Chapter 6

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Alana's POV

This whole thing situation I seem to have gotten myself in it becoming too much. First the van, then this guy saying he's my 'daddy', sedated, then he made me sit with them and eat like nothing had happened, then changing me and putting a bloody diaper on me and I couldn't fight back at all he just held my hands like they were nothing it was so embarrassing then to top it all off I acted like a baby when I basically cried myself to sleep in the arms of my kidnapper and I hate myself to admit it but took slight comfort in him, I didn't want to but with my back being rubbed and slightly bounced it did calm me to the point I fell asleep.

I was startled awake when it felt like a force was hitting against me, when I opened my eyes I was back in that stupid car seat with the straps keeping me in but they weren't tight enough to make me feel the force I was feeling that's when I realised we were moving, the jet was moving at some speed and I scared me, I did not like this feeling at all and I wanted it to stop but I knew it wasn't going to so all I can do was let my tears roll down my face and hope that this feeling stopped soon. That's when 'daddy' spoke to me saying "You're okay love this part won't last long," while he takes hold of my hand and at this point I'm too lost in my fear that I don't even acknowledge his hand taking mine. I tell him in have never flown before and he looks at me with what looks like understanding and tells me that I am safe. Safe really, I don't think me being taken by strangers and forced on a jet safe. This thing could explode or break down and we'd crash and die, this mister is not safe.

After what feels like ages which was most likely just five minutes give or take, I can feel that pressure subside and the jet even out from fast and tilted to steady and straight. That's when I finally take notice of him holding my hand rubbing little circles on it and I pull it away without any hesitation and he smirks at me, Smirks for goodness' sake, I would love to smack that smirk of his face but I refrain for two reasons.

1- These stupid straps wouldn't let me go forward enough to get to his face.


2- I don't think he will be happy with me, and let's face it he could break me in ½ if he wanted to.

So instead, I take this opportunity like I did in the car to have a look at my surroundings. The interior is white with a few rows of black seats of two that look rather cosy then there is 2 black sofas one on each side looking in at each other with a table in the middle. You would think it would be a squeeze to move around but there is loads of room. I already know there is a bathroom and some form of bedroom at the back of the jet, but I can't see much more as I have restricted movement thanks to these straps.

I turn back around and see him smiling at me, I try to give him a mean glare but all he does is laugh at me saying I'm cute, but I'd be cuter if I smiled instead. I have nothing to smile about, not with him anyway. Stuck in my own thoughts still looking around slightly I see a tall, skinny blonde lady is a blue uniform approach us and starts to ask 'daddy' questions. I should really find out his name because I sure as heck won't be calling him that, maybe I'll call him knucklehead, no that doesn't seem right for him, what about big head he does have a big head well at least I think so. I was too busy thinking about other names to call this doofis that I hadn't realised that he was trying to get my attention.

"Lana baby are you listening?" he says while placing his hand on my cheek and gently stroking it. I just stared at him waiting for him to repeat what he was originally asking me. "I was asking if you would like a drink? We have a long journey, and we will eat something a little later but, in the meantime, we will get you a drink so what would you like? Juice, water, milk?", "Nothing" I state and look away from them. "well, you need to choose something and if you don't I will guess what you may like and you will get a drink either way so your best asking for something you like in case I get something you don't." he says in a tone that sounds like a demand but he is trying to be gentle with his demand. "Juice please" I whisper to the lady. "What kind we have apple, orange or mango" she asked me as I perked up when she mentioned mango juice, I have not have that in a long time. When I first tried mango juice, I was in love with it but unfortunately due to money we couldn't afford it or any juice most of the time. "Mango please" I asked as I looked up at her with a genuine small smile in which she returned before saying she will be back shortly with the drinks for everyone.

"Good girl for using your manners I'm proud of you" the doofis says to me before leaning down and kissing my forehead. I was quick to rub it where he kissed it and in return, he done it again before I wiped it again. We then proceeded to do this a few times before I gave up and didn't wipe it off me and in return he smiled and backed off just in time for the lady to come back with a tray of 4 drinks. She handed what looked to be two glasses of cola I want to say to the other two men who have been travelling with us before turning and giving a glass of what looked to be like some form of alcohol, and I only know this due to it being a small amount in the glass before turning and handing me my juice in a bottle. "Why is it in a baby bottle?" I asked quietly "because your too little for a big cup, we wouldn't want you to spill any on your pretty dress now, would we?" doofis says and I just scoff at him and ignore the bottle that he took and placed in a cup holder on the side of my seat so it's easy to reach. If they think I will use that then they are wrong. I just want this to be over and go back to my mum. 

Is that too much to ask?

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