Chapter 29

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Hey readers, I want to thank all of you for being patient with me recently as I have hit a bit of a writers block but I am trying my best to keep writing and updating when I can. Also any ideas that you have for this book let me know and I will take them into consideration. 

Love E626


Antonio's POV

Alana sleeps soundly on the journey to the store and I struggled to wake her, so I decided to just carry her and let her sleep. I could not say that we were not concerned about what happened this morning, but we had decided it was best to not pester her about it, at the end of the day she had stopped and looked peaceful enough sleeping.

While walking through the shopping centre we managed to buy a crib, highchair and other things that would need to be kept at the holiday home for Alana including 2 new car seats for the cars that are kept there. Alana slept the whole time until it was time to enter the food shop. Just as we walked through the shop door, I felt Lana rub her face on my shoulder before picking it up and looking around. "Hey princess, have a good nap?" I ask quietly seeing she is still very sleepy looking. "Yes daddy" she whispers before Maria comes over "Hi sleepy head" "Mummy" she moans out while reaching over for her. Maria has a massive smile on her face and plucks our little girl out my arms and begins to walk away down the store with her leaving my father and I to trail behind with a trolly for the shopping.

"You know son, I was unsure about this whole thing with you bringing Alana into our family but after seeing all of you with her and how she has begun to react with you all as well I can see how well she fits in and both your mother and I adore her even though it has only been a couple of days" "Thanks dad, I have to admit I did not expect this at all. When I got the call from Lionel saying he had something I would want and that I should come see, I was angry and reluctant but when I saw her in that van I was angry, not at her but him for having her in there and I don't know there was something about her that made me feel complete and I knew that she would be coming home then and there wither she liked it or not and let me tell you dad she did not" I say causing my dad and I to chuckle at that last statement. "Well my boy, she has settled in nicely, I think she is definitely meant to be in this family" he says patting my shoulder before walking off and snatching Lana of my wife before speed walking away from a now stroppy Maria which causes Lana to giggle which is the sweetest sound around.

After spending around 45 minutes in the food shop we were finally finished and on our way back to the house which we are all happy about seeing we are all hungry and it is almost lunch time. Maria was sitting in the passenger seat all grouchy from being hungry and the fact that her baby was stolen from her in the store by Grampa Jack which really pissed her off even though it shouldn't. My dad is sitting beside Lana keeping her occupied with something on his phone making her laugh most of the way home.

I park the car at the front of the house and Tony opens my door, "Sir" he says in his usual work tone of voice. I give him and nod before asking him to get the maids to come grab the stuff and get it all put away and I asked if they could build the things Alana needs so we can continue with our day. "Yes boss" he says before heading back into the house as I head to grab Alana. As I round the vehicle, I see my dad is out the car and getting Alana out and setting her on her feet. I watch er while I wait on my wife getting out the car and I can't help but notice how unsure she is looking again and I don't understand why, however I shake it off and walk over, sweeping her off her feet and throw her over my shoulder causing her to laugh.

"Dadddyyyy, put me down" "And why should I put such precious cargo down?" I say adjusting her so she is on my shoulders, "I can walk" she says but there was something behind it and it is making me begin to wonder if we are going backwards a little here. Even though she is laughing there has been something a bit off with her since her coughing fit this morning. I push that though to the back of my mind and place her down on her feet. "Let's grab a small lunch since we will have a BBQ later then we can get ready for the pool" Maria says as she walks up to us and takes hold of Lana's hand.

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