Chapter 36

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Antonio's POV

I did not mean to scare my princess and it did hurt when she flinched away from me, but I don't blame her. I made myself soften everything about me in order to get her to want to come to me and it worked. I currently have my baby back in my arms and I don't want to let her go ever again and from the grip she has around my neck I think she feels the same way, definitely a daddy's little girl. We make our way back to the cars and I go to get in with my family while Sergi takes my car home. Just as I am about to place Alana down, she grabs onto me tighter if that is even possible, and whines. I chuckle at her before speaking to her. "Princess if we are to go home then you need to go in your seat" "No leave me gain" "I won't princess I promise" She reluctantly lets go and I sit her down, strapping her in before sitting down beside her.

"Let's go home," I say with my family all sitting close with a mix of happy yet angry faces. Happy that I am finally home but angry at the bastards who came after our little girl, and I know we are going to have fun tonight. As we set off for home, I look down at Alana who has fallen asleep, I swear that child is always tired when we get in the car, I smile down at her and then proceed to pull my wife closer. "I missed you my love" "I missed you too Ant, please tell me that he is dead, and this is over for good" "He is and once we deal with the idiots from the park then yes it will be over," I say giving her a kiss before I hear Xander speak up. "I can't wait to torture those bastards tonight" "Me too," Luca says while looking pissed off. "You boys can have all the fun then while I spend some time with my lovely wife, just make sure it is after your sister has gone to bed, so she does not ask questions" "Yes Dad," they say in unison. The rest of the journey was quiet, everyone was just happy with each other's company.

Once we reach home, I unbuckle my seatbelt and try to leave the car, but I hear Lana whine when I try to let go of her hand with the one that she grabbed before falling asleep making me chuckle at her reluctance even while she is asleep. "She missed you more than I think you realize; I know she loves me but she is definitely a daddy's girl for sure" my wife says standing at the now open door at the other side of Alana as she strokes her face and begins to unbuckle her "I missed her too and I am glad she is a daddy's girl since the boys were mummy's boys" I manage to pry my hand from her before getting out and picking her up and making my way inside.

As we get inside, I make my way to the living room and sit down and decide to wake Alana up or she will not sleep tonight since it is coming up for dinner time so really, she can't sleep much longer. "Princess, wake up for daddy" she whines just like she did in the car before bringing her hands up to rub her eyes, but I intercept them before she is able to which causes her eyes to snap open and she looks up at me. I smile down at her and give her a kiss on her head "How is my princess, I missed you" she smiles up at me but keeps quiet making me frown slightly but I am quick to hide it and smile again. "Do you not feel like talking baby girl? That's okay we can just cuddle" I relax back against the sofa, closed my eyes and enjoyed the quiet with my little girl cuddled in close playing with my tie. We must have sat there for a good 10 minutes before I felt a hand on my shoulder before the sweet voice of my wife hits me "Honey dinner is ready, pass me Lana and we will go sit" "Coming love but I am not ready to let go of this precious little bean" I say standing and heading to the dining room.

We sit and have a lovely dinner as a family. I have Lana sitting with me since she refused to let go of me when I tried to sit her in her chair, but I was not complaining about it. Once our main meal was finished the chef brought out a lovely Victoria sponge cake with a big jug of cream and another of custard. I cut off a bigger than average slice so I can share it with Alana knowing she is getting full, "Custard or cream Lana?" she looks up at me and then points to warm custard. This silence is a little worrying, but I leave it be for now and begin to feed her a piece of cake.

"What has everyone got planned tonight?" I ask while wiping some custard off Lana's face, "Nothing planned till bedtime" Xander says and Luca replies saying the same thing along with my father. I know that the 3 of them plan on having some fun later tonight and I will not stop them. "I think I will have a nice bath and an early night Ant, it has been an eventful day" "Okay mum" and with that she dismisses herself from the table, kissing us all good night and heads up to her room. "I want to spend my evening with my baby and loving husband. Maybe we can go to the playroom and play with Lana?" Maria says and I nod thinking it is a great idea.

Maria and I are currently in the playroom with Alana who is currently very messy with paint all over her hands and face. She decided that she wanted to paint mummy and daddy a picture, so we got everything out and set up for her. While she is doing that, Maria and I are sitting next to her just watching and helping when she needs a little hand. By the time she is finished there is a big mess all over the paper, her and some made it to the floor, "Why don't we go have a bath princess? My little girl can't be seen very well from all the paint" I say as I pick her up making her laugh at me and I missed that laugh. We have a fun bath time filled with bubbles and laughter and once she was out and all cosy in her pj's, Maria came in with a bottle of milk and began to read a book for her as I helped her with the bottle. It was not long before she was out like a light and I placed her in bed, tucked her in and kissed her goodnight.

"As much as I hate what has happened today and want to see them suffer I would rather not, so you go with the boys and do what needs done and I will stay here with our baby okay" Maria says giving me a passionate kiss before heading off to our room. As much as I want to be with her, I do know that I need to take my anger out on those who tried to harm my family. As I get downstairs I see my father and boys at the front door getting ready to leave for the basement round back of the house where the arseholes are currently stationed. "I am coming with you, give me a second" I say before grabbing my shoes and jacket since it has gotten colder out now it is dark.

We leave the house and approach the door to the basement which is basically a shed out the back with stairs in it leading down underground to where our soundproof room is. As we enter, we can see the 3 men tied with their hands above their heads attached to hooks looking rather beaten up and I smirk at them knowing that this would have been Tony and Sergi's doing. They adore that little girl as much as the rest of us do and I know they would do anything for her if she asked for their help, even the quiet 'I keep to myself' Sergi has softened up to her, he thinks I don't know but I see the way his eyes soften as she appears around him and Tony will do anything to make her laugh, it is rather amusing really to see my stond cold men soften to a child.

I decided to sit and let my sons deal with these guys, I was not wanting to go home covered in blood just in case Lana has woken and would be in our bedroom, the last thing I want is her to see any more of this side of us and what she heard earlier today was too much as it is and I wont risk her seeing or hearing anymore if I can help it. I sit down and look at the 3 beaten guys in front of me with a sinister smile on my face "You boys are in for a treat. I believe my sons have a lot planned for you all" I say while resting back in my chair as Tony brings me a glass of whisky knowing I will enjoy the show better with a drink in hand. "You don't scare us" the one in the middle says but his eyes speak differently from his words, all I can see is fear and I love it. "You know if you hadn't come for my daughter, it would have been a quick death for you all but now my family have the urge to do some damage since there was harm aimed at our little princess so now your quick death has turned into your worst nightmare. Have fun boys I am going to enjoy watching this" and with that, they begin to circle them with fury in their eyes and stone-cold faces giving nothing but hatred for the weasels in front of them away.

Let the fun begin.

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