Chapter 14

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Xander's POV

For the first time in a very long time, I woke up feeling refreshed and excited for the day. I went into my bathroom and jumped into the shower for a quick wash to start my day. I like feeling fresh in the mornings, it tends to help my mood. After my shower I get dressed in a pair of black joggers, white t-shirt, and a black hoodie before putting my shoes on and heading down for breakfast hoping my parents will be there with Alana, I just really want to spend time with her. As I make my way downstairs, I can already smell the food being prepared in the kitchen. It's the same food most days that we all eat, pancakes and fruit tend to be my brother and I's breakfast whereas my mum had some toast with jam and a cuppa tea and my dad being the big lad he is always has a fry up with coffee, I couldn't eat that first thing in the morning that's for sure. As I reached the dining room, I am sad to see that no one is here, and I hope that I am just the first to come down and the rest will come after, or I will be sad that I missed my chance to see Alana again. Just as I sit down and grab a coffee, one of our maids comes, "Are you ready for your breakfast sir?" she asks in her usual polite and sweet tone. "Has anyone else come down yet?" I ask ignoring her question wanting to know before I decide if I want my food now or to wait. "No sir, you are the first this morning", "I will wait until they all come then" I say in a cold tone wanting her to leave me alone.

Sitting on my phone playing a game I finish my first cup of coffee when I head footsteps come down and see Luca. "Hey bro, have you eaten?", "No, waiting on everyone to come", "Ah, so I haven't missed everyone then?", "By everyone you mean our new addition?", "Uh, yeah", "No I feel the same and want to be here to eat with everyone including our little sister." Luca just nods and grads himself some juice. We must sit for fifteen minutes when we hear more footsteps coming down and when we look, we can see our parents and our princess. Mum gives us a wide smile and asks how we slept and of course we answer but I cant seem to take my eyes of the little girl in her arms.

She looks so delicate and small, it's clear she has been crying from the little sniffles she gives every now and then but she seems relaxed enough in my mums arms resting on her shoulder and that becomes more known when mum tries to move her so she can have some breakfast and you can see the nerves in her eyes when mum turns her right round facing the table. I cant help but smile at her then proceed to eat my breakfast that had been brought out once my parents had sat down.

After breakfast we all sit in silence just relaxing after a lovely meal. I try to think of something to do for the day that I can try to include Alana in, since I really want to spend some time with her but I really don't know what she likes or what to do. I know she will be nervous and it will take time for trust to be build but the sooner we all start to act like one big family the sooner she will relax and trust us and realise she is OUR family. Stuck in my thoughts of what to do mum speaks up. "So once your father comes home we are going shopping cause little Lana bear needs some clothes and other things, don't you baby" she turns her attention to Alana at the end and starts to tickle her slightly and my heart melted she let out a little squeal and laugh, only a little since mum stopped and Alana just hid her face in mums shoulder again.

"Sounds like a plan, I think we should all go" I say looking towards my parents then Luca who I see is smiling and nodding his head in agreement. "Perfect, a family shopping day, in the meantime I have to head but I will be back as soon as possible, boys listen to your mother" our dad says standing up and getting ready to go but not before he beds down and gives Alana's forehead a kiss saying "I will see you soon princess, keep those boys in check for me will you" then heading out the front door. I know he is away to deal with a rat in the business, but I wish he would let his men deal with it and stay home today.

"So, what should we all do while waiting on dad coming home?" Luca asks while grabbing some more juice and downing it. "Maybe we should have a quiet morning and watch a movie" I suggest knowing it may help Alana settle a little. "That's a great idea, lets go" mum says quickly standing up and wondering over to the family room before Luca or I could say anything more which makes me laugh, it is nice to see her happy again, I missed her smile and chirpy voice.

Luca's POV

I was so happy when I came down for breakfast and found out that our parents and baby sister were yet to arrive. It's not often we sit and eat any meal except dinner together, so I was looking forward to having breakfast with everyone, especially out little sister. Breakfast went by quickly and I didn't want everyone to split and go do their own things so when Xander mentioned watching a movie while we wait on dad coming home, I was beaming.

We all made our way threw to the family room and got comfortable. Mum sat with Alana on her lap and had her turned so she was facing the T.V. "What do you want to watch baby?" I asked while I grabbed the remote and turned Disney plus on. She looked at me wide eyed and I felt bad for putting her on the spot. "How about Lilo and Stitch? I love that movie" I say trying to give her some ease and it worked, she gave me a little nod then looked down at her hands which seemed to be the most interesting thing in the world right now which made me chuckle. "Ok, here we go" I say all energetic and play the movie.

Halfway through the movie I noticed Alana getting restless and a look of discomfort was shown on her face. "Are you okay Lana baby?" I ask making her freeze and look away from me. I drop it seeing as I was not going to get an answer but not long after she starts moving again. "Princess, what's wrong, you can tell me," My mum says trying to get her to calm herself down. Lana sits for a moment before looking up at her with tears in her eyes and whispers something too quietly for me to hear. I look over at Xander and see his full focus is now on Lana as well, with concern showing for her. Next thing we know mum has gotten up with Lana and says she will be back in a few then proceeds to head upstairs.

Maria's POV

While sitting watching the movie, my princess had relaxed back and was leaning against me which I loved. We must have been half way through the movie when I felt her become restless but I ignored it thinking she may just need to move and get comfortable again, but that did not seem to be the case, she became more restless and you could see her eyes begin to water and it was then I had a feeling I knew what was going on. "Princess, what's wrong, you can tell me," I say quietly, and it takes her a few moments to speak up. "Need toilet" was all she said in such a low whisper I almost missed it. I dismiss us from the living room and make my way upstairs to the nursery before saying anything else because she need to start using her diapers and I didn't want to say it in front of the boys and embarrass her anymore that she already is and most likely will be until she gets use to it.

Once in the nursery I sit down on the rocking chair and hold her close. "Princess, I know you need to go potty but that's what your diaper is for, I promise to change you as quick as possible" I say while rocking us and applying a little but of pressure on her tummy at the same time. This is when the water works started. "NOOOOOO, I'm not a baby, don't make me, pleaseeeee" she balls out saying the same thing over and over again. I just hold her and shush her while applying more pressure to help her out. I know she finally went by her wails getting louder and her struggles becoming weaker. "It's okay princess, I am so proud of you baby, come on let's get you changed then we can cuddle and get you a bottle, how does that sound?" by this point I have already got her laying down with he straps on and applying a new diaper. Once I am done, I pick her back up and rock her until she calms down.

Once Alana was calmer, I proceeded back down to the family room to see the boys looking at us with worried expressions. "Xander can you take Lana while I make a bottle?" I asked and he was more than happy to oblige. I passed Lana over and Xander just cuddled her close. I mouthed the words 'first time' to them and knew they knew what I meant with the knowing looks I got in return. As I made my way to the kitchen, I made a bottle of strawberry milk with extra nutrients blended in before heading back to my children. "May I?" Xander asked and I was happy to let him, it was nice to see him interacting with her and you could see she has relaxed a little bit.

With some reassurance Lana finally took the bottle and had fallen asleep ¾ of the way through. Xander stood up with her in his arms and told me he would put her to bed and bring the monitor back down with him.

I was happy and content for the first time in months, seeing my family happy again and to know I got the daughter I always wanted. Who could ask for more?

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