Chapter 19

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Antonio's POV

What a night, Alana woke up screaming at roughly 3am and refused to go back to sleep, so to say I am tired is an understatement and to top it all off I have just received a call from the warehouse by the coast that out shipment of drugs was missing 2 million worth which just made my sour, tired mood 100x worse. I am glad Xander had agreed to come help his mum and spend some time with Alana while I go deal with this, it may do her some good to do something with him and maybe he will have a better chance at getting her to eat and drink as it is not lunch and she has not touched anything all day.

"Love can you please put Alana down for a nap? Maybe she will feel better when she wakes" my wife comes and asks me while handing Alana over. "Come here princess" I say as I take her from my wife and make my way upstairs. I decided not to offer her a bottle as I am more than sure that she will refuse. We reach the nursery and I place her down on the changing table, placing the strap over her and was about to proceed to checking her diaper but out of nowhere he completely freaked out. I have seen her fight me and get upset but this was completely different and for the first time today she speaks, well screams words out.

"GET THE FUCK OFF ME" Alana screams at me which takes me back a little thinking what has gotten into her, things were going so well and after what she said last night, I had hope that things would have settled completely but I guess I was wrong. Alana fights me tooth and nail like she hasn't before. "Alana stop it now, this behaviour is not acceptable" I say in a stern tone hoping like the last time I used it she would stop but no it had the opposite effect, "I SAID GET OFF ME" She screams again and this time manages to land a kick on my arm as I'm fastening and fresh diaper on, "ALANA ENOUGH NOW" I say a lot louder and firmer than I meant to but this doesn't stop her and she continues to kick her legs out and scream profanities at me. "Last chance Alana, stop this now or I will have no choice but to punish you" I give her this chance to try and calm down, this is her one and only warning, but I have a feeling she is far to gone to register what I am saying and when she continues, I knew I was right. Sighing I know I have to do this, and I really do not want to but she needs to learn that this behaviour will not be tolerated and whatever it is going on in her head or whatever her feelings are, she needs to learn to speak to us, no matter what we will listen and help her, that is what we are here for, this is what family is for.

I pick Alana up with her thrashing in my grasp and I sit down in the rocking chair placing her over my lap and putting my hand on her back to keep her in place. Since it's her first punishment I leave the diaper on and proceed to tell her what is happening, "Alana for this behaviour I am going to give you a spanking for a punishment, I gave you a warning, but you did not listen. I am going to start now," I proceed to dish out her punishment and her thrashing and screams turns to crying. "STOP, PLEASEE" She cries out, I don't think she realised that it hurts me to do this but I can't stop until it's finished, she must realise that there are other ways to talk about how she feels and lashing out like this it not one of those ways.

By the time I give out 10 spanks she is a crying mess. "It's all done princess, you did so well, I need you to know that it hurts me just as much as it hurts you to have to do punishments like this but you have to understand that no matter what or how you feel there are better ways to express it and how you have acted this afternoon is not the way" I say to her calmly and I bring her closer for a hug. She grabbed onto my shirt and hid her face in my chest while crying her heart out and it was breaking mine hearing her. "Can you talk to me? Tell me what's is going on, why have you been so upset all night and today?" I gently ask trying to encourage an answer but get nothing from her. I know she needs to process everything, so I decide to let her know I am getting her changed into comfier clothes like her pj's then we will sit and cuddle for a little bit, again no response.

I lay her back down and put the stap in place then make quick work of changing her clothes, I think she is too upset to really be able to process what I am doing, not that I am complaining since it makes it quick work for me, I am quick to finish and pick her back up Making my way over to the bedroom lights, I dim the light and make my way back over to the rocking chair. As I sit down, I pull my phone out and find some calming music and put it on a low sound setting and cuddle my little girl close as I begin to rock the chair and whispering sweet nothings to her. I want her to know I love her regardless and will be here when she is ready to talk to me.

We must sit there for a good 20 minutes when I see Xander come up and give me a questioning look. I mouth to him 'tell you shortly', he gives me a nod and I look back down at my baby girl who is currently struggling to keep her eyes open and as much as I need to be at the warehouse, I will not leave until she is asleep which doesn't take much longer. I get up once she is out cold and gently place her in the crib, tucking her in and giving her teddy and paci to her. I kiss her goodbye and leave to the living room and speak to my son and wife.

"I don't know what is wrong with her, but she lashed out badly and managed to land a kick, sadly I had to give her a spanking and now she is asleep." I tell them and my wife looks at me with a sad face, "Oh dear, I wish she would talk to us" she says before coming over and giving me a hug, "I know love, and I wish I could say she will wake up fine, but I have a feeling she may be how she was this morning, she just needs time to process" "You are right" "Dad when are you heading?" Xander asked which makes me groan as I really do not want to go, "Now son, take care and help your mother if our princess wakes up before I come home, oh shit I just remembered, I forgot the monitor in the nursery" "That's fine dad I will go grab it now, see you when your home" I say good bye to my family and make my way out the door while calling Toni and Sergi to bring the car round, them making our way to the warehouse.

Xander's POV

Once my dad leaves, I give my mum a reassuring smile and suggest to her that maybe she should go relax and watch the tv or even have a nap. I let her know that I am going to head up to the nursery and I will sit in there for a bit and not to worry about Alana, that I will look after her for a bit once she wakes up. I make my way up to my room and I grab my laptop then head over to her room and quietly walk over to the rocking chair. Taking a seat, I open my laptop and get to work on some college work. I glance over at Alana a few times and all I can think is how lucky we are to have her as a member of our family, and I know she is finding it hard, but I just hope she will come around and understand how lucky she is to have this fresh start with a family who have loved her since the moment we met her.

I am ½ way threw my course work and I hear Alana begin to stir, so I save my work and shut my laptop down placing it on the unit next to me. "Hey sweetheart, did you have a good nap?" I ask and silently coo at how adorable she looks as she rubs her eyes, which I do stop her doing so she doesn't hurt them. I get no reply, but from what dad said earlier, I was not expecting one, so I pick her up and sit back down on the chair. "How are you feeling?" I ask trying to get anything out of her but again nothing, so I turn to a new tactic, I grab her teddy out of her crib and as stupid as I feel, I begin to talk to it.

"Hey it's Stitch right? Well, I don't know if you know this, but this little girl here is my baby sister and I am really worried about her, she has been very quiet today and hasn't have anything to eat, I was hoping you may be able to help, maybe you could let her know that we love her and we are here for her and we only want the best for her, can you do that for me?" I ask directly to this teddy before bringing it up to my war then making a few 'ooh's', 'ahh's' and even say 'that would be great' then I pass the teddy over to Alana who I noticed started looking at me when I was taking to the teddy. Alana looks at her teddy then me before reaching, taking it and holding it close. I hear her sigh and relax against me making me smile down at her and hold her closer.

"How about we go see if there is maybe some soup for lunch? I LOVE soup" I tell her in over excited voice which gives her a little fright and drops her teddy but she is quick to relax again and it makes me happy but what makes me more happy is she nods her head to my soup suggestion, so I am quick to stand up with her and we start to head out but she begins to squirm in my arms reaching out, "What's wrong baby?" I ask as I look round to see what she is trying to reach for, I think it may be her teddy, so I go pick it up and give it to her which she gladly takes and cuddles into me as we head down to the dining room. 

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