaxed back into my seat waiting for my brain to decide to work properly. I brough my hands up to my face to rub my eyes they were sore and felt like I had sleep in the corner of them but as I rubbed, I felt someone take my hands away from my face and a voice that made me freeze and cause my memory to come back.

"No, baby we don't rub our eyes, you will hurt them," the man from earlier said as I felt something wet on my face. I tensed and tried to push his hands away. "Sit still love, I'm just wiping your face, it will make you feel better and more awake ok," "No let me go don't touch me" I could feel myself getting worked up. "Better get used to it baby, I'm your daddy and you're just a little baby who needs love and care," Wait what did he just say? He's my daddy, no, his is not my daddy. "My daddy died a long time ago, I have no daddy," "I know but I'm your new daddy and your new mommy and big brothers will meet you at home," "Why are you doing this to me, I don't want to play your sick games," I started to cry and I couldn't stop, this was all too much for me to handle. "Calm down Alana, you are fine and as to why I am doing this well let's just say I have a few reasons but think about it, imagine having a nice warm home, food in your belly whenever you need it and a loving family who will always be there for you, not that dump you came from. Look at you now even if you were a real 2-year-old you would have underweight just like you are now there is nothing to you, you will grow and learn to come to terms with this situation and a bit of advice take this new life and learn to love it and the family you now have been given".

Man, I want to hate this man right now but the way he just explained all that makes me wish I had a better life but what about my mum? I know she isn't exactly the best mother in the world especially with hardly being home and always working that horrible job, but she does it all to support us. "I didn't ask for this, I want my mom," I say quietly, I realise that there is no point in trying to kick up a fuss right now not much I can do being strapped in this stupid car seat. WHAT A MINUTE "Why am I in a baby's car seat?", "Because you're just a baby and very small so you need to be in a car seat for safety" "I don't need a car seat let me out" I said while trying to get the stupid straps undone. "Leave it little girl or you will be in trouble" he says as he grabs my hands and holds them in a firm but gentle grip. It's clear he doesn't want to hurt me so maybe I can use that to my advantage but for now I will leave it be, even if I did get out this seat there is the problem of being stuck in a car with 3 huge guys one who is claiming to be my new 'daddy'.

I nod my head at him, and he lets my hands go before saying good girl and settling back to doing what ever he was doing on his laptop. I take this opportunity to really have a good look around the car and the men that are in it. The guy in the driver's seat has long black hair that's in a bun, he is tall and slim, but you can see he is a muscular sort of slim with brown eyes from the look of it. The guy next to him had short blonde hair with blue eyes and has a similar build to the driver. Then I look over to 'Daddy', I know he is tall and very muscular since I have been in his arms and let's say it would be a sore one if he did drop me. He has short fluffy like brown hair and brown eyes just like me and if I wasn't in the situation I was in now id even say he was handsome, but I am just going to keep that to myself.

I began to think about how I pictured the worst-case scenarios when I first heard his voice but never in my life would I have though that this is the one to have happen.

Kidnapped, sold, made to be a baby again.

Antonio's POV

Once Lana calmed down from her little outburst, I went back to working on my laptop but kept glancing over at her to see what she was doing since she has gone quiet. I can see her looking around the car almost like she is inspecting it and I also notice that she stares at Sergi for a few minutes and then shifts her attention over to Tony clearly taking in their appearances before glancing over to me. I had to hold back my smile at her little eyes looking me over. After a few minutes she turns to look out the window and brings her hand up to glass itself, what is she doing? She feels along the window before bringing her hand back to her lap but continues to look out the window. All there is to see if forestry but from what her file says she most likely hasn't been around so many trees before.

After a while when I glace back over to her she was out cold and looked peaceful. I grabbed the cosy sky-blue blanket that had bundled down at her feet and pulled it up and back over her little body where she moved slightly before cuddling into it clearly looking for some warmth. I sit back and watch her sleep for a little while before I am brough out of my thoughts with my phone vibrating in my pocket.


"Hey, love when are you going to be home?"

"I had to go somewhere today but I will be home either late tonight or tomorrow before lunch, it just depends on how the rest of today goes darling."

"Oh okay, I miss you and want you to come home,"

"I know but believe me when I say I have a present for you that you are hopefully going to love, I have to go now love but I will be seeing you as soon as I can." I say hanging up on my lovely wife before getting back to the remainder of my emails. 

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