Chapter 39

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Antonio's POV

Waking up this morning I noticed my wife and daughter were gone which made me frown as usually I am usually first up. Getting up and ready for the day I head down to the dining room for breakfast and find my father, wife and daughter at the table.

Just then the boys come in with my mother in tow and they all sit and grab some breakfast. "So, what is the plan today?" Luca asks while stuffing his face, "I was hoping a day here, I have been gone for long enough and I am tired and would like a day at the pool with my family, also Lana is not herself, so I think it is best for her to be home where she feels safe" I say which catches everyone's attention. "What is wrong?" Xander asked while drinking his coffee, "Just quiet and feeling a little bit smaller today aren't we princess" "What do you mean by smaller dad?" "She won't speak and has refused solid food but will drink her milk, we think after yesterday's events and a scare during the night had just been a little too much for her, so we think she has regressed to a younger age to cope with it all" "What scare during the night?"

I sigh and tell them what had happened for the last time as I really don't want to remember it. I put it down to lack of sleep over the past few days as normally I am very alert but not last night, the one night I needed to be, and it cause harm to my daughter. No one says anything after this, and we all sit in silence for the remainder of breakfast. After a while I decided to get up and make my way outside and begin to set up the area around the pool, so it is all comfy when everyone comes out. It may be closer to winter now, but we have been lucky with the weather, and it is still rather warm out and on the plus side the pool is heated. By the time I have gotten everything set up the way I want it, the troops all come out. The boys have their swim attire on, and Lana has her swimsuit on with a pair of joggers on top to keep her warm till she is ready to go in the pool. "Don't you look precious, daddy will be right back" I say before heading in to get my swim gear on for later.

As I walk into my room and grab what is needed, I think about what I can do to get Lana back to her normal self, don't get me wrong I love the clingy side of her but I do like the side where she gets all cheeky and mischievous while running circles around us but I fear I have scared her too much but only time will tell. I grab everything and head through to the bathroom where we keep a lot of the pool stuff in a cupboard, I open it and pick up an inflatable for her along with a few other pool toys then proceed to head outside, sit beside my wife and I began to blow up the toys for the pool.

"Where is Lana?" I ask once I have finished, "She is with Luca, he went to grab something from his room and took her with" "Ah okay well I will put this stuff in the pool for when they come back for her to play with" I get up and head over to the pool placing everything in it and as I turn around I see Luca coming out with Lana, both of them laughing. "What's so funny?" I ask walking over to them "Nothing dad I was just ticking her and started laughing at her laughing and now we are going to play in the pool right sweets" Lana nods her head enthusiastically making a smile come to my face. "Have fun I will join you in a little bit okay" I walk off leaving them to have some fun and I sit and chat with my parents and wife.

Luca's POV

I begin to walk into the pool holding Lana close as I walk in. I did not think it was possible but she huddled in closer the deeper I got, and I know this is because last time the water was cold when she first got in but what she doesn't know is that mum had put the heating in the pool on so the water is actually rather warm. "Right sweets I am going to duck down a little in the water ok I promise its nice and warm almost like a warm bath" I can see the reluctance in her eyes as she looks at me. I get no response, but her head finds its way to my shoulder and I take that as my sign to continue on. I slowly go a little deeper before dipping down in the water to cover most of us.

I feel Lana hold a little tighter as I do but is quick to release once she realised that it is warm just like I promised, "See nice and warm" I say earning a giggle as she splashes about with her hand "Oh and look I think daddy got you some toys and floats to play with" I say grabbing a doughnut inflatable with a bit in the middle for her to sit in with her legs still in the water. I place her in and begin to push her around making boat noises causing fits of laughter to come from her. We play around for a good hour before I can see her getting sleepy, her laughs have died down, she is rubbing her eyes a lot and I know it is nearly lunch time and nap time is usually straight after but at this rate she may not manage through lunch.

"Right sweets let's get out of here and dry because someone looks sleepy" I say pushing the float she is on to the edge of the pool before jumping out the water and picking her up before I make my way over to our parents who have sat chatting the whole time we have been in the pool. "Someone is getting sleepy so maybe an early lunch for this one is needed" I say handing her over to dad who has her towel open and ready to wrap around her. "Lunch should be ready once she has been dried and dressed so won't have to wait that long" dad says before disappearing with Alana.

"She loves spending time with you, you make her day when you play with her" mum says handing me my towel. I wrap it around me before taking a seat next to her on the sofa. "I love her, I can't imagine life without her in it now. she is just so bubbly even when she does not want to talk, she still laughs it is like her way of communicating" "I agree sh..." mum started to talk before she was interrupted by a member of staff "Sorry miss but would you like lunch served out here or in the dining room today?" "No problem and out here would be fine thank you since it is a nice day" "Of course miss we will bring it out in about 10 minutes" he says before heading back into the house. "As I was going to say, I agree she has definitely brought a lot of joy and happiness into our family" mum says before a comfortable silence sets around us.

Antonio's POV

I am currently on my way back downstairs with a now clean, dried, dressed and sleepy Lana in my arms. I head to the dining room where I expected to see everyone sitting, waiting on us but when I enter no one is there "Where is mummy princess? I thought she would be here but I guess not, let's go find her" I say to Lana who I know is not paying attention in the slightest before turning around and heading back to the pool where I find everyone sitting around the outdoor table with lunch on the table and at the sight of her mum, Lana leans away from me and makes grabby hands to her in which I pass her over before taking my seat beside them.

"So, I have been thinking and I want your opinions on this" I say getting everyone's full attention "So our home is currently not safe to be in so I was thinking instead of making it safe again why don't we just stay here and have this as our main home?" I say looking around the table to gauge everyone's reactions "And of course mum and dad you would both be welcome to stay here with us if you wanted to" looking over to my parents with is serious face to show that I mean what I have said.

"I think that is a great idea, so much we can do here now that Alana is in our life's" Maria says with a big smile.

"I agree, I like the idea and I like it here" Xander agrees.

"I am happy with that" Luca adds in.

"We would be happy to move here but I think maybe our own place close by?" my father says looking at my mum before back at me. I nod in agreement knowing that they will want their privacy and that we need it to. Just before I am able to say anything we hear a big squeal coming from Lana as she claps her hands. "I guess my baby agrees too" I chuckle "Then it is settled, now let's dig in" and with that we eat lunch with some light chatter around that table while we ate and again Lana refused food but had her milk and after we managed to get some fruit in her before she fell asleep in her mothers arms. 

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