Chapter 38

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Maria's POV

I have laid awake for the past hour watching my husband and Lana sleep. I can't believe he reacted like that last night, but I do understand why he did. He has had a stressful week, and it was clear from his face that he was lacking sleep. Lana was in her own bed to start off with but as usual she woke from a nightmare so I brought her through to bed with me knowing she will settle beside me for the night. I did not think that having her in bed the first night Ant was back would cause this situation and I just hope that he doesn't beat himself up about it and I also hope that Lana doesn't fear him after it either.

While in my thoughts I feel a pat on my arm, so I look at who it is and see Lana has woken up. "Good morning honey did you have a good sleep?" I say picking her up and bringing her onto my lap, she says nothing and just snuggled into my chest while putting her thumb in her mouth. I reach over to my side unit and grab her paci then exchange her thumb for it. "Are we not up for talking this morning? Are you just my little baby right now?" I say in a childish voice while rocking her back and forth a little. It does concern me a little that she is not talking, not that she talks a lot anyway but normally we get a reply.

"Well why don't we let daddy sleep, and we will go get some breakfast yet?" I say getting up and heading for the bedroom door. As we head downstairs to the dining room, I can see Jack sitting with his coffee while reading a newspaper. "Morning Jack" "Morning Maria, and a good morning to you too princess Lana" he says with his voice getting a little childish at the end as he takes her from me and sitting back down. When she doesn't reply he looks over to me with confusion all over his face. "We had a little scare last night didn't we honey" I say as I sit beside them "Oh, what happened?" "She woke during the night and tried to wake daddy up and daddy got a fright and grabbed her pinning her on the bed giving our baby girl a big fright and I think this is why we don't feel like talking this morning" "Oh dear, I am sure your daddy didn't mean to scare you and I bet you scared him more than he lets on" Jack says trying to coax words out but had no luck.

I grab a plate and put some scrambled egg and chopped up sausage on it then take Alana back to feed her. I get some egg on a spoon and bring it up to her mouth, but she turns her head into me and puts her thumb in her mouth again. I sat for 10 minutes trying to get her to eat with no luck and gave up but I knew I couldn't not give her something so I thought maybe she would take a bottle of milk. "Jack, could you take her or get a bottle or milk for me please" "I will get the milk since she seems to be needing you at the moment" he says getting up and heading to the kitchen as I look down at her. There is definitely something new to her today that has not been there before and I can't place my finger on it but she definitely seems more innocent than usual if that it the correct word to use.

Jack comes back with a warm bottle and hands it over before taking his seat and refilling his coffee. "Right baby girl here's your milk" I say taking her thumb out her mouth and placing the bottle in her mouth. Lana gladly latches on and starts to drink which makes me happy, but I am still concerned that she refused solid food and wont talk. I watch her as she drinks, and I see her looking back at me as her hands grip my top and I feel so much love run threw me at this moment and all of it was for this little one currently in my arms. "She was made for this family, she may not be blood, but anyone can see she belongs here" Jack says quietly beside me, and I nod to agree with him.

This little girl has had a difficult childhood and now she is here we have seen a huge difference in her. The first time I seen her I could see how small and underweight she was along with the fear that showed in her eyes and now over these last few weeks I have seen her grow, her personality is just a bundle of joy, she lights up the room when she laughs and she has managed to slip her way into everyone's hearts as well as bringing our family back together and I will always appreciate that.

Just as I'm thinking about all this, I did not notice Ant walk into the room until I got his hand on my shoulder causing me to jump. "Sorry love, I did not mean to scare you, seems I have been good at that recently" "It's ok love I was just stuck in my thoughts" "Why is she having a bottle?" he asked as he took his seat beside me and began to fill his plate with food and his cup with coffee. "She has refused all solid food this morning and what is more concerning is that she has not said one word have you honey" I say while still looking down at her. "Not one word?" "No, but there is something about her that is different if you know what I mean" "I did think this last night after I scared her but I thought it was just because I scared her" "It is almost like she has regressed, it is like everything has been a little too much after the events of yesterday and then the scare during the night has maybe just knocked her over the edge and this may be her way dealing with it" "Yeah I think you could be right and it would explain a lot" Jack says looking over at us smiling.

I look back down at Lana and notice she has finished her milk, so I remove the bottle and give her face a wipe "I think I have a tiny baba on my hands am I right" I say giving her tummy a little tickle which in turn earns a bundle of laughter from her. "At least she is laughing, that is at least a sign that she is okay" Jack says before getting up and heading out the room leaving Ant, Lana and myself at the table. I guess he is right as long as she is smiling and laughing then we know all is well and what ever this is going on with her now will pass when she is ready.

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